tower packing

[ˈtaʊɚ ˈpækɪŋ][ˈtauə ˈpækɪŋ]


  • The impulse-packing is a new type of tower packing . The mechanism of its mass transfer is different from that of ordinary packing .

    脉冲填料是一种新型的 填料,它的传质机理与一般的塔填料不同,它借助于填料交替收缩与扩大的流道,构成特殊的气液两相流动、达到强化传质、传热的目的。

  • Metal Intalox tower packing and Mellapak are two principal types of highly efficient tower packings recently developed in the world .

    金属环鞍型 填料、板波纹填料是目前世界上发展的主要高效填料;

  • Revamp of 10000m ~ 3 / h Cooling Tower with Mixing Packing

    10000m~3/h横流冷却 的混装改造

  • Simulation of the Cooling Tower Packing 's Thermal Performance in Closed Type Cooling Tower Irreversible thermodynamic model for hydrous porous media during convective drying

    逆流密闭式冷却 中淋水 填料热工性能模拟含湿多孔介质对流干燥的不可逆热力学模型

  • Among general packing in the current packing tower some a packing is formed by mutually overlapping meshy plates or platelike objects with large holes the packing has smaller specific surface area .

    目前填料 塔内常用的 填料中,有一类是通过网状片或带有大孔的片状物相互叠加而成的,这类填料的比表面积较小。

  • When the packing type is selected the software can calculate the main parameters of the tower equipment ( column diameter packing height and pressure drop ) .

    在选定填料类型后,软件可以计算出 设计 工况设备的主要参数(塔径、 填料层高度和 压降),从而为 设计人员提供一定的参考。

  • In order to quick the production of TiO_2 and reduce the production cost the cooling tower without packing is used to replace the traditional cooling tower with packing in the TiO_2 production .

    为加快钛白粉生产节奏,降低生产成本,对传统钛白粉生产的填料冷却塔进行系统改造,使填料冷却 变为无 填料冷却

  • The lube oil phenol refining unit in Shanghai Refinery had poor economic benefit owing to feedstock shortage tower packing aging as well as unreasonable configuration etc. .

    上海炼油厂酚精制装置因常年原料不足、 填料老化、结构不合理等因素,效益很差;

  • Structure and design of tower body packing packing support and liquid distributor for a new type of packed tower are described .

    介绍了填料洗涤塔的 体、 填料、填料支承装置和液体分布装置的结构和设计。

  • Preparation and application of low foaming random plastic tower packing

    低泡型塑料散装 填料研制与应用

  • Relativity Research between thermodynamic performance of inverse draft cooling tower and property parameters of its packing

    逆流冷却 热力性能与 填料的特征参数之间的相关性

  • Application of cooling tower without packing in the production of titanium dioxide

    填料冷却 在钛白生产中的应用

  • Development and Application of Lube Phenol Extraction Tower with High Efficient Packing

    润滑油酚精制高效 填料提塔的应用开发

  • Study on the steel tower packing with electroless nickel coat

    化学镀镍碳 钢塔 填料 性能研究

  • The Surface Modification Techinques of Plastic Tower Packing

    塑料 填料表面改性技术

  • It 's a simple process the absorbent tower and regeneration tower adopted are packing towers the new packing material is QH-1 a new flot loop filter . Hydrogen sulfide with the volume fraction higher than 95 % can be successfully produced .

    该工艺流程简单,两 流程中吸收塔和再生 均为 填料塔,选用新型填料QH-1扁环,成功生产出体积分数大于95%的硫化氢产品。

  • Revamping ot Large Cooling Tower with Mixed Packing Technique

    用混装 填料技术改造大型冷却

  • Reconstructing the extraction tower & applying flat-ring packing

    萃取 改造及扁环 填料在萃取 中的应用

  • The principle of gas-solid fluidization and classification towers are introduced . Based on the calculation method of structured packing towers the structure design of a classification tower with structured packing was made . Solid particles are separated into different fractions based on there size .

    从气固流态化原理出发介绍了分级 填料塔的工作原理,借助波纹填料塔的一些计算方法,进行了超细粉体分级填料 的结构设计。

  • In a new type of catalytic-distillation tower the effect of different catalyst packing mode on the catalytic distillation of benzene chlorination was studied .

    在一种结构新颖的汽相分流催化精馏 中,采用不同的催化剂 装填方式,进行了苯氯化催化精馏实验;

  • New Correlations of Flood Point in a Packed Tower Containing Corrugated Packing

    波纹 填料层泛点的新关联

  • Study on Increasing the Efficiency of Tower Packing

    提高 填料效率研究

  • Key factors in design and application of packed extraction tower such as selection of packing influence of axial backmixing importance of system physicochemical properties as well as design of liquid-liquid distributor etc. were briefly discussed .

    对填料萃取 设计和应用的若干关键问题,如 填料的选用、轴向返混的影响、体系物性的重要性以及液-液分布器的设计等进行了简要的讨论。

  • Structure design of super-fine powder classification tower with structured packing

    超细粉体分级 填料 的结构设计

  • The raw styrene in a 10kt / a SBS plant was refined by means of the decompression rectifying tower packed with efficient corrugated gauze packing and was treated by γ - Al2O3 absorbents .

    采用高效丝网波纹 填料减压精馏 和γ-Al2O3吸附干燥法对1万t/aSBS工业生产装置的原料苯乙烯进行了精制。

  • On the basis of some industrial tests on DOP production line imported from BASF of Germany and technological analysis in theory a high effective regular packing was used in the reaction distillation tower instead of Pall ring packing .

    在对国外引进装置进行工业试验,并从理论上进行技术分析基础上,应用高效规整 填料 技术对装置核心设备&酯化精馏 进行了 改造,同时对附属设备进行更换和完善。

  • Calculation method to determine sprayer point for liquid spray even distribution from row row piping sprayer in a packed tower with wave type packing is introduced .

    介绍 波纹填料 塔内采用排管式喷淋器时液体喷淋点均布的计算方法。

  • Application of tower of JKB-125Y type mellapak packing in producing acetaldehyde

    JKB-125Y型板波纹 填料 在乙醛生产中的应用

  • Application of New Complex Tower with Packing and Spiral Flow Plate to Sulfur Removal at Pressurized Shift Section

    填料&旋流板复合新型脱硫 在加压变脱中的应用

  • The paper introduces the design and application of large scale packing tower fitted with new regular packing gas / liquid distributor and initial distributor of feed gas .

    本文介绍了大型填料 采用新型规整 填料、气液分布器及进气初始分布器的现状、设计及应用。