torque arm

[tɔrk ɑrm][tɔ:k ɑ:m]


  • Electronic compass was used for collecting the robot posture data . The feedback of current which was connecting with torque was used for arm posture detection .

    姿态检测 模块采用电子罗盘对机器人躯体进行姿态数据采集,采用电流与 转矩的反馈对 进行姿态检测。

  • Isothermal Forging Process of 2214 Alloy Anti - torque Arm

    2214铝合金防 等温模锻工艺的研究

  • Luffing speed and luffing force ( torque ) were considered as the main parameters for the arm luffing mechanism . The expansion rate of luffing cylinder was calculated by geometrical method and the force of luffing cylinder was determined by statics method .

    工作 变幅机构主参数是变幅速度和变幅力( 力矩),变幅缸伸缩速度用几何方法;变幅缸推力用静力学方法。

  • Fatigue Life Evaluation of Auto Torque Arm

    汽车 疲劳寿命分析

  • According to the technique requirement of the anti torque arm lower joint forging the isothermal forming is sure of the best forming process .

    根据防 下接头锻件技术条件要求,确定了等温成形工艺为最佳成形工艺方案。

  • Limit switches can easily be attached to the yoke of the valve . The torque arm will actuate the switches in open and closed positions .

    在阀门的轭架上,可以容易的附加限制开关。 会将开关设置在开启和关闭的位置。

  • The torque arm will actuate the switches in open and closed positions .


  • Another is how to design an effective force / torque generator to make an operator feel the telepresence force that the slave arm will receive from the environment during tasks .

    二是如何把从 机械 在异地与环境的作用力高保真地 传递给本地的操作者,使之获得 如临其境的力觉临场感。

  • Design of Digit Torque Wrench for Top Arm

    用数字 力矩 扳手的设计

  • The torque of the apery arm can be obtained via the virtual force field . Using the torque and joint optimization a redundant joint is selected in real time and virtual equivalent torque is solved . The redundant joint can be controlled by the force feedback .

    利用其构成的虚拟力场对仿人 产生的 扭矩及关节优化,实时选择一个冗余关节并求等效虚拟扭矩,以其构成力反馈控制该冗余关节。

  • The experimental results show that the IV theory is more effective and the torque sensor can match the requirement of the light weight arm system .

    实验结果表明,辅助变量法具有更好的 补偿作用,设计的 力矩传感器满足轻型 系统的要求。

  • Torque Sensor Design for Light Weight Arm Joint

    轻型 关节 力矩传感器的设计

  • Isothermal forming process of 7075 alloy anti torque arm lower joint

    7075铝合金防 下接头等温体积成形工艺的研究

  • So the torque that I apply is bF is this arm so to speak times this force .

    ,所以我用的 bF,在这边,可以说,乘以力。

  • The dynamic equation of arm rotating joint was established based on Lagrange equation . The relationship between torque and rotation angle of the arm rotation joint were obtained .

    应用拉格朗日方程建立起摆臂旋转关节的动力学方程,得出 旋转关节处的 转矩 转角之间的关系。