traction engine

[ˈtrækʃən ˈɛndʒɪn][ˈtrækʃən ˈendʒin]


  • Pictured is a1917 Case traction engine which was the world 's first tractor model .

    图为1917年为例 牵引 引擎,这是世界上第一个拖拉机模型。

  • Therefore it requires bulldozers have good traction to maximize engine power a higher operating rate and achieve a good economy .

    为此,就要求推土机具有良好的 牵引 性能,以充分发挥 发动机功率,获得较高作业生产率,达到良好的经济性。

  • Now energy sources waste has been a problem beyond neglect in all kind traction dynamical and diesel engine performance tests .

    目前,在各种 动力试验和 柴油 测功试验中,能源的浪费已经成为一个不可忽视的问题。

  • Here 's one of the beautiful stylized wheels on the Case traction engine .

    这里是美丽的,在风格轮为例 牵引 引擎之一。

  • DC Traction Engine Romote Measurement System of Electric Machine by Virtual Instrumentation

    基于虚拟仪器的直流 牵引 电机远程试验系统

  • The logic threshold PID fuzzy and neural network control methods were applied to the automobile traction control system and the controllers for the engine throttle position and driving wheel brake were built .

    将逻辑门限、PID、模糊以及神经网络等控制方法应用于 牵引 控制系统,建立了 油门位置控制器和驱动轮制动控制器。

  • The Design of Controller for Traction Engine Driven by Cable Winch When we develop a new traction engine some classic and time-experienced theory or thought is still tenable .

    当我们开发一种新型适合电缆 牵引使用的工程车时,许多经典的、久经时间考验的绞盘测控设计思想和理论依然成立。

  • Based on the configuration of hardware for traction control system an algorithm for calculating reference vehicle speed a controller for engine throttle with PI method and an algorithm for brake with logic threshold method are devised .

    在确定控制系统结构的基础上,设计了车速估算算法、 油门位置PI控制器和制动门限控制算法。

  • Compactor 's traction force and travel speed are not only the function of work parameters of engine and drive sys-tem but also that of the system drive efficiency . In addition they are also limited by adhesive property of the drum .

    压路机的 牵引力与行驶速度既是 发动机与传动系工作参数的函数,也是系统传动效率的函数,并且还受到压轮附着能力的限制。

  • Application of IGBT in Chopped Wave Feedback Brake of Electric Traction Engine

    IGBT在电力 牵引 机车斩波回馈制动中的应用

  • Make a comprehensive introduction to the development of rail traction technology from steam engine to diesel and electric . Development of both home and abroad and the main technical innovation at different development stages are presented .

    综述了铁路 牵引 动力从蒸汽到 内燃、电力的发展历程,介绍了各个阶段国内外的发展情况及各阶段的主要技术革新。

  • The Design of Controller for Traction Engine Driven by Cable Winch

    电缆 牵引 工程车用测控仪的设计

  • Research and Development on Simulation System for the Power-Transmission System of the Rolling Impact Compaction Machine Traction Engine

    冲击压实机 牵引 主机动力传动系仿真系统研究开发

  • The traction coefficients of several aviation lubricating oils are measured at various operating conditions simulating an aviation engine bearing on a self-made test rig .

    模拟航空 发动机轴承多种工况,测量了润滑油的 拖动系数,并利用多种流变模型对拖动系数进行了理论计算。

  • Design on Traction Engine Feedback Testing System

    牵引 电机反馈试验站测控系统设计

  • The control principle and torque control process of the full-toroidal traction IVT is analysed . The control strategy of IVT and the integrated control of IVT with engine are studied preliminarily .

    分析了全环面 IVT的控制原理和转矩控制过程,对全环面IVT的控制策略以及 发动机与全环面IVT的综合控制进行了初步探讨。

  • Train Communication Control Network for the Hydraulic Driving and Tilting Train realizes state watch 、 diagnosis 、 log 、 information display of the equipment of network traction 、 diesel engine and tilting equipment .

    内燃液传摆式动车组网络控制系统实现 动车 网络 牵引 控制柴油 、倾摆等车载设备的状态监视、故障诊断记录、列车及车辆通信和信息及故障的显示、记录、查询等功能。

  • The group bought the traction engine from a museum in Yuma Ariz. that closed down .

    该小组在尤马购买了一,亚利桑那州,即关闭了博物馆的 牵引

  • To obtain adaptive control algorithm of traction control system for automobile neural network was used to devise engine throttle position controller and brake pressure controller of driving wheels .

    为获得汽车 TCS自适应控制算法,应用神经网络算法设计了 发动机油门位置和驱动轮制动压力控制器。