total labour force

[ˈtotl ˈlebɚ fɔrs][ˈtəutəl ˈleibə fɔ:s]

[经] 劳动力总数

  • At present people aged 65 and above exceed 600 and account for about 10 % of our total population . Hong Kong 's labour force stood at 3.5 million of whom 60.5 per cent were male and 39.5 per cent were female .

    现时,六十五岁以上的人数达 六十多万,约占全港人口百分之十。全港 劳动人口有350万人,其中男性占60.5%,女性占39.5%。

  • At present the number of floating population has been as large as 140 accounting for 10 per cent of the total national population and 30 per cent of the rural labour force .

    目前,全国流动人口数量已经高达1.4亿,超过全国人口 总数的10%,约占农村 劳动力的30%。