




  • The ionization ledges in the topside ionosphere and the neutral anomaly ;


  • With the models backside weld width could be deduced from topside parameters of welding pool in real time .

    模型根据熔池 正面参数可实时预测焊缝背面宽度。

  • The single well platform architecture for the offshore marginal fields has been designed including the lower part of pile foundation topside jacket structure . The static analysis and vibration characteristics of the platform have been completed .

    进行埕岛油田边缘井单井平台结构设计。单井 平台 结构设计包括下部桩基础 导管架结构、 上部 计算内容包括了整个平台的静力分析及结构自振特性分析。

  • Once we get back up topside you 're stuck with me again .

    一但 上去,你们就得听我的。

  • Performance Analysis and Image Formation Algorithm of Spaceborne HF-SAR System for Topside Ionosphere Exploration


  • Word is you 've been topside ?

    你有到过 地面 吗?

  • The structural model test of a bulk carrier with topside tanks is carried out under four different loading conditions .

    对带有 的散装货船的 舷侧结构模型,在四种不同工况下进行了 强度试验。

  • Piping design for offshore platform topside facilities Features of the Jacket and Topside Structure

    海洋平台 生产设施配管设计导管架和平台上部结构的特点

  • Topside lesson number one : fashion means suffering .


  • With the passive illumination the filtering method imaging time imaging mechanism were investigated for both topside and backside weld pool in P-GMAW .

    利用被动光源视觉传感方法,研究了 P-GMAW正反面熔池成像的滤光方法、成像时间、成像机理。

  • The boat 's hull and topside were absent of rust and grime while a fresh coat of paint covered the most weathered areas .

    渔船的船身与 干舷 部位也没有铁锈与污垢的痕迹,鲜艳的油漆涂在船上的风化部位。

  • You think it happened topside ?

    你想那是发生在 上面吗?

  • Aiming at the different penetration modes of pulsed GTAW with wire filler the problems of controlling the topside and backside weld bead shape are proposed .

    针对填丝脉冲GTAW过程的不同熔透状态,提出了焊缝 正面和反面的成形控制问题。

  • Superstructure topside decks stores holds engine room etc.

    适用于上层建筑、 干舷、甲板、贮藏室、船舱、引擎室等。

  • General specification of topside paint

    GB/T6745-1986 船壳漆通用技术条件

  • Calculated by the model distortion and stress distribution of the platform topside structure are obtained the dangerous parts of the structure are definite .

    计算得到了平台 上体结构变形分布及应力分布,明确了结构的危险部位。

  • Get that tank topside now .

    把那辆坦克 上去

  • The Sandblasting and Coating Survey for the Topside Modulus of Wenchang 13 - 1 / 2 Platform

    文昌 13-1/2 上部模块 建造 检验中的喷砂和油漆检验

  • Located on topside of liver .

    位置在肝脏 上方

  • We should not have gone beyond the90-foot limit given in the topside briefing ;

    我们本不该超过90 深度的,在船 已经做过简报了。

  • In order to prevent the topside valve housing of the plunger from breaking and increase the pumping efficiency we analysed the texture and material of the original and find its failure .

    为了防止抽油泵柱塞 凡尔 断脱,提高抽油泵泵效,对原抽油泵柱塞 凡尔 结构及材质进行了分析。

  • The jacket topside and yoke assembly were separately lifted and installed by using a derrick barge .

    导管架、 上部 结构和软刚臂分别是用浮吊吊装的。

  • As an anticorrosive for non-immersed areas . Superstructure topside decks stores holds engine room etc.

    作为非浸泡区域的防锈防腐保护层。适用于上层建筑、 干舷、甲板、贮藏室、船舱、引擎室等。

  • He left the control station and went topside .

    他离开控制台,走到 甲板

  • We gotta get topside find help .

    我们一定要到 顶层去求援。

  • Field-aligned Diffusive Fluxes of O ~ + Ions in the Mid-and Low-latitude Topside Ionosphere

    中低纬 顶部电离层O~+场向扩散通量研究

  • Over analysis of the process of topside valve structure a pair of mold with strict simple and feasible structure to be used and moulding easily is designed and the mold 's characters are introduced .

    通过对阀 结构进行工艺分析,设计了一副结构紧凑、简单合理、便于使用成型的注射模,介绍了该模具的特点。

  • Optimization method used in the ship is to change the ramp bulkhead into straight one in the topside tank in cargo area . It makes the cargo volume increases the loading and unloading convenient but it also increases the large deck-openings .

    本船采用的优化方法是把货舱区 舱的斜舱壁改为直 舱壁,这样做的结果使得货舱容积增大,装卸货物方便,但甲板大开口同时也增大。

  • In the crowded marine environment under the effects of the three factors such as internal and external environment of wave action the topside displacement and VIV risers and pipelines may have the structural damage caused by collision .

    在拥挤的海洋环境中,在内部流体和外部环境中波流作用、 上部 模块运动、VIV三大诱因作用之下,立管与管线之间可能会发生碰撞而导致结构的破坏。

  • The Technology of Jacket Platform Launch Features of the Jacket and Topside Structure

    导管架下水技术导管架和平台 上部结构的特点