to take action

[tu tek ˈækʃən][tu: teik ˈækʃən]


  • They will not hesitate to take action .

    他们会毫不犹豫 采取 行动的。

  • If there 's something or someone you want now is the time to take action .

    如果有什么东西或者什么人是你想要的,那些现在是时候 行动了。

  • This proves that a few people who dare to take action can greatly motivate and inspire many others .

    这证明了一些 敢于 行动的人可以鼓动和激励很多其他人。

  • With or without US leadership it is in their interests to take action .

    无论有没有美国的领导, 采取 行动 应对这一问题都符合这些国家的利益。

  • I felt that it was time for me to take action .

    我觉得是我 采取 行动的时候了。

  • I think you must have write evidence to take action for arbitration .

    你们提出仲裁 起诉必须有书面证据。

  • A dashboard is a view of the most important information needed to take action and make decisions .

    仪表板是 需要 采取 行动和作出决定的最重要信息进行展示的视图。

  • Most employees who needed to take action did .

    大多数需要 采取 行动的员工都 采取了相应的 行动

  • Your future self wants you to take action today to disrupt the habit of settling .

    未来的你想让你自己今天就 采取 行动来打破安定的习惯。

  • All of us have to take action to protect our living environment .

    我们大家都 必须 采取 行动来保护我们的生活环境。

  • You might but then you 'll come up with another excuse not to take action .

    但是等到那时你又会有新的理由而放弃 好好生活了。

  • We have the ability to respond or the ability to take action .

    我们有能力去做出回应,我们也有能力 采取 行动

  • Claim it as your reality now and that will encourage you to take action .

    现在就宣称你的梦想就是现实,这样会激励你 采取 行动

  • He also sexually harassed many women and so we decided to take action against him .

    他还 许多妇女性骚扰,所以我们决定对他 采取 行动

  • We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology .

    我们 必须 采取 措施保护专利技术。

  • this means you will never actually have to take action and confront your fear .

    ,等待意味着你将永远不会 采取 行动,不会面对恐惧。

  • It is time for us to take action .

    该是我们 采取 行动的时候了。

  • Both issues face formidable challenges in persuading political leaders and the public of the urgent need to take action .

    这两个问题都面临着说服政治领导人和公众迫切 采取 行动的令人生畏的挑战。

  • We will continue to post the results on our website and to take action as appropriate .

    我们将继续在网站上公布我们的查验结果,并 采取适当的 措施

  • Soon the moon in Scorpio will empower you to take action and you will make an impact .

    然后是月亮移位至天蝎,这将给予你能量 采取 行动,你将给周围带来影响。

  • I knew I needed to take action .

    我知道我 采取 行动了。

  • Haunted by dreams that you are wasting your life you finally decide to take action .

    闹鬼的梦想,你是在浪费你的生命,你终于决定 采取 行动

  • A : I think it 's time for the govemment to take action .

    我认为政府该 采取 行动了。

  • I now start to take action !

    我现在就 开始 行动

  • What if someone begins to take action ?

    要是现在有人 开始 行动了呢?

  • I decide to take action immediately : to work out a detailed study plan for this term .

    我决定 马上 行动:制定一份详细的学期学习计划。

  • It encourages us to take action now and make a change .

    它激励我们 现在 开始落实 行动、做出改变。

  • So I assume this means that y 're going to take action on this .

    我想这也就也就意味着你们将对此 采取 行动

  • When you least want to do something is often when you most need to take action .

    有句话说的好:当你最不想做某事的时候,也正是你最需要 采取 行动的时候。

  • These two special bars also allow you to take action .

    你还可以 这两个特殊的边栏上 进行 操作