toughening agent


  • Application of New Toughening Agent to Nylon 6

    新型 增韧 在尼龙6上的应用

  • Special compound for automobile water tank cover was prepared with PP as matrix resin talc powder and POE as reinforcing agent and toughening agent respectively the effects of talc and POE on the property of the compound were studied .

    以聚丙烯为基体树脂,活化滑石粉为增强剂,POE为 增韧 ,研制出了汽车水箱面罩专用料。

  • The toughening modified result of epoxy resin casting compound using J-N as toughening agent was reported . The sea-island IPN structure in this complex was pointed out and breaking strength and toughness was increased obviously .

    本文研究了J-N增韧剂在环氧树脂浇铸体系中的增韧效果,指出J-N 增韧 增韧的环氧树脂固化物呈互穿网络的海岛结构,浇铸材料的断裂韧性得到明显改善。

  • The dielectric performance of the modified resin system is remarkably influenced by the concentration of catalysis the cure temperature and toughening agent .

    树脂的介电性能与树脂体系的催化剂含量、固化温度和 增韧 含量有较大关系。

  • In this paper application on the bookbinding of EVA hot melt adhesive which makes the EVA as raw resin tackifier toughening agent viscosity regulator padding antioxidant etc.

    本文以EVA树脂为基础树脂,通过增粘剂, 增韧 ,粘度调节剂,填料,抗氧剂等的配合,研制出书刊装订专用热熔胶。

  • Using E-56 epoxy resin methyl hexahydrophthalic anhydride ( MHHPA ) as curing agent polyethylene glycol ether ( PEG ) as toughening agent DMP-30 as accelerator the middle temperature curing epoxy resin system which used in carbon fiber wet winding process is studied .

    选用E-56环氧树脂、甲基六氢苯酐作为固化剂、聚乙二醇缩水甘油醚作为 增韧 、DMP-30作为促进剂,系统研究了碳纤维湿法缠绕工艺用中温环氧树脂固化体系。

  • The one component adhesive is made by mixing dicyandiamide as curing agent rubber as toughening agent and epoxyresion .

    用双氰胺作固化剂、橡胶为 增韧 与环氧树脂共混后组成单组份胶粘剂。

  • The research was carried out on the low-temperature characteristics of PP-R piping material by modification of the contents of toughening agent and nucleating agent . The result shows : Adding proper amount of toughening agent and nucleating agent can effectively improve the low-temperature characteristics of PP-R piping material .

    通过改变PP-R管材料中 增韧 和成核剂的含量,对PP-R管材料的低温性能进行研究,结果表明:加入适量增韧剂和成核剂,可有效地改善PP-R管材料的低温性能。

  • Polyether reacted with anhydride then compounded with epoxy resin thus synthesizing a new kind of active toughening agent containing the terminated epoxy groups .

    以聚醚和酸酐反应,再与环氧树脂反应,合成了一种新型的以环氧基封端的内 增韧活性 增韧

  • The article discusses out the formulation of PVC plastics design which includes raw material selection amount to be added of the PVC resin thermal stabilizer toughening agent lubricant processing agent filling agent and ageing resistant system .

    介绍了PVC塑料异型材的配方设计,包括树脂、热稳定剂、 增韧 、润滑剂、加工助剂、填充剂和抗老化体系的选择及加入量。

  • In this paper based on past experience the elastomer was still used as toughening agent in order to guarantee substantial increase in toughness and achieve the purpose of super-toughening .

    本文在以往实验经验的基础上,仍采用弹性 增韧的思路,这样可以保证韧性大幅度提高,达到超韧化目的。

  • PP could be used as toughening agent for PC which could greatly increase the toughness of low molecular weight PC without the decrease of the flowability of PC.

    PP可以作为PC的 增韧 使用,并且可在不降低其流动性的前提下较大幅度地提高低摩尔质量PC的韧性。

  • Effects of toughening agent and temperature on the free volume and mechanical properties were studied by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy ( PALS ) and dynamic mechanical analysis ( DMA ) for a serious of epoxy resin samples with different toughening agent content ( W / W ) .

    用正电子湮没方法(PALS)和动态力学分析(DMA)方法研究了 增韧 和温度对环氧树脂的自由体积和力学性能的影响。

  • The effect of the addition of milled glass fibre on the mechanical properties and filler distribution as well as the toughening agent on toughness of the milled glass fibre reinforced MC nylon composite are respectively studied .

    考察磨碎玻璃纤维对铸型(MC)尼龙复合材料填料分布、物理力学性能的影响,以及 增韧 对MC尼龙复合材料韧性的影响。

  • The toughening agent has such characteristics as colorless low odor good epoxy resin compatibility .

    增韧 无色、低味,与环氧树脂相溶性好。

  • In this paper the use of liquid acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber Sunkist and EPG series of three one-component epoxy toughening agent for toughening modified .

    本文使用液体丁腈橡胶、奇士系列和EPG等三种 增韧 对单组份环氧树脂进行增韧改性。

  • Study on nylon 6 toughened by new toughening agent

    新型尼龙 增韧 对尼龙6增韧的研究

  • Shear strength and peel strength reached optimum value when the dosage toughening agent Q is 15-20 parts and curing agent is 21-24 parts .

    增韧 Q含量在15~20份(质量)时,固化剂在21~24份(质量)时,胶黏剂的剪切强度和剥离强度最佳。

  • So we preferred to MBS as toughening agent of PVC / ABS system .

    通过对比,优选MBS作为PVC/ABS体系的 增韧

  • Core-shell polymers ( CSP ) have a large of advantages as toughening agent of epoxy resin for instance when toughness improvement was obtained without reducing the glass transition temperature of the epoxy resin nor the processability .

    核壳聚合物(CSP)用来 增韧 环氧树脂的最大优点,即在提高韧性的同时而不降低材料的Tg和加工性能。

  • The experiment results are as follows : antioxidants silica and powdered nitrile rubber toughening agent ( P-83 ) obviously inhibit dehydrochlorination of soft PVC and the inhibiting effect of antioxidant D is the most obvious ;

    实验结果表明:防老剂、二氧化硅和粉末丁腈橡胶 增韧 (P-83)对软质PVC的脱氯化氢反应有明显的抑制作用,其中防老剂D的抑制作用最明显;

  • Application Research of toughening agent j-n for epoxy resin

    环氧树脂 增韧 J-N的应用研究

  • The effects of coupling agent filler and toughening agent on adhesive strength were also studied .

    还研究了偶联剂、填料和 增韧 等对粘接强度的影响。

  • The results show that : Taking organic epoxy resin as basic material when the ratio of epoxy resin and the toughening agent is 5 to 2 the heat insulating performance and toughness of coating were better .

    实验结果表明:以环氧树脂为胶粘剂,选用环氧树脂高温固化剂可以获得耐热性能良好的涂层, 增韧 加入量为环氧树脂用量的40%时,涂层韧性及隔热性能最好。

  • The effects of the compatilizer kinds and its content the content of PPO and the kinds of the toughening agent on the properties of the alloy were discussed .

    讨论了相容剂种类及用量、PPO用量、 增韧 的种类对PA6/PPO合金性能的影响。

  • A New Plastic Toughening Agent : Core-shell Latex Polymer

    一种新型塑料 增韧 &核壳结构聚合物