


  • Our business includes offshore oil engineering marine project management labor export ocean towage and wreck salvage service .

    公司主要从事近海石油工程、海洋工程服务、劳务输出、远洋 拖轮、沉船打捞业务。

  • Towage contract on sea has a history of more than one hundred of years but there is serious lack of laws of it .

    海上 合同已有一百多年的历史,但是各国 规范 海上 航合同的法律却相当匮乏。

  • With the rapid growth of world trading and shipping the towing operations which include tugboat assistance in harbor rescue at sea and towage of ocean engineering constructions are increasing constantly .

    随着全球贸易及航运业的迅速发展,港 内助 海上 拖带救助以及海洋工程物 远洋拖带在海上的拖航业务也随之增加。

  • With the rise of offshore oil development projects drilling platforms in sea towage operations have been developed rapidly and towing operation has attracted more concern and attention .

    随着海洋石油开发事业的兴起,海上钻井平台的拖 业务迅速发展,拖 作业受到越来越多的关注与重视。

  • Only when we link Contract Law and China Maritime Code with practice together can we make legal system of towage contract on sea more perfect and regular .

    惟有将《合同法》与《海商法》以及海上 实践有机地结合起来,才能使海上 合同的法律体系更加完善,才能将海上 合同 纳入法律有序的 轨道之中。

  • Analysis and prevention of towage failures of 154 t electric-wheel truck


  • How to judge the actual shipper involved in maritime towage operation ?


  • Three-level neutral point clamped ( NPC ) inverter is widely applied in electrical towage fields .

    二极管钳位型三电平逆变器广泛的应用于电力 拖动领域。

  • The fifth chapter introduces the conclusion of time charter party bareboat charter party and contract of towage .

    第五章讨论了租船合同的成立。 包括 概述、定期租船合同、光船租赁合同和 合同 内容

  • It combined fundamental law theory of China Contract Law and terms of China Maritime Code with practice of towage contract .

    本文将《合同法》的基本理论与《海商法》条文及 海上 实践相结合, 意在 构筑海上 合同 完整的法律体系。

  • Entry Fee only includes the use of the Circuit for the2 days other cost such as Gasoline Food and beverages or Towage fee if the Car have to be tow out of the Gravel Trap .

    费用只包括 车在这2天使用赛道及 维修区, 所有其它费用如 油,饮食及如车辆冲出 赛道须拖车之费用 由车主 自已负责。

  • On the Exemption Clauses in Contract of Sea Towage

    论海上 合同中的免责条款

  • Held covered in case of breach of warranty as to towage or salvage services provided notice be given to the Underwriters immediately after receipt of advices and any additional premium required by them be agreed .

    在违反 拖带和救助服务方面的保证时,假如在接到该违反的通知后,立即通知了保险人,并同意保险人要求的任何附加保险费,得续保。

  • No foreign ships may engage in the maritime transport or towage services between the ports of the people 's Republic of China unless permitted by the competent authorities of transport and communications under the state council .


  • Technical Requirements and Characteristics for Rig Towage and Placement by Vessel

    船舶 拖带平台 移位 作业的技术要求及特点

  • As for sea towage the calculation of the amount of limitation of liability under non-fleet theory matches the principle of liability of sea towage and should be adopted in China .

    海上 作业中,非船队理论的责任限额计算方法能与我国海上拖航的归责原则相匹配。

  • Study on the Application of Contract Law to the Towage Contract

    《合同法》对海上 合同适用之研究

  • That they are used widely on inland waterways and the open seas makes towage contract on sea become a kind of maritime contract that couldn 't be ignored .

    她们在内陆水域和海洋上的广泛应用,使海上 合同成为了一种不容忽视的海商合同。

  • Addresses the carriage of goods towage charter parties marine pollution and marine insurance including general average .

    书中涉及了货物运输、 、船舶租赁、海洋污染和保险,包括共同海损。

  • In such event the towage price that had already been paid shall be returned to the tow party by the tugowner unless otherwise agreed upon in the towage contract .

    除合同另有约外, 费已经支付的,承拖方应当退还给被拖方。

  • China Towing Company Towage Contract

    中国拖轮公司 合同