tour of service

[tʊr ʌv 'sɝvɪs][tuə ɔv ˈsɜːvɪs]

[法] 任职期间,服务期间

  • If tour guide service does not meet the standard of tourists tourists will easily put bad tour guide service and the whole tour activities together .

    如果服务不好,很容易使 游客 旅游地的各项旅游联系起来。

  • Read this article to get a quick tour of the basic application programming interface ( API ) for Service Data Objects in C + + .

    本文将帮助 迅速 了解C++中 服务数据对象的基本应用程序编程接口(ApplicationProgrammingInterface,API)。

  • The district tour cooperation has more than 20 years history in our country but the real effect of cooperation has been always placed in low level of appearance and the research on relevant theory is also difficult to give effective service to actual work .

    区域 旅游联动在我国已有20多年的发展历史,但联动成效始终不理想,有关的理论研究也难以有效的 服务于实际。

  • Service quality of a tour guide has always been the focus of controversy in the area of tourism service .

    导游服务质量一直是旅游 服务领域中争议的焦点。

  • Forrest Gump joined the Army for a tour of service in Vietnam .

    阿甘参加了陆军并 越南 服役,在那里认识了他的新朋友丹和巴布。

  • This paper analyzes some problems which exist in the tour service and also analyzes the cause of these problems to point out the intrinsic connection between the management model of scenic spots and the quality of service system .

    旅游服务、标准化服务、旅游景区及旅游标准化几者关系的角度进行了系统的理论研究,分析了景区 服务质量存在的问题 产生的原因。

  • Wolfowitz had a brief tour of Soweto to understand its history get an impression of life and the challenges of service delivery .

    通过短暂的 索韦托 ,沃尔福威茨了解了它的历史,知道了那里的生活和 服务供应所面临的挑战。

  • The planning of tour dispatch center is an important part of tour service system and the location problem is the premise of its establishment .

    旅游集散中心规划是旅游 服务系统规划的重要组成部分,而旅游集散中心的选址问题研究又是其规划建立的前提基础。

  • Tour of electronic business affairs is progress of communication technology as service support for global tour of electronic business affairs .

    是商业行为通过网络来完成的形式,是电子资料 交换及价值网络的 延伸旅游电子商务是一个以信息技术 服务为支撑的全球旅游商务活动的动态发展过程。

  • Along with development in domestic tourism industry and the high competition in the tour market now the service quality of the tour guide has being become one of the pivotal factors which influence service product quality of the travel agency more and more .

    随着我国旅游业的发展,旅游市场的竞争日趋激烈, 导游 人员的服务质量越来越成为影响旅行 产品质量的关键因素之一。

  • First and individual 's quotation for each group tour includes the cost of transportation accommodation meals sightseeing tour-guide service and round-trip international airplane tickets .

    首先, 参加团体 旅游的个人其报价均含交通费、宿费、食费、光费、游 服务费以及双程国际机票。

  • Based on the analysis technology of TPA and Co-Plot this article analyzed the domestic tour guiding service quality from the view of the domestic tourists . And the results show that the service quality assessment is under the expectation a lot .

    本文基于IPA与Co-Plot分析技术,从国内旅游者的视角出发对国内导游的服务质量问题进行了分析,结果发现,国内旅游者 国内 导游 服务质量的满意度评价远低于其期望值。

  • Best Beijing Tour offers a top-quality level of service which is unparalleled in the tourism industry of China .

    最好的北京 旅游提供的一流的 服务,水平是无可比拟的,在当今旅游发展的中国。

  • IN a word It is meaningful to study the tour information based on mobile GIS in order to promote the development of tour information increase the quality of tour service prosper the tour economic market speed development of GIS .

    总之,为了促进 旅游信息化的发展,提高旅游 服务质量,繁荣旅游经济市场,促进GIS技术进一步发展,对基于移动GIS旅游信息化的研究具有重要的现实意义。

  • This paper focuses on the nature and practice of the semantic reconstruction and its important role in the interpretation and translation of tour guides and suggests ways of improving tour guides ' interpretation and translation service for foreign visitors .

    因此,本文着重讨论语义重构在 导游翻译中所起的重要作用,以期引起 大家对英文导游翻译的进一步探讨。

  • Hengshan Mountain is an important tour base in the south of China . With the flourishing development of tourism it 's urgent for us to supply service such as sight propagandism tourist service and scene and administration .

    南岳衡山是中国重要的 旅游基地,旅游事业的蓬勃发展,迫切需要为景点宣传、游客服务和景区管理提供信息化的应用 服务手段。

  • Therefore realizing a tour e-Commerce platform and making integration of tour e-Commerce information are keys for travel information share and enhancing travel service quality .

    因此实现 旅游电子商务平台,完成旅游电子商务信息的高度整合,是实现旅游信息共享、提高旅游 服务质量的关键。

  • With the rapid development of amateurish tour guides there is a vigorous development in tourism but it also brings challenges of management and service .

    兼职 导游的激增为我国旅游业的发展注入了新的活力,但是也带来了管理、 服务等多方面的挑战。

  • Tourists can join a Magical tour to Avatar-Pandora or a Miracle tour to Avatar 's floating mountain the Zhangjiajie branch of the China International Travel Service Corp said on its Website .

    中国国际旅行 网站上张家界分社的网页里已经有“潘多拉星球迷幻 旅”和“阿凡达悬浮山脉之 ”的内容。

  • Reasons for imperfect tour guide knowledge include that the contents of tourism education and course training are not overall tourists ' level on culture appreciation has been continually improved tour guides ' service aim dislocates with invigorating mechanism and so on .

    形成 导游知识欠完善的原因有教育培训内容不全、游客的文化欣赏水平不断提高、导游 服务目标与激励机制发生错位等。

  • Agricultural tour park roads are important component of agricultural tour park . Their function is to connect the various park tourist attractions service facilities .

    道路作为 观光园的重要组成部分,其功能为连接观光园内各个景点、 服务设施,起到组织交通、引导 游览和形成景观等的重要作用。

  • Being the fierce development of tour on-line service network conducts acted as the carrier of on-line service have been developed quickly by which the tour website has been produced and developed .

    在当今 旅游在线服务迅猛发展的势头下,网络作为在线 服务的载体迅速发展起来,我国旅游电子商务就是在这种背景下产生并发展的。

  • Service offices tour information consult and finance and insurance industry that are related to industry in the development of service industry .

    服务业,是以与工业相关的服务部门、 旅游信息、咨询和金融保险 服务行业为重点。

  • Third self-driving tour of the transport supply and demand of service requirements and the establishment of the Government of the self-driving tour of traffic management policies and measures to promote regional economic development have extremely important practical significance and long-term significance .

    三是探讨自驾车 旅游 交通供求和 服务的要求、确立政府对自驾车旅游交通管理的政策和措施,对促进区域经济的发展具有极其重要的现实意义和长远意义。

  • The low quality of tour guide knowledge is one of the common tour guide service problems .

    导游素质低的问题,是导游 服务 常见的问题之一。

  • Practice of Improving Quarter Inspection Tour Benefit of Computer Repair and Maintenance Outsourcing Service

    提高计算机维修保养外包 服务季度 巡检效益的实践

  • The intelligent tour guide device based on RFID technology has the characters of few manual operations and low cost which can effectively improve service quality in tourism as well as information management level of scenic spots and has broad application prospects .

    基于RFID技术的 导游设备人工操作少,成本低且具有智能化,能够有效提高旅游 服务质量和景区信息化管理水平,具有广泛的应用前景。

  • According to Regulations on Administration of Tour Guides there are two kinds of tour guides : One of them concludes the labor contract and establishes labor relationship with travel agency . One of them just registers with a tour guide service agencies .

    根据《导游管理条例》, 导游人员可以分为两类:一类是与旅行社签订劳动合同的 旅行 导游;一类是在导游 服务机构登记注册的社会导游。