traffic light

[ˈtræfɪk laɪt]['træfɪk laɪt]


  • The traffic light changed from red to green .

    交通 从红色变成了绿色。

  • We ran across the street when the traffic light was red .

    交通 是红色时,我们跑步穿过街道。

  • Go over after the first sight of traffic light .

    过了第一个 绿灯后再仔细找找。

  • I always walk to the traffic light and use the crosswalk .

    我总是走到 绿灯处,使用行人穿越道。

  • I swear this was the only traffic light we ever passed in Xinyang .

    我发誓,这是唯一的 交通 都过去了,我们在信阳。

  • When you see the red traffic light you should and stop .

    当你看到 红灯时,你应该减速停车。

  • There are three colors on the traffic light red yellow and green .

    交通 上有红、黄、绿三种颜色。

  • The traffic light failed and the traffic was jammed for miles .

    交通 指示 坏了,车塞到了几英里以外。

  • The car come to a full stop at the traffic light .

    汽车在 交通 信号 处停住了。

  • See I stopped at the red traffic light and I swear it never turned green !

    红灯 了,我踩了脚刹车,谁知道那 再没变绿过。

  • The red traffic light indicates that every person and vehicle must stop .

    红色 信号 表示人和车辆不能通行。

  • Did you see what colour the traffic light was ?

    你看清了 交通 的颜色没有?

  • A red traffic light means stop and a green light means go .

    红色 交通 信号 表示停下,而绿灯表示通行。

  • The traffic light changed and Renshaw crossed the street .

    交通信号 变换了颜色,于是伦肖穿过了马路。

  • You should walk ahead till the first traffic light and turn right .

    你应该继续向前走,走到第一个 绿灯,向右转。

  • You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light .

    你会走一会儿,直到你遇到第一个 绿灯

  • First turn left then you will see a traffic light .

    首先向左转,然后你会看到一个 绿灯

  • OK so the first traffic light I turn right ?

    好的。我在第一个 绿灯向右拐?

  • Go straight to the traffic light and you 'll be there .

    一直走到 绿灯那边就到了。

  • The traffic light are the same in every country .

    每个国家的 交通 指示 都是相同的。

  • At one point along an open highway I came to a crossroads with a traffic light .

    在公路的某一处,我行驶到了有 交通 的一个十字路口。

  • Cross the road . Look ! The traffic light 's red . Stop !

    过十字路口。看!这 绿灯是红的。停止!

  • This system has traffic light showing function clock showing function and time count-down showing function .

    该系统具有 绿灯显示功能、时钟显示功能及时间倒计时显示功能。

  • When we see a red traffic light we must be careful .

    当我们看到 红灯时,我们必须当心。

  • The design of a new kind of traffic light based on discoloration electroluminescent devices ( EL ) is introduced .

    介绍了一种基于变色电致发光器件的新型 交通 设计。

  • He had installed a replica of a traffic light in his office .

    他在办公室安装了一个 交通 的实物模型。

  • Waiting time of traffic light varies according to the passing vehicles weight length and speed .

    该系统能根据车辆质量、长度和速度来改变 信号 等待时间。

  • These lights flickered continuously like traffic light which have gone mad .

    灯泡一刻不停要闪烁着,就像失去了控制的红 绿灯

  • It 's dangerous crossing the street here because there is no traffic light .

    因为这没有 绿灯,所以过马路很危险。