tracking station

[ˈtrækɪŋ ˈsteʃən][ˈtrækiŋ ˈsteiʃən]


  • The detection ability of systematic errors is researched based on tracking station distribution . ( 2 ) A geometry OD method considering systematic errors for GEO satellite is developed .

    针对 GEO卫星轨道确定中系统误差的影响,提出了顾及系统误差的几何法定轨的方法。

  • The precise determination of the geocentric coordinates of Nanshan GPS tracking station of Urumqi astronomical station

    乌鲁木齐天文站南山GPS 跟踪 的地心坐标精确测定

  • Discussion on Process GPS Control Network with IGS Tracking Station Using GNSS Software

    利用GNSS软件如何处理带有IGS 跟踪 的GPS控制网

  • Intensive light protection for daytime tracking at Shanghai SLR station

    上海 天文台白天人卫激光 测距的强光保护

  • Therefore using real-time observation data streams based on regional or global tracking station network to build real-time ionospheric model can effectively improve ionospheric model accuracy .

    因此,基于区域或者全球的 跟踪 网络提供的实时观测数据流,建立实时电离层模型,能够有效提高服务区域内单频用户定位精度。

  • The application of GPS technology that based on the tracking station

    基于 跟踪 模式下的GPS技术应用

  • GPS technology based on tracking station model is introduced for classical method of set up the GPS net .

    目前我国已布测的 GPS网均是采用经典布 方法建立的。

  • Ground tracking station of prare system setup at Shanghai Observatory

    精密测距测速系统地面 跟踪 在上海天文台建立

  • Then client program codes of data transmission for GPS tracking station are compiled with Winsock .

    以Winsock为编程控件,进行了GPS 跟踪 数据传输客户端程序设计。

  • A Full-digital Non-coherent Delay-locked Loop for Code Tracking in DS-CDMA Base Station

    一种用于 DS-CDMA 基站的全数字非相干延迟锁相环

  • Research Evolution and Improvement of Data Transmission Technology for GPS Tracking Station

    GPS 跟踪 数据传输技术研究进展与改进设想

  • Passive location and tracking method using multiple measuring station is discussed for a moving target carrying an active emitter .

    本文探讨了在有源干扰环境下利用多个测量 对运动辐射源进行被动定位与 跟踪的方法。

  • One of the most important problems in the data processing of GEO satellite orbit determination ( OD ) is the validation and control of systematic errors such as satellite clock error receiver clock error time delay of satellite transponder and tracking station equipment bias .

    在GEO卫星轨道确定中,系统误差如卫星钟差、 站钟差、卫星转发器时延、 地面 设备时延和 偏差等,已经成为GEO卫星定轨数据处理中的关键问题。

  • With the different levels of CORS comprehensive service systems ' appear large amount of GNSS continuous tracking station observation data not only has greatly changed the field operations in GPS positioning but also makes a major change on the mode of high-precision GPS data processing .

    伴随着不同级别CORS综合服务系统的出现,丰富海量的连续GNSS 跟踪 观测数据不仅极大地改变了原有的GPS定位外业作业模式,而且也使得高精度GPS数据处理模式发生大的变革。

  • Earth station used for tracking a space station or as a communication service .

    用于 跟踪空间 或作为通信服务的地球站。

  • Now it is an ideal space tracking station .

    现在,这里是最理想的空间 跟踪

  • Facts proved that the whole process tracking base station agent target management model can meet the new need of base station agent management for network operators in the new situation . It can effectively replace the existing management mode .

    事实证明全过程可 跟踪 基站代维目标管理模式能够满足新形势下移动通信运营商对于基站代维管理的需求,可以对原有管理模式进行有效替换。

  • Earth station used for tracking a space station .

    用于 跟踪空间 的地球站。

  • Observational data processing and analysis of Nanshan GPS tracking station in Urumqi

    乌鲁木齐南山GPS 跟踪 观测资料精度分析

  • The satellite carrying master oscillator ( SCMO ) is non-coherent with the frequency standard at the ground tracking station in the non-coherent Doppler system .

    非相干多普勒跟踪系统中,星载主振器与地面 跟踪 的频率基准不相干。

  • GPS based Antenna Auto Tracking System of Satellite Earth Station on the Vehicles

    GPS车载卫星地球 天线自动 定位系统

  • The introduction for automatic management software Of GPS tracking station

    GPS 跟踪 自动化管理软件简介

  • Firstly study background of the remote data transmission based on Internet for GPS tracking station is introduced requirement analysis and general frame scheme for data transmission software is given exploitation tool VB6.0 for program code writing is selected .

    介绍了基于Internet的GPS 跟踪 数据传输的研究背景,进行了数据传输软件的需求分析和总体设计,选择了便于源代码编写的开发工具VB6.0。

  • This paper introduced in detail the hardware and software implementation scheme of underground personnel tracking subsystem including location station reference node mobile positioning node bus repeaters and communication processor design .

    本文详细介绍了井下人员 跟踪 定位子系统的软硬件实现方案,其中包括定位 分站、参考节点、移动定位节点和总线中继器以及通信处理器的软硬件设计。

  • Tracking maneuvering target with single station has many limitations but multi-station can offer more information .

    跟踪机动目标,红外单 有不少缺陷,多站可以提供比单站多的信息。

  • Only using the angle information infrared target tracking with single station has limitations .

    仅有角度信息的红外单 对机动目标存在 跟踪缺陷。

  • With respect to the velocity of IGS tracking station it had better to model the variation periodically or to give a velocity periodically using piece-wise linear function rather than using a linear variable to estimate its bias .

    指出了仅利用1个线性量估计IGS 跟踪 的速度值会存在偏差,应建立周期性变化模型,或采用分段线性化的方法,每隔一定的时间给出1个对应的速度。

  • Tracking station ( place from which the movements of satellites missiles etc are tracked by radar or radio )

    卫星紧急无线电示位标(用雷达或无线电追踪卫星、导弹等的) 跟踪

  • Concepts and influencing factors of the section tracking interval and the station interval of urban mass transit are analyzed and models for section tracking interval and station tracking interval in different railway signal systems are constructed .

    在分析列车区间 追踪间隔时间、 车站 追踪间隔时间的基本概念以及影响因素的基础上,建立了城市轨道交通在不同信号系统下的列车区间追踪间隔和 列车 车站追踪间隔模型。