transaction listing

[trænˈsækʃən ˈlɪstɪŋ][trænˈzækʃən ˈlɪstɪŋ]


  • Advising on establishment alteration of a company reconstruction of enterprises and institutions property right transaction issuing and listing stocks bankruptcy liquidation etc.

    企事业单位股份制改造、产权 交易、股票发行 上市、破产清算等提供法律服务;

  • Llinks acted as PRC Legal Counsel to China Molybdenum on this transaction providing comprehensive legal services for both the initial public offering and Hong Kong listing .

    通力所作为洛阳钼业中国法律顾问,为洛阳钼业首次公开发行并在香港联合 交易所 上市提供了全方位的法律服务。

  • This makes the transaction a backdoor listing for the TSE giving it a currency with which to get into the great global stockmarket-acquisition game .

    这使这次 交易为东京 证券交易市场开了个后门,给它进入国际股票市场融合游戏的筹码。

  • In this case because you want to perform a read-only lookup of the status of a single transaction the GET method is an obvious fit using the URI pattern as shown in Listing 4 .

    在这个示例中,因为希望对单一 交易的状态执行只读查询,显然应该使用GET方法,使用的URI模式见 清单4。

  • Secondly through the comparative analysis of Sino-US contracts the paper has pointed out three basic characteristics leading to different transaction mechanism of Sino-US : multiple agents dual agency and non-sharing listing in China ;

    然后通过中美两国 代理机制的比较分析,指出了三个导致我国市场效率低下的根本特征:多方代理、 居间代理和非信息共享。

  • Relatively speaking subject to the scarcity of transaction and limits of regulatory policy the program trading is just beginning in domestic and it is to be promoted mainly because of the listing of Stock index future .

    相对而言,受制于 交易 的种类的不足以及监管政策的限制,国内的程式交易才刚刚起步,而且,主要是在股指期货 上市以后,才带动了这一投资理念的推广。

  • The fourth part is on considerations about perfecting legal regulations to the connected transaction of listing company in our country .

    第四部分为对我国 上市公司关联 交易规制完善的思考。