total solution time

[ˈtotl səˈluʃən taɪm][ˈtəutəl səˈlu:ʃən taim]

[计] 总解题时间

  • The various factors had different influences on the extraction of the total flavonoids in Crataegus pinnatifida leaves ; the factor with the strongest influence on the extraction was e ratio of raw material to extracting solution and extraction time and temperature followed .

    各因素对山楂叶 黄酮的提取率影响是不均等的,影响最大的是料 比,其次是温度和 时间

  • Detemination of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in the Same Clearing up Solution at the Same Time

    在同一消解 同时测定 总磷和总氮

  • The method determination of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the same clearing up solution at the same time is discussed in the paper .

    探讨了在同一消解 同时测定 总磷、总氮的分析方法。