

vt.& vi.兜售招徕刺探赛马情报


  • I need it on my desk tout de suite .

    立刻 放到我的桌子上。

  • His people tout him as the most acceptable candidate to the broadest range of Republicans .

    他的支持者 他为共和党 的一 候选者中 人气最旺的。

  • As a registered dietician I like to tout the nutritious benefits of foods .

    作为注册营养师,我喜欢 吹捧营养食物的好处。

  • The product is touted as being completely natural .

    该产品被 吹嘘为是全天然的。

  • He knows that Americans openly tout their skills and accomplishments and are less deferential to potential employers .

    他也知道美国人会公开 吹嘘自己的经验成就,并且不会对潜在的雇主毕恭毕敬。

  • A ticket tout offered me a two pound ticket for ten pounds .

    贩子 索价十镑向我 兜售 原价两镑的票子。

  • For some graduates the pursuit comes when they realize they don 't want the run-of-the-mill jobs in say finance or consulting that companies typically tout on campus .

    对于一些毕业生而言,当他们意识到自己并不想在通常在校园里 招兵买马的金融或咨询行业干一份普普通通的工作时,他们便开始了自己的追求。

  • The queue stretches several hundred yards and tickets are touted for a tenner .

    队伍排得有几百码长,票 到10英镑一张。

  • In marketing electric cars the companies also plan to tout lower running costs .

    在营销中,它们还计划 电动汽车较低的运行成本( running costs作为 卖点

  • More and more Chinese are coming the tout said .

    来这里的中国人越来越多,那个 招徕 顾客 说。

  • a couple of highly touted novels .

    几本 天花乱坠的小说

  • He was being touted as the most interesting thing in pop

    他被 吹捧为流行乐坛最有意思的家伙。

  • Wall Street seized on that number to tout apple as a great buy .

    华尔街利用这个数字来 吹捧苹果 股票非常 便宜绝对 值得买入。

  • This guy peddles a tout service on tv .

    这家伙来的目的就是 吹捧他的节目。

  • Private equity funds are eager to recruit them and head-hunters tout them to other companies that need a boost .

    私人股本基金迫切希望招聘这种高管,猎头也把他们 推销给需要提振业务的其他公司。

  • In this way the particular social world becomes the world tout court .

    在这样的方式下,这特殊的社会世界,是 他们 简单的世界。

  • Tout your skills experience education and other qualifications especially those that match the job description well .


  • a popular advertising industry practice of using performers to tout products

    广告业常用的利用艺人来 兜售产品的做法

  • Such arrangements are normally simple : company pays celeb to tout its products .

    通常来说,这种合作关系很简单:公司付钱给名人,名人负责 推销产品。

  • First ignore advertisements ( and newspaper articles ) that tout the past performance of particular sectors or funds .

    第一,不要理睬 兜售具体板块或基金往日业绩的广告(和报纸文章)。

  • Many Chinese restaurants in response now proudly tout themselves as MSG-free .

    现在许多中国餐馆做出的反应是,骄傲地 吹嘘他们在烹调中不用MSG。

  • He visited Thailand and Singapore to tout for investment

    他访问了泰国与新加坡,以 招揽投资。

  • Vancouver 's tourism office is tapping Chinese celebrities to tout trips to the Canadian city .

    温哥华旅游局通过邀请中国名人来 宣传 当地旅游。

  • It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States with slick television ads touting the candidates .

    它具有美国竞选活动的典型特征,即通过华而不实的电视广告 吹嘘候选人。

  • Even fashion editors who tout couture 's more fanciful currents on the pages of their magazines venerate Sander .

    即使是在自己杂志上大力 吹捧更奇巧的服装设计风潮的时装编辑,也尊敬桑德这位时装设计大师。

  • Airbus and Boeing were able to tout minor victories for their next generation of aircraft at the Beijing show .

    空客和波音得以在北京 国际航空展上 炫耀 自己的下一代飞机取得的小小胜利。

  • You feel that the Government always like to tout it were all expressed in space and opportunities ?

    你感觉到政府总喜欢给 吹捧它的人全部表达的空间和机会吗?

  • Minicabs are not allowed to tout for hire on the streets .

    小型出租车禁止在街上 兜揽生意。