
[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 托尔地貌名称,多石山顶,来源于凯尔特语[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 托尔绰号,像公牛者,来源于盎格鲁诺曼底法语[地名] [英国] 托尔

  • The paper describes a special equipment for vacuum friction test and presents f-v test curves for combinations of PTFE-granite PTFE-chromium plating steel and PTFE-steel ball in a vacuum of 10-3 Torr .

    本文描述了一台专用的真空摩擦试验装置,并给出了真空度为10~(-3) ,PTFE-花岗石、PTFE镀铬铜和PTFE钢球三种摩擦副材料的f-v实验曲线;

  • The interferograms also showed that the plasma is essentially stable during the first half-cycle of the main compressive magnetic field in the range 45-80 m Torr deuterium pressures .

    干涉图照片还表明,在45至 80mTorr氘气压范围内,等离子体在主压缩磁场的第一个半周期内基本上都是稳定的。

  • The application of that new multiplier in extremely high vacuum measurements provides possibility on solving the measuring problem of 10 ~ ( - 13 )~ 10 ~ ( 15 ) torr .

    新型倍增器在极高真空测量中的应用,为解决10~(-13)~10~(15) 的测量难题提供了新的可能。

  • The gas pressure window for building a hot electron ring is ( 0.4-1.2 )× 10 ( - 5 ) Torr as the gyrotron output is about 30 kW .

    在回旋管输出30kW功率的条件下,适于建立热电子环的气体压力窗为(0.4&1.2)×10~(-5) Torr

  • The water temperature in the tube has been kept at 95 × for 6000 hrs while the pressure in the vacuum jacket was lower than 5 × 10-5 Torr it may be considered that the collector tube has long vacuum life time .

    集热管内水温保持在95℃,经6000小时后真空套管中压强仍低于5×10~(-5) ,表明本集热管有长的真空寿命。

  • It shows that for obtaining strong He ⅱ ( 303.8 A ) resonance radiation which is most useful for ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy ( UPS ) study the He pressure should be lower than 0.1 torr .


  • In 1 × 10 ~ ( - 2 ) & 1 × 10 ~ ( - 3 ) torr range the readings of MSR gauge and membrane gauge are approximately the same the deviations are less than 1 % .

    在1×10~(-2)~1×10~(-3) 压强范围内,磁悬规与薄膜真空计的读数基本一致,相对偏差小于1%。

  • Antimicrobial Activity of the Extracts from Fraxinus velutina Torr Fruits

    绒毛 白蜡果实提取物的抑菌作用研究

  • The measurement of the total emissivity of a solid surface in the black cavity which is immersed in liquid nitrogen and under high vacuum ( 10-6 torr ) by steady caloric method is described .

    本文提出了一个真空度为 10~(-6) 毫米 ,黑体腔 四周浸泡在液氮中的固体的表面热辐射率的测定方法。

  • The degree of vacuum during condensation is in the order of 10-5 Torr .

    凝聚时的真空度为10~( - θ 量级。

  • By using Helium as test gas the calibrations of ionization gauges were carried out within the range from 10 ~ ( - 3 ) to 10 ~ ( - 6 ) Torr and showed a good reproducibility .

    用氦气作试验气体,在10~(-3)~10~(-6) 范围内进行校准,重复性良好。

  • The diamond nucleation and growth on Si substrate by hot filament chemical vapor deposition ( HFCVD ) at the low temperature ( ~ 550 ℃) and low pressure ( ~ 7 Torr ) were studied .

    用热丝化学气相沉积方法研究了低温(~550℃)和低反应气压( ~7Torr 硅片上金刚石膜的成核和生长。

  • Ethyl bromide or iodide at 20 torr was irradiated by a TEA CO2 laser . The reaction products were identified by means of infrared spectrometry gas chromatography and CW CO2 laser photoacoustic spectroscopy .

    ~20 溴乙烷或碘 乙烷用TEACO2激光辐照,其产物用红外光谱、气相色谱和CWCO2激光光声光谱检测。

  • The vacuum box is outside of the optical box can keep good vacuum at a level of 10-6 Torr . The vacuum box vacuum pump and a refrigerator are composed of the cooling system of the camera .

    光学箱外部是真空箱,是整个 系统 机械 支撑,保证良好的真空 密封 性能,和真空泵、 冷冻机一起构成了相机的致冷系统。

  • The p-type single crystalline Si wafers were used as substrates and CH4 and H_2 as gas resource the pressure in the reaction chamber was kept at about 7 Torr and the filament temperature at 2200 ℃ the distance between substrate and filament was 7 mm .

    生长纳米金刚石膜所用的硅衬底为p型单晶硅,气源为CH4和H2, 石英 生长室内的气压控制在 7Torr 左右,钨丝的温度为2200℃左右,衬底与钨丝间距为7mm。

  • The rate of reduction of zinc oxide with carbon monoxide exhibits the upmost value at 22-24 Torr .

    一氧化碳还原氧化锌的速率在( 22&24 ×133.3Pa出现极大值。

  • The outlet pressure of all those pumps were not lower than 0.1 Torr and it follows that those pumps can run well by using directly the mechanical vacuum pumps as backing pumps without booster pump used .

    所有这些泵的最大出口压力不低于 0.1Torr,因此前级泵可直接用机械真空泵,不必用增压泵即能正常工作。

  • The adhesion is better when the pressure is 30 Torr .

    沉积气压为 30Torr薄膜结合强度较好。

  • Youth is hotheaded torr but these two are good boys !

    年轻就是冲动, 托尔,可是这两个都是好孩子!

  • It is observed that the red shift of the spectrum of the dissociation yield of ~ ( 13 ) CHClF_2 molecules in natural abundance is 6cm ~ ( - 1 ) at 0.69 J / cm ~ 2 fluence and 5 torr pressure .

    自然丰度下~(13)CHClF2分子离解率谱红移6cm~(-1)( 0.69J/cm~2)。

  • In the case of roughing pump it pumping speed is 25 1 / sec in Bevies ; its pressure is less than 15 torr and its power remains 4 kw .

    作为粗真空泵,串联时抽速为25升/秒,压强 <15托,功率4千瓦;

  • Specifications Temperature : 173K 1073K continuously adjustable accuracy ± 0.5 2K Pressure : atmosphere to 10 MPa Vacuum : 10 6 torr Phases : gas solid and liquid .

    性能指标温度:从173K-1073K连续可调,精度±0.5-2K;压力:常压至10MPa.真空度:10- 6tor:相态:气固相及液相。

  • Vacuum degree of 1.2 × 10 7 Pa ( about 9.0 × 10 10 Torr ) can be kept . It can meet the requirements of magneto optical trap operating in a vapor cell of Cesium atoms .

    整个 系统结构 紧凑性能 稳定、操作 方便,其真空度可保持在1.2×10-7Pa(约9.0×10 10Torr)左右,可满足直接工作在铯原子汽室中的磁光阱的要求。

  • In the pressure range of 6-12 Torr the relative standard deviations of relative intensities of most elements are in the range of 0.5 % - 2 % at different powers except for 5 W.

    在气压 6~12Torr范围内,除5W外功率变化对大多数元素相对强度 稳定性 影响 较小,相对标准偏差 介于0·5%~2%。

  • With the same surface pre-treatment when the substrate temperature is 690 ° C and the pressure is 30 Torr the preferential textured diamond film is formed as well as the best adhesion if the methane concentration is 3.3 percent .

    在相同的表面预处理条件下,基体温度为690℃且 沉积 气压 30Torr,当甲烷浓度为3.3%时,可获得高取向的织构金刚石薄膜, 薄膜的结合强度最好;

  • The measured optimum partial pressure of N2 + was 2.4 torr at a total pressure of 2 atm . in He / N2 mixture . Kinetics of formation and quenching are analysed and discussed .

    在He-N2混合系统中,总气压 2大 气压时,测得最佳N2分压力2.4 ,并讨论和分析了N2~+的形成和猝灭动力学。

  • 195torr The vapor pressure is25.195 torr at27 degrees C.

    在27 摄氏度时,蒸汽压为25。

  • No . 200 torr at the same temperature .

    不是, 25200torr,在相同的温度下。

  • The enhanced-impulse effect of TEA CO_2 lasers is described . For CO_2-N_2-He mixtures at pressure from 400 torr to 2 atm the output energy can be increased by 20 ~ 30 % with the existence of enhanced-impulses .

    本文报导了TEACO2激光器的增强脉冲效应,对于400 到2个大气压下的OO2-N2-He混合物,有增强脉冲时,激光能量输出可增加20~30%。