




  • To hitch a trailer to a car .

    给汽车挂上一 拖车

  • Did you see this trailer for the new BATTLE : LOS ANGELES movie ?

    你看了 新电影《战役:洛杉矶》的 预告 没有?

  • I watch a trailer for a movie .

    我看到一部电影的 宣传

  • We just need to hitch the trailer to the car and then we can go .

    我们只需要将 拖车 到汽车后面,这样我们就能走了。

  • He had been using the vehicle to tow his work trailer

    他一直用这辆车牵引他的活动 工作室

  • We must have just hitched the trailer to the back of our car and driven it back home .

    我们一定是勉强把 拖车 在车后面就开回了家。

  • In the example from schema . org a link to the movie 's trailer was marked up .

    在来自schema.org的例子中,标记了一个指向电影 预告 的链接。

  • A car towing a trailer ;

    拖引 拖车的汽车;

  • I 've got a spot of bother with my trailer lost a wheel .


  • So He Made A Movie Trailer .

    所以他做了一个电影 预告

  • So you 're giving up the trailer ?

    你是打算放弃那 拖车了吗?

  • It is like a trailer reminding you what you have done wrong .

    就像一个 满载着你过去的 拖车时刻提醒着你,你以前做错了什么。

  • a misleadingly violent trailer for the film .

    让人误以为充满暴力色彩的该部影片的 预告

  • Some may say I 'll become trailer trash so I want your opinion before I make this decision .

    有些人可能会说我将变成“ 拖车 活动 房屋垃圾”,因此在我做出这个决定之前,我想听听你的见解。

  • They packed the food and camping equipment in the trailer .

    他们把食物和野营用具都装上 拖车上了。

  • He hooked the trailer to his car .

    他将 拖车 在汽车上。

  • Main production : suspension hanger for Semi trailer air tank landing gear van parts etc.

    主要生产: 集装箱挂车悬挂系统、气罐、支承腿和厢式货车门锁部件等。

  • At least I expect it from the movie trailer .

    至少 预告 给了我希望。

  • I connected the trailer to the car .

    我把 拖车 在汽车后。

  • The trailer was connected to the car by means of a complicated system of hoses pipes and rods .

    活动 房屋通过一系列复杂的软管、管道和连杆与汽车相连。

  • He would leave the trailer unlocked . If there was something inside someone wanted it would be theirs for the taking

    他不会给那个 活动 房屋上锁。里面要是有什么别人想要的东西,他们可以尽管拿。

  • A truck consisting of a tractor and a trailer together .

    包括一个拖拉机和一个 拖车两部分的卡车。

  • The car was full of gas with a little trailer with a couple of gas cans and a tent .

    车也是添满了汽油,再带一个小 拖车与一对汽油罐和一顶帐篷。

  • Before driving away re-check the trailer coupling .

    开走之前,再检查一下 拖车的挂钩。

  • I have a trailer in the woods .

    我有一台 拖车在树林里。

  • They detached their trailer and set up camp .

    他们卸下 拖车,架起帐篷。

  • I just watched the Hunger Games Trailer .

    我刚看了饥饿游戏的 预告

  • Small semitrailer and tractor . Angle of trailer is adjustable .

    小型半挂车和牵引车。可调整 挂车转角。

  • You can see the trailer here .

    点击这里,可以观看 预告

  • I brought my guys and a trailer with me .

    我带了我的人和 拖车来。