


  • Paths tangled like reel of thread give an impression of typical European townlet which cultivates people 's mind and temperament .

    纠缠如毛线团的街道, 不仅构成了欧洲 小镇的独有 形象感觉,亦是人培养思想气质的场所。

  • Townlet plays a main role in solving three agricultural problems .

    城镇 担负解决 三农 问题的主要角色。

  • On engineering construction of townlet waterworks


  • He lived in an out-of-the-way nook of the townlet and in trying to find her course thither her eyes fell upon Mr d'Urberville standing at a street corner .

    那个 商人住在这个 小镇的偏僻角落里,她在寻 商人 屋子那儿去的时候,眼睛看见了站在街角处的 德贝维尔先生。

  • Pollution Transfer Problem in Townlet Development
