total energy method

[ˈtotl ˈɛnədʒi ˈmɛθəd][ˈtəutəl ˈenədʒi ˈmeθəd]


  • Applying the principle of minimum total potential energy the spline subdomain method of folded plate structures is derived .

    应用最小 势能原理,建立了折板结构分析的样条子域

  • Using a first-principles total energy method based on density functional theory within local density approximation we have performed a first-principles computational tensile test ( FPCTT ) on an Al grain boundary .

    基于密度 泛函理论和局域密度近似的第一性原理 方法,进行了Al晶界的第一性原理拉伸试验。

  • This paper deduces the approximate formulas of aircraft total energy reposing to wind shear analysis the relation between total energy and height mode presents a method of designing total energy feedback .

    本文采用模态集结法,导出了能量高度响应的近似公式并分析了高度模态与 能量高度的对应关系,由此给出了采用能量高度反馈的设计 方法

  • Based on the electron cloud displacement model ( the atomic orbits of H and O were displaced ) the total energy of H2O molecule is calculated by an initial method with STO-3G .

    本文采用电子云移动模型 计算H2O分子的 基态。其中既移动了H的原子轨道,也移动了O的 原子轨道。

  • The results showed that the correlativity of the total unit energy consumption with the total yield of crude distillation is poor based on heat balance method .

    研究结果表明,以热量平衡 为计算基准的蒸馏 单位 能耗与总拔出率的线性关联性较差;

  • A new simplified mathematical model has been established based on the balance of total energy with radiative heat transfer equation solved by discrete ordinates method .

    采用数值模拟的方法,在进行合理简化后,建立 能量平衡基础上的炉内热过程数学模型,其中辐射传递方程的求解采用离散坐标

  • The fans pumps account for a large proportion of the total energy consumption by motors . At present the adjustment method of its system is fall behind and energy wastes seriously .

    风机、泵类负载在电动机 能耗中占很大的比重,目前其系统调节 方式落后,能源浪费非常严重。

  • Based on discriminating conditions of second unefficient case of the maximum total strain energy criterion its efficacy is assured in every iteration by using the stress-symbol constraints and minimum stress constraints . Thus two-phase optimization method is proposed for structural design under multiple loadings .

    根据最大 应变 准则第二类失效的制定条件,利用应力符号约束和最小应力约束来避免优化过程中准则的失效,从而将结构设计的两相优化 推广到多工况问题。

  • Therefore this paper divides total annual electric energy into base energy and non-base energy and base energy distribution method is based on average generation hours .

    因此,本文将年度 空间分成基础电能和非基础电能两种成分,并对前者实施基本按等平均发电利用小时数分配电能的 方式

  • This paper deals with the calculation of the total potential energy of the curved bridge with considering the load transverse distribution coefficients of girders as unknown parameters . The Rayleigh-Ritz method is used to obtain transverse distrbution coefficients .

    本文以主梁的横向分布系数作为未知数来计算弯桥的 势能,利用Rayleihg-Ritz 直接解出横向分布系数。

  • The calculations of total energy energy band structure electronic density of states and Mulliken population of LaNi_5 were performed by adopting the method of total energy combined with ultra-soft Pseudopotential technology .

    采用总体能量平面波赝势 方法,并结合超软赝势技术,计算了金属La、Ni及合金LaNi5的 总体 能量、能带结构、电子态密度以及Mulliken布居值。

  • Taking torque monitoring as the application background the total scheme of the energy transmission system and the feeding method of antennas are presented . The various conditions of microstrip antennas in energy transmission course are studied and the influence of rotating velocity on energy transmission is analyzed .

    该文以扭矩监测为应用背景,提出了 能量传输系统的 总体结构和天线馈源 方案,并对天线的各种能量传输情况进行了研究,同时分析了旋转速度对能量传输的影响。

  • By using molecular dynamic combined total energy calculation method we studied the phase transition of CS2 at room temperature and high pressure .

    我们采用分子动力学结合 总能计算 方法计算了二硫化碳在常温高压下的性质。

  • Based on total energy control principle this paper gives the range prediction and guidance method for every sub phase of TAEM flight .

    本文根据 能量控制原理给出了末端能量管理各飞行阶段的射程预测 方法

  • The optimization of the lowest total energy consumption is achieved . ( 4 ) The proposed method is applied to the optimization of the design of the distillation optimization .

    将提出的优化 方法应用于 精馏的设计优化中。

  • Firstly with fixed total strain energy criteria is used to adjust the thickness of each layer ; secondly thickness of elements iterative coefficients are derived by Kuhn-Tucker condition and full stress design method .

    复合材料铺层厚度与铺层比例优化是通过采用 最大应变 准则调整各分层厚度,应用满应力设计和Kuhn-Tucker条件来满足强度和位移约束,从而推导出复合材料层压板结构的优化 算法

  • The Determination for Main Elements in Powder Samples by Arc-AES Total Energy Method

    Arc&AES 能量 测定粉末样品中主体元素

  • We studied the phase transition of CdO by the total energy calculation method using a simple Buckingham type potential .

    我们采用 总能计算 方法,简单的Buckingham势计算了氧化镉的相变。

  • Methods The energy and major nutrients intake and the source of energy-producing nutrients and the proportion of energy producted from the nutrients to the total energy in diet were investigated by dietary history inquiring method combined with 24h review method in 223 diabetic patients .

    方法采用膳食史 和24h回顾法,调查了223例糖尿病病人膳食热能、主要营养素摄入量和生能营养素来源及所占 热能比例。

  • Based on the second law of thermodynamics the paper analyzes the total energy loss of the three methods and demonstrates theoretically that flow mass conditioning method is the best one in that it saves the energy most .

    根据热力学第二定律,对上述三种调查节方式的 火用损失 总和进行了分析,从理论上证明,量调节最节能,是最佳的调节 方法

  • The curves of structural seismic total input energy hysteretic dissipated energy and damping energy are obtained using time history analysis method to analyse elastic-plastic structural .

    通过结构弹塑性地震反应分析的时程分析 ,可以计算出结构地震 输入 及结构阻尼耗能和滞回耗能的时程曲线。

  • Methods When the total absorbed energy was defined with the proposed TCP model and the method of Lagrange multiplier the condition which can cause the optimum TCP will be derived .

    方法在假设肿瘤部位治疗 能量一定的情况下,根据提出的TCP计算模型,用拉格朗日乘子 方法推导出任意肿瘤生物学参数取值分布时获得最大TCP的条件。

  • This article further analyzes the total energy composition and the method to raise the energy use efficiency for water supply on the basis of research of predecessors .

    该文在前人的研究基础上进一步分析了供水所需 能量的组成和提高供水能量利用 方法

  • Total energy control principle is used to design a terrain following ( TF ) flight control system of controlling the flight altitude . An error control method was adopted to eliminate the stable error of airspeed and altitude when decoupling control through total energy control principle .

    应用 能量控制原理设计了控制飞行高度的地形跟随飞行控制系统,并通过引入飞行高度和飞行速度的偏差 控制,基本消除了总能量控制系统存在的稳态误差;

  • Using slope analysis method the defects of dose parameters and linear interrelation about mean dose per worker with the total energy of nuclear power are analyzed and then the macroscopic examine method of reliability on a large data is given .

    利用斜率特征可分析剂量参量群体的缺陷性和 人均剂量与核动力 能量的线性相关,从而建立大批量数据可靠性的宏观检验 方法