total profit


  • Elaborated this system ′ s characteristic and applied this system actually to one machine manufacture enterprise then improved the working efficiency of the craft department and the total profit of the enterprise .

    阐述该系统的功能特点,并将该系统实际应用于某机械制造企业,提高了企业工艺部门的工作效率和企业的 整体 效益

  • The firm made a total profit of 200000 .

    该公司的 利润 总额达200000英镑。

  • In the last of this paper we give the sensitive analysis and economic explanations of retailers ' optimal ordering quantity optimal expected profits and total profit in the market .

    最后研究了在产品的某些特征描述改变的条件下,零售商最优供货量、期望利润和市场 利润 总量的敏感性分析及其经济含义解释。

  • The impact of income tax and total profit was not obvious .

    所得税和 利润 总额的影响不太明显。

  • The model uses the optimization technology to maximize the total profit and it has the advantage of obtaining the output directly from the input .

    该模型由于使用了投入占用产出模型和 利润最大的优化过程,而具备可以直接从投入求得产出的结果等优点。

  • Profit is the operating result of an enterprise for a specific accounting period including operating profit total profit and net profit .

    利润,是指企业在一定会计期间的经营成果,包括营业利润、 利润 总额和净利润。

  • The total profit increased by 10 % ; owes rate of enterprise decreased from 85 % to 40 % ; and the accounts market share and the income market share of about 80 % always kept a absolutely favorable position .

    业务 收入以26%的速度 持续增长, 利润以10%的速度持续增长,企业负债率从当初的85%降到现在的40%,客户市场和收入市场占有率一直保持80%左右的绝对的优势。

  • By comparing and analyzing the relationship of the stocks and enterprise economics in Xinjiang province it is showed that the driving strength of stocks in regional blocks is consistent with the total profit of the corresponding listed companies in entity economy . 3 .

    通过对新疆地区内股票与对应上市公司实体经济的对比分析,发现股票在地区板块内的活跃度和带动力与对应上市公司在实体经济中的 利润 总额是一致的。

  • This article studies total profit of whole system in the case of with hydrogen-gas and without hydrogen-gas .

    本文还研究了系统考虑氢气系统和不考虑氢气系统的情况下,对于整个生产系统的 利润的影响情况。

  • The multi-stage decision problem is to get a strategy making the total profit of each stage is optimal .

    每个阶段的决策确定以后,就得到一个决策序列。多阶段决策问题就是求一个策略,使各阶段 效益 总和达到最优。

  • Under demand with price elasticity the total profit functions for the manufacturer and the retail door are given respectively . Then the profit optimization models on pricing / inventory joint decisions for this distribution system are established based on them . 3 .

    在具有价格弹性需求的随机需求模式下, 分别给出了制造商和零售门店各自的 利润函数,建立了一对一分销系统定价与库存联合决策利润优化模型。

  • Simulation and numerical analysis shows that total profit of all primary user systems is maximal the free spectrum is used fully and spectrum utilization is improved .

    通过仿真和数值分析表明当所有主用户系统 利润 最大时,空闲频谱得到了最大化利用,提高了频谱利用率。

  • The sensitivity analysis shows that the demand increasing factor and the price varying factor have a greater impact on the total profit of supply chain than that of backlogging parameters .

    主要参数灵敏度分析显示,需求增长因子和产品销售价格变化因子对计划期内供应链 利润的影响大于短缺量拖后系数。

  • Over the past it focused more on the annual total profit and net assets income ratio as two basic indicators to evaluate an enterprises ' business performance .

    过去评价一个企业的经营绩效,更多地侧重年度 利润 总额和净资产收益率两个基本财务指标。

  • The integration of international trade and investment may increase the total profit of all countries and blur the division of trade income and investment income as well .

    国际贸易和国际投资的交叉渗透使得各国在 总体 利益扩大的同时,模糊了贸易利益和投资利益的界限。

  • From this table you can calculate the total profit we made this month .

    从这个表上,你可以算出我们这个月获得的 利润

  • The thesis presents you in the economy research analysis some methods in which the total profit of a certain investment can be calculated during the separate or continual period .

    研究了经济分析中某项投资的 收益在离散或连续情况下的计算方法。

  • This article discusses the profit allocation on two-stage supply chain between the manufacturer and retail merchant under cost allocation as well as under different situation the total profit of supply chain .

    本文从成本分摊的角度,探讨在两级供应链中利益在制造商和零售商之间的分配,以及在不同情形下的供应链 利益

  • Then the total profit of the reverse supply chain has been analyzed by the use of the numerical method and the results of one ordering opportunity with those of two ordering opportunities under different parameters have been compared .

    采用数值方法分析了供应链的 总体 收益,并对二次订货和一次订货进行了比较。

  • With some examples the relations between purchasing cost sintering cost cost before ironmaking and total profit of a company are analyzed the necessity to raise the agglomerate grade is emphasized .

    通过实例分析了采购成本、烧结成本与铁前成本与公司 总体 效益之间的关系,阐明了提高烧结矿品位的必要性。

  • Recently our company 's income total profit and net profit all grow steadily showing strong growth momentum while demonstrating our leadership position in the sector .

    近年来,公司营业收入、 利润 总额及净利润均稳步上升,呈现出蓬勃的生命力和良好的发展势头,充分见证了行业先导者的领军力量。

  • According to the demand uncertainty of short life cycle products a joint optimal output model of member firms in MVN is proposed to maximize its total profit and the object function is shown to be concave .

    考虑到短生命周期产品市场需求的不确定性,建立了以 MVN联合 利润最大为目标的各成员企业产量联合优化模型,并证明了目标函数的凹性。

  • On the one hand this paper established a classical model of agro-processing enterprise and peasant household which proved the total profit of agricultural society improved after the agricultural integration .

    一方面,通过建立一个关于农业加工企业+农户的经典模型,证明了进行农业一体化后,农业社会的 利润要高于没有进行农业一体化时的情况,从而为农业一体化的实施提供了理论依据。

  • With the purpose of maximizing the total profit of a network the effects of the network model parameters on flight frequency traffic and single flight occupancy of fully-connected and hub-and-spoke airline networks are investigated .

    摘要以网络 利润最大化为目标,分析了几种网络模型参数对 连通航线网络和枢纽航线网络中航班频率、客流量以及单航班座位数的影响。

  • Therefore both listed companies and investors should pay much attention to the sources of income and the proportion of various income in total profit .

    因此,上市公司和投资者都应该关注收益的来源以及收益构成所占 收益的比例。

  • Stock model of economical order batch is established under the objective of maximum total profit according to the hypotheses of constant demand rate .

    在需求率为常数的假定下,以 利润最大为目标,建立了确定性的经济订购批量存储模型。

  • The results indicate that with the various harmonizing strategies in supply chains the total profit of reverse supply chain can be improved efficiently .

    研究结果表明,通过采用不同的供应链协调策略,有效的提高了逆向供应链的 整体 赢利 水平

  • The total profit of dual-purpose Chinese Simmental herd was 9405.58 yuan .

    乳肉兼用型西门塔尔牛的牛群 利润为9405.58元。

  • So implementing the marginal cost pricing strategy and redistribution the revenue can get the internal targets coincidence and improve the total profit of the firm .

    因此通过边际成本转移定价与收益分配机制的配套运用,不仅有利于集团内部各子企业的目标协调一致,也有利于集团 整体 利润的提高,从而达到了 双赢 目的