total tolerance

[ˈtotl ˈtɑlərəns][ˈtəutəl ˈtɔlərəns]


  • The rice varieties with strong root system large active absorption root surface and total root surface area had strong tolerance to copper poison .

    根系发达、根系活跃吸收表面积及 吸收表面积大的品种,有较强的 铜毒性。

  • Experiments on pharmacological effects of mice indicated that the total four aforementioned polysaccharides have great activities in inhibiting the tumor growth increasing hypoxic tolerance improving the immune function and raising the life-prolonging rate .

    药理学实验明确了此多糖在肿瘤生长的抑制作用、对 整体动物的 耐受 的增强作用、对免疫低下小鼠的免疫功能提高作用和提高生命延长率等方面具有良好抗肿瘤活性。

  • A total of three QTLs conferring heat tolerance during grain filling were detected on chromosomes 1 4 and 7 with LOD scores 8.16 11.08 and 12.86 and explained 8.94 % 17.25 % and 13.50 % of the phenotypic variance respectively .

    检测到3个灌浆期 耐热 主效QTL,分别位于第1、4和7染色体上,LOD值为8.16、11.08和12.86,贡献率8.94%、17.25%和13.50%。

  • In chapter 2 the total cost model involved in tolerance design is studied .

    第二章研究了 公差 稳健设计中所涉及到的 成本模型。

  • Some countries have established total sulphonamides tolerance limit in tissues for human consumption at 0.1mg/kg .

    许多国家已经规定磺胺药在人类食用组织中的残留限量为 0.1mg/kg。

  • The duration ratio of rumination to intake was 0.56:1.00 and the total number of ruminated cuds at daytime and night was 422.25 . Nanjiang yellow goat was approved to be fast intake good in tolerance and able to bear low quality forage and various climate conditions .

    反刍与采食时间比为0.56:1.00,昼夜反刍 食团数为422.25个。该品种羊耐粗饲,采食快, 抗逆性强,对各种气候条件有良好的适应能力。

  • With positive clones Northern blot analysis was made of total RNA isolated from brain samples with rats of high and low tolerance to + Gz .

    分别以杂交筛选出的阳性克隆为探针,对高、低 耐力大鼠脑组织 RNA进行Northern杂交分析。

  • Priming increased the content of total soluble sugars fructose and sucrose in stressed seedlings and the tolerance index and tolerance ratio of hybrid rice seedlings .

    引发处理还能提高盐胁迫后幼苗的可溶性 糖、果糖和蔗糖含量及水稻幼苗 指数和耐盐比率。

  • The content of total soluble sugars in stressed seedlings was only positively correlated with tolerance ratio of seedlings . Significant negative correlations between content of fructose in primed seeds and content of total soluble sugars and fructose in stressed seedlings were also found .

    盐胁迫后幼苗的可溶性 糖、果糖含量与种子可溶性总糖和果糖含量均呈显著负相关,而种子脯氨酸含量与 胁迫后幼苗果糖含量呈显著正相关。

  • The results showed that cold acclimation increased the concentrations of total soluble sugar the survival rates and freezing tolerance .

    结果表明,低温锻炼明显提高了幼苗 枝条和叶片的可溶性糖含量,同时也提高了幼苗的存活率和 抗冻

  • Methods A total of 2882 subjects without history of type 2 diabetes mellitus ( T2DM ) received oral glucose tolerance test ( OGTT ) .

    方法对 2882例无2型糖尿病(T2DM)史的受试者进行口服葡萄糖 试验。

  • Firstly accuracy indexes is established according to its measure function and assigning total errors to each spare part by equal effect principle of the accuracy exponential initially suggesting tolerance and technical requirement of every part .

    首先,根据机床的测量功能制定其精度指标,按制定的精度指标按等作用原则将 误差分配到各个零件,初步提出了各零件的 公差和技术要求。

  • Method : A total of 125 cases of AMI patients treated in our hospital from 1999 to 2003 were respectively treated by PCI and drug . After 6 months the motor tolerance and the left ventricle function of them were analyzed via Cardiac Flat Motion Tester .

    方法:对我院1999年至2003年 接诊的的125例急性心肌梗塞病人在分别接受PCI治疗和药物治疗6个月后,运动平板试验时运动 和左心室功能的不同表现进行分析。

  • The relationship between cell membrane total unsaturated fatty acids ergosterol and ethanol tolerance is not obvious . Strains which could accumulate more intracellular trehalose can better cope with ethanol stress .

    菌株细胞膜 不饱和脂肪酸及麦角固醇含量与乙醇 耐受 相关性不明显。细胞内海藻糖积累较多的酵母菌株其乙醇耐受 较强。

  • The total quantity of the organic acids in the root exudates of the cultivar that has high tolerance to Mn deficiency increased more than that of the cultivar that has low tolerance to Mn deficiency in no Mn and low Mn treatment .

    缺锰和低锰胁迫下耐缺锰 能力强的小麦品种根分泌有机酸 总量的增加幅度大于 缺锰能力弱的小麦品种。

  • Results : The results showed that remanent sulfur dioxide in food was detected by 62 % in total of the samples and the encroach samples with the level of remanent sulfur dioxide in food higher than the corresponding tolerance limits was accounted for 25 % of the total .

    结果:食品中二氧化硫残留检出率占样品 总数的62%, 超标率占样品总数的25%。

  • A total of 15 cultivated rices were evaluated for the cold tolerance at booting stage under low temperature controlled .

    控温条件下对15份栽培稻材料的孕穗期 进行了鉴定。

  • Therefore the relative total dry weight of rice would be an important evaluation or screening index for the low P tolerance ability of rice at its seedling stage .

    因此,水稻相对 单株干重可以作为苗期筛选水稻 低磷 基因型的一个筛选指标。

  • A solution to search a local or total dimension chain is given the automation of dimension tolerance design is realized a reference for the coming detailed design is provided .

    给出了搜索局部尺寸链和 全局尺寸链的方法,实现了概念设计阶段的尺寸 公差设计的自动化,为以后的详细设计提供了参考。

  • Conclusion Although total energy intake was isocaloric HF in three meals before OGTT increased fasting plasma free fatty acids level inhibited glucose-stimulated insulin release decreased glucose tolerance in healthy adults and led to misdiagnosis of IGT .

    结论即使 热量摄入相同,OGTT前1天HF引起健康成人空腹血浆游离脂肪酸水平升高,抑制早期胰岛素分泌,引起糖负荷后血糖的升高,导致 IGT的误诊。

  • Study on the effect of total intakes of calcium magnesium and protein on fluorosis and fluoride tolerance

    钙、镁和蛋白质 摄入量对氟中毒及氟 耐受 影响的研究