


  • It was not much of a place a small modernized stucco villa with a hot pebbly garden and in it a stone basin with torpid gold-fish and a statue of Diana and her hounds against the wall .

    其实别墅比较一般,只是一座拉毛粉饰的现代小别墅,铺有石头的花园里有些热,石盆中的鱼儿无精打采, 狄安娜和猎犬的雕像倚墙而立。

  • They were pleasant spring days in which the winter of man 's discontent was thawing as well as the earth and the life that had lain torpid began to stretch itself .

    那是愉快的春日,人们感到不满的冬日正跟冻上一样地消溶,而 蛰伏的生命开始舒伸了。

  • The two ships becalmed on a torpid sea I believed to be marine phantoms .

    两艘轮船停泊在 水波 不兴的海面上,我以为它们是海上的鬼怪。

  • Small furry-tailed squirrel-like Old World rodent that becomes torpid in cold weather .

    东半球形似松鼠、尾巴有毛的小型啮齿动物,在寒冷的冬季变得 迟钝

  • Even when he was awake he was completely torpid .

    他醒着的时候也完全 麻木

  • And under the influence of that wintry piece of fact she would become torpid again .

    于是在凛冽如寒风一般的事实的影响之下,她又 回到 蛰伏 状态 之中

  • An idle or lazy person . she was fat and inert ; a sluggish worker ; a mind grown torpid in old age .

    她又胖又懒惰;懒惰的工人; 晚年 发展 迟缓的思想。

  • Was he alert or torpid ?

    他是机敏的还是 迟钝的?

  • No philosopher was he-just a plain commonplace person gifted for the time being with a pathological indifference : the organ that he feared consequences with was torpid .

    他不是一个哲学家&他只是一名普通的常人,只不过暂时持有一种病态的冷漠心理罢了。他用来考虑可怕后果的器官已经 迟钝了。

  • Informal financing is still an act which is not under the supervision of government . Torpid informal financing out of order is ineffectual to the fit informal finance in our country .

    民间融资是一个尚未纳入政府监管的金融行为, 盲目和无序的民间融资行为 无益于我国民间金融的健康 发展

  • The torpid or resting state in which some animals pass the winter .

    一些动物过冬 迟钝 活跃状态。

  • To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state .

    冬眠在蛰伏的或 昏睡的状态中过冬。

  • Wholly untaught with faculties quite torpid they seemed to me hopelessly dull ;

    她们完全没有受过教育,官能都很 迟钝,使我觉得这些人笨得无可救药。

  • We firstly put forward the torpid molecular shuttle and the inner salt molecular shuttle duo to the structural character of protein and lecithin and we have designed two species of these molecular shuttles .

    我们首次根据蛋白质和卵磷脂的结构特点提出 蛰伏 分子梭与内盐 分子梭的 概念并设计出两种这类型的分子梭。