trade payable

[treid ˈpeəbəl][treid ˈpeɪəbəl]


  • Accounts payable often are subdivided into the categories of trade accounts payable and other accounts payable .

    应付账款通常分成 购销 应付 和其他应付账款两类。

  • Trade accounts payable are short-term obligations to suppliers for purchases or merchandise .

    购销 应付 是供应商提供的购买商品的短期负债。

  • The exchange rate risk that the construction unit of the highway faces is shown as the trade risk ma in ly . The risk is the change of the receivable assets ' and the payable debts ' value .

    公路建设单位面临的汇率风险主要表现为 交易风险,即由于外汇率波动而引起的应收资产与 应付债务价值变化的风险。

  • As this is the first deal between us I hope we can trade on customary terms i. e. letter of credit payable against sight draft .

    由于这是我们之间进行的第一笔 交易,我很希望能够遵照惯例,也就是说,用即期信用证 付款