traffic intensity

[ˈtræfɪk ɪnˈtɛnsɪti][ˈtræfik inˈtensiti]


  • Finally it gives the probability of various states . Using Matlab program to compare the relationship between traffic intensity and the mean queue length the mean service cycle and different states .

    最后求出系统处在各种状态的概率.通过使用Matlab程序对系统的平均队长、平均服务周期和处于各个状态的概率与系统 流通 强度之间的关系进行了比较。

  • In the antioxidant enzyme system POD may play a key role in participate in resisting traffic stress . POD activity and Tall festuca tillering showed significant negative correlation . With the further increase of traffic intensity the increase of POD activity made the tillering restrained .

    在抗氧化物酶系统中,参与抵御践踏胁迫的最关键的酶可能是POD,POD活性与高羊茅分蘖呈极显著负相关,随 践踏胁迫 强度加大后,POD活性继续增加将抑制分蘖的发生。

  • This paper presents the design and simulation of a multi-layer fuzzy logic traffic signal controller for an isolated intersection based on traffic demand intensity .

    针对模糊控制在城市交通信号控制中的应用,提出了基于 交通需求 强度的路口多层模糊控制模型。

  • Study of fuzzy control for intersections with traffic intensity being priority

    交通 强度优先的交叉口模糊控制研究

  • The dispersion of vehicle exhaust has a close relationship with the complex structure surface meteorological parameter and traffic emission intensity .

    道路交叉 处汽车尾气污染与周围建筑物几何外形、局地气象要素和 汽车排放源 密切相关。

  • A new principle of traffic pattern recognition based on the net increment and the intensity of gradient change of the traffic demand is presented .

    在此基础上,提出以电梯交通需求净增量及其变化率 强度为依据的 交通模式划分的新规则。

  • Next the author pointed out that the importance of double layer traffic system exists in intensity and safety .

    其次,指出在住区中采用双层 交通体系可以达到 集约化和安全的规划目的。

  • According to the model the server delay influenced by number of servers processing capacity of server number of users the traffic intensity etc. is studied .

    随后通过实验求解模型,分析了系统在不同的服务器数量、服务器处理能力、用户数量、 通信 强度等参数下,服务器延迟的变化情况。

  • Based on limit theorems of the standard queuing networks this paper defined a class of batch processing queuing networks and derive the diffusion limit for queue length of each service station under FIFO service disciplines when the traffic intensity more than one .

    在标准排队网络扩散近似分析的基础上,定义了一类批处理排队网络,在批FIFO服务原则下,给出了重 负荷情形下各服务台队长的扩散近似存在的充分条件。

  • For a long time the over-limit and over-load detection is mainly for static vehicle detection . This way not only has low detection efficiency but also causes traffic jams easily and requires high quality labor intensity .

    长久以来超限超载的检测方式主要是针对静态车辆进行检测,不仅检测效率低,容易造成 交通堵塞,而且对工作人员劳动 强度的要求比较高。

  • Limit Diffusion of a Batch Processing Queuing Networks Under the Heavy Traffic Intensity


  • After building the mathematical model with the randomness of road network and customer satisfaction index and suggest solving the mode by genetic algorithm the result of escort vehicle rout under different traffic intensity and network fluctuation parameters is got finally .

    通过定义路网的随机性和客户满意度指标建立数学模型,并应用遗传算法求解,最后得出不同 交通 负荷 和不同路网波动参数情况下的押运路径规划结果。

  • Through assessing the impact of new projects on traffic circumstance TIA helps government to control the intensity of land use .

    通过分析新建项目对 周边 交通服务水平的影响程度,可帮助相关部门科学控制土地开发 强度

  • In the communication networks of the real time system such as industrial control with the increase of the traffic intensity and differentiated service classes the traditional field bus techniques are gradually found to be incapable to cope with these needs .

    随着工业控制等实时系统网络通信中工作站需要 传输 数据 的增长,以及数据类别的增多,传统的现场总线技术渐渐不能满足实时工业控制的需要。

  • As shown by the results NO_2 concentration varies with types of districts and locations of sampling sites and its distribution is well correlated with traffic intensity .

    结果表明:NO2浓度值随城区类型、观测点位置不同有一定的差异,其分布与 交通 强度密切相关;

  • Study on Feasibility of the Analysis of Binary-CBD Traffic Intensity Based on Wave Intervening Theory

    基于波流干涉理论的二元CBD 交通 强度分析的可行性研究

  • A unit of traffic intensity in a telephone system .

    电话系统中的 话务 强度单位。

  • Time control or adaptive control were chosen by judging the traffic intensity at the intersection .

    判断交叉口的 交通 强度,选择定时控制或自适应模糊控制。

  • From the final limit we can have the conclusion that the asymptotic behavior of the queueing system is closely related to traffic intensity of the corresponding queueing system .

    从最终得到的极限值结果可以看出,排队系统的渐近行为与排队系统的 服务 强度有密切的关系。

  • It also guarantees the accuracy of experimental data of railroad tank car valves improves the overhaul quality and thus ensures the traffic safety and reduces worker 's labor intensity .

    保证了铁路罐车阀类试验数据的准确性,提高了检修质量,从而保障了 行车安全,减轻了工人的劳动 强度

  • The traffic signal controller is important for reducing the work intensity of traffic policemen and for increasing the traffic security of roadway .

    交通信号控制机(简称信号机),对减轻交警工作 强度和维护交通安全畅通起着举足轻重的作用。

  • Research of Multi-layer Fuzzy Control Model Based on Traffic Demand Intensity

    基于 交通需求 强度的路口多层模糊控制模型研究

  • The testing results show that street structure local velocity of urban wind traffic intensity and green plant pattern can affect the dispersion and the distributions of CO.

    实测表明,街道结构、局地风速、 车流 强度和街区绿化型式等下垫面条件对CO的扩散和浓度分布都有明显的影响。

  • In order to reduce impacts on the image of road traffic sign from illumination intensity this paper applied the HSI color space of image enhancement by the processing of luminance and saturation component so that the image for subsequent processing .

    为了降低光照 强度对道路 交通标志图像带来的影响,本文应用HSI彩色空间图像增强。

  • The result shows that the size of AOI and traffic intensity has greater influence to server delay and the delay can be significantly decreased by improving the processing capacity of game servers .

    研究结果表明,兴趣域大小和 通信 强度对服务器延迟有较大程度的影响,提高服务器的处理能力可以有效地缩短服务器延迟。

  • Study on Highway Traffic Noise Source Intensity Test

    公路 交通噪声源 测试

  • With the increase of the traffic intensity and the duration of traffic the soil compaction of flat bed was increased but had no significant difference .

    坪床土壤紧实度随着 践踏 强度的增加呈递增趋势,随践踏时间的持续而升高,但没有表现出显著差异。