tough luck

[tʌf lʌk][tʌf lʌk]


  • But if Aguero wants to go to Real Madrid tough luck for us .

    但如果 阿圭罗想要去皇家马德里,对我们 来说

  • Well tough luck that boy 's mine now .


  • Tough luck on whoever 's got any secrets to hide .

    不管是哪个藏着秘密的 这次可有

  • Tough luck Barret you played a great game .

    巴雷特,你 运气 ,其实你的球打得很漂亮。

  • Oh tough luck ! The steak is as tough as leather .


  • Cindy : Gee that 's tough luck . How about I come over and help ?

    辛迪:唉, 倒楣。我过来帮忙好不好?

  • Tough luck but shit happens .


  • So you should indeed take turns and if that is occasionally sub-optimal tough luck .

    因此,你们确实应该轮流做,如果有时没有达到最优效果, 就算 倒霉

  • It allows us to say to those whose health care or tuition may rise faster than they can afford & tough luck .

    它允许我们对那些医疗费用涨得飞快缺不能负担的人说& 倒霉

  • If you can 't get here in time that 's your tough luck .

    如果你不能及时到达这里,那你 活该 倒霉

  • Victor : That 's really tough luck . I 'll go over and ask him if he 'd like to borrow my laptop . Maybe he could finish the report on that .

    维克多:那真是 倒楣。我过去问问吉姆要不要借用我的膝上电脑。也许他可以用膝上电脑完成报告。