to this day

[tu ðɪs de][tu: ðis dei]


  • In that sense I attempt up to this day .

    就那样我尝试着, 目前 为止

  • To this day I have not understood nasser 's motives .

    我至今也搞不明白,纳赛尔为什么 这样

  • To this day I still carry the same discipline at work in my life and my artwork .

    直到 今天我仍然在工作进行同一学科在我的生活和我的作品。

  • I haven 't told him the whole story to this day .


  • The news sent shock waves through the community that have continued to reverberate to this day .

    这则消息震惊了整个社区, 直到 现在还波澜未息。

  • To this day I can 't forget how insecure I felt but it made me work harder .

    直到 今天,我还是没有办法忘记我当时的不安全感,但是这种感觉让我更加努力地工作。

  • Look to this day for yesterday is but a dream .

    关注 今天,因为昨天不过是一个梦。

  • I was awful and to this day I apologize to Zhou Xuan for murdering her 1937 hit song .

    我感觉糟透了, 今天我要向周璇道歉,因为我糟蹋了她1937年的热门歌曲。

  • But my belief is that he came safe to Aslan 's country and is alive there to this day .

    不过我相信它平安到达了阿斯兰的国土, 今天还健在呢。

  • To this day I am baffled .

    直到 今天我还是很困惑。

  • Even to this day we don 't know what happened for sure .

    即使 现在我们也不确定究竟发生了什么。

  • To this day I don 't know wether my father is alive or dead .


  • To this day I still don 't understand why he did it .

    直到 今天仍然不明白他当时为什么那样做。

  • To this day it 's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered


  • To this day I carry a pocket watch .

    直到 今天,我还装着一只怀表。

  • The cause of his death remains a mystery to this day .

    他的死因 至今还是一个谜。

  • To this day I do not know what came of the doll .

    直到 今天我还是不知道娃娃究竟出了什麽问题。

  • To this day young Zulu boys practise fighting .

    直到 现在年轻的祖鲁男孩还练习格斗。

  • Some of you carry great guilt to this day as a result of this work .

    你们当中有些人就携带那项工作结果的巨大罪疚 直到 今天

  • To this day I hate waste .


  • To this day I do not regret having made the remark .


  • To this day we wave to each other every time we head off in different directions .

    直到 今天,每次当我们前往不同的方向,我们 总会相互挥手。

  • Many of the popular poems of that time did not have a chance to be handed down to this day .


  • I remain to this day fluent in Hebrew while my Arabic is atrocious

    时至 今日,我的希伯来语仍很流利,但阿拉伯语却糟透了

  • I think it only proved to this day that you can 't judge right away .

    直到 今天我认为其仅仅 证明你不能立刻下结论。

  • Those words have had a huge impact on me to this day .

    这些 仍然对我有着巨大的影响。

  • Avant-garde music to this day has not found general public acceptance .

    先锋音乐 时至 今日都没有得到大众的广泛认可。

  • I didn 't find time to say good-bye to you before I left . I regret it to this day .

    行前未及告别, 至今引为憾事。

  • So they launched a patriotic education campaign that continues to this day .

    因此,他们发起了一场持续 至今的“爱国主义教育”运动。