tourist attraction

[ˈtʊrɪst əˈtrækʃən][ˈtuərist əˈtrækʃən]


  • The Red Flag Canal is not only a great irrigation project but also a famous tourist attraction .

    红旗渠不仅是一项伟大的水利工程,而且现在已经成为 旅游 胜地了。

  • The Liberty Bell is now a major tourist attraction .

    自由钟现在是一个主要的 旅游 景点

  • Study on the Development of Human Resources of Tourist Attraction

    旅游 景区人力资源开发研究&以 泰安

  • That 's a really famous tourist attraction .

    那真的是一个著名的 观光 胜地

  • Prague ( Czech : Praha ) a major tourist attraction is its capital and largest city .

    布拉格(捷克: Praha)是其首都和最大的城市,也是著名的 观光 胜地

  • The Tower of London where so many people lost their lives is now a tourist attraction .

    在伦敦塔中曾有许多人丧命,它现在是 旅游 胜地

  • The film sets have become a tourist attraction .

    电影拍摄场景已成为一个 旅游 胜地

  • Icebergs floating towards New Zealand have become a new tourist attraction bringing business opportunities to local helicopter companies .

    据英国《泰晤士报》报道,正向新西兰漂去的冰山给当地的直升机 观光公司带来新的商机。

  • Wildlife is Zimbabwe 's main tourist attraction .

    野生动物是津巴布韦最主要的 观光 景点

  • The vivacious and colourful street life of Bangkok was a tourist attraction in itself .

    曼谷街头轻快多彩的生活本身对 游客就是一种 吸引

  • It has become a new tourist attraction in Sunshine Town .

    它已经成了阳光镇一个新的 旅游 景点

  • Now it 's a National Scenic Spot a reference site of China Civilized Scenic Spot Area and a National AAAAA Tourist Attraction .

    现为国家级重点风景名胜区、全国文明风景旅游区示范点和国家AAAAA级 旅游

  • With the beautiful scenery of hills and waters Mountain Kunyu is the best tourist attraction and summer resort .

    因为迷人的山水风景,昆嵛山是最佳的 旅游 胜地和避暑胜地。

  • Though expensive it 's a great tourist attraction .

    尽管价格不菲,这是一个伟大的 旅游 景点

  • If you own a hotel or inn tour company restaurant or tourist attraction you cannot afford to miss out on American tourism .

    如果你拥有一家酒店或旅馆,旅游公司,饭店或 旅游 景点,你不能错过美国旅游了。

  • Blackpool is the top tourist attraction in England .

    布莱克浦是英国的顶级 旅游 胜地

  • This open-air zoo is the No.1 tourist attraction in the region .

    露天动物园是这地方的第一 旅游 热点

  • Makes it world-famous tourist attraction .

    使三峡成为世界著名的 旅游 景点

  • We hope the Hefei-Tongling-Huangshan Freeway could strengthen our link with the Huangshan Mountain tourist attraction .

    现在,有了“合铜黄”高速公路,我们也特别希望能和黄山 旅游 资源加强密切联系。

  • Anxin County beautiful natural scenery is a famous tourist attraction in northern China .

    安新县自然风光秀丽,是中国北方著名的 旅游 胜地

  • The former capital and 2nd largest city of Brazil ; famous as a tourist attraction .

    巴西以前的首都和第二大城市;很受欢迎的 旅游 胜地

  • Viewing skyscrapers in Pudong has become a tourist attraction for visitors in Shanghai .

    如今,浦东光楼已成了上海的一大 旅游 景观

  • A young Russian man has been murdered in a Vampire Castle a tourist attraction ;

    一个年轻的俄罗斯男人在一座“吸血鬼城堡”里被谋杀了,城堡是有名的 旅游 景点

  • Cities towns and tourist attraction usually recruit a celebrity to switch on their Christmas lights .

    据英国《每日邮报》11月25日报道,每逢圣诞节,英国的各大城市、城镇以及 旅游 景点通常会招募一位名流来为这些地方开启圣诞灯。

  • The small Ohio city where it was filmed is a tourist attraction .

    该片拍摄所在地的那座俄亥俄州小城成了 旅游 景点

  • Today the monastery 's primary function is as a tourist attraction .

    现在,现在修道院的主要功能是作为一个 旅游 景点

  • As a tourist attraction the mountains are attracting tourists from far away with its uniqueness .

    作为一个 旅游 胜地,公母山以它的独特魅力,吸引着各地游客。

  • Now it is a tourist attraction .

    而今它已成为一个 旅游 景点

  • The walled city is an important tourist attraction .

    这座由城墙围绕的城市是个重要的 旅游 胜地

  • Tropical plants sandy desert waterfalls craters and caves make a tourist attraction .

    热带植物、沙漠、瀑布、火山口与洞穴吸引了 游客