traditional logic

[trəˈdɪʃənəl ˈlɑdʒɪk][trəˈdɪʃənəl ˈlɔdʒik]


  • Hence mathematic logic which based on the material implication is absolutely neither the contemporary development of traditional logic nor the contemporary formal logic .

    基于实质蕴涵的数理逻辑并非 传统 逻辑的现代发展,也不是什么现代的形式逻辑。

  • On the ways of hardware design complex program logic device ( CPLD ) is applied to take place of traditional logic chip ;

    在硬件设计方面,采用复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD取代了 传统分立 逻辑芯片,提供了系统的抗干扰能力和可靠性;

  • For there is not a definite conclusion for the extension and intension of the subject of logic itself in logic circles each kind of logical theory especially the debate between traditional logic and modern logic has been for a long time .

    逻辑学界由于对逻辑这门学科本身的内涵与外延没有定论,各种逻辑理论,尤其是 传统 逻辑与现代逻辑之争由来已久。

  • Logic teaching in liberal art schools should focus on traditional logic and introduce some knowledge of modern mathematic logic .

    高校文科逻辑学教学在教学内容上应该坚持以 传统 逻辑为主,适当吸收现代数理逻辑的知识;

  • The criticism of the traditional logic .

    传统 逻辑的若干批评。

  • To some controversial problems about the traditional logic the author puts forward his original viewpoint .

    其对 传统 逻辑中一些争议的问题,都提出了自己独到的见解。

  • The third part in the normative and limitations of formally legal reasoning of the discussions and the people for a long time for a traditional logic in the form of misunderstanding .

    第三部分,对形式法律推理的规范性、局限性进行讨论,并提出了长期以来人们对一种 传统 逻辑 推理形式的误解。

  • Different logical methods can produce different logical relationship and principle and form different relation proposition which provide the possibilities for completely bringing the traditional logic into relation logic .

    不同的逻辑方法产生不同的逻辑关系和逻辑原理,并形成不同的关系命题。这就为将 传统 逻辑完全纳入关系逻辑提供了可能。

  • This research methods which more include analyzing Although the benefit is that can found the similar historical data of the traditional logic between ancient China and the West but is prone to the phenomenon of the far-fetched mechanical analogy .

    这种更多地包含比附的研究方法,虽然有益于挖掘我国古代与西方 传统 逻辑相似的史料,但是却容易出现牵强附会、机械类比的现象。

  • The relation between intension and extension of concepts ( terms ) is not only essential to traditional logic but also of importance to modern logic .

    概念的内涵与外延的关系不仅在 传统 逻辑,就是在现代逻辑中也有重要的意义和地位。

  • In the algorithm the two-way coupled map lattice model is adopted and the traditional logic functions are replaced with the integer tent map so that it .

    提出的算法采用双向耦合映像格子模型,用整数帐篷映射取代了 传统 逻辑函数,具有较为理想的混淆与扩散特性。

  • Arrange the general logic textbook system according to modern logic The solution of the four technique problems can merge modern logic with traditional logic and the two can benefit one another .

    以现代逻辑为纲来安排普通逻辑教材的体系。解决了这四个技术问题,现代逻辑与 传统 逻辑即可相互融合,相得益彰。

  • Interconnect effect especially crosstalk disturbs the logic and time sequence badly the traditional logic level simulation can not reflect the factual state of circuit .

    互连效应,特别是其中的串扰问题对电路的逻辑和时序有着严重的影响,仅凭 传统 逻辑级模拟已经不能反映电路的真实情况。

  • Solving Four Technique Problems Modernizing Traditional Logic Textbooks

    解决四个技术问题,实现 传统 逻辑教材的现代化

  • The theory of dissipation power avoid the traditional logic threshold method of research the theory has limitations r & d ABS success and the breakthrough batch production industrialized stage .

    采用的耗散功率理论,避免了 传统 逻辑门限值研究方法的局限性,取得了理论上的突破,研发ABS成功且进入产业化、批量生产阶段。

  • Kant might still maintain that logic in Frege 's sense being stronger than the traditional logic goes beyond the bounds of the analytic .

    康德可能会指出,弗雷格意义上的逻辑要比 传统 逻辑强,已经越出了分析性的边界。

  • Traditional logic and modern logic have some defects in analyzing the hypothetical proposition of natural language .

    传统 逻辑和模态逻辑在分析自然语言假言命题方面都存在缺陷。

  • The enrichment of the traditional logic .

    丰富 传统 逻辑

  • What is the proposition ? With regard to this problem Traditional Logic and Modern Logic have different answers .

    什么是“命题”?对这个问题 传统 逻辑和现代逻辑有不同的回答。

  • The traditional logic can not define clearly the nominal definition can not distinguish the real definition effectively from the nominal definition and can not study deeply to the definitional methods and definitional rules of the nominal definition .

    然而在以往的研究中存在着不足,尤其是 传统 逻辑一直未能明确语词定义,未能有效地对真实定义和语词定义进行区分,对语词定义的定义方法和定义规则的研究更是薄弱。

  • Theory of presupposition on argument in traditional logic is one of such theories .

    传统 逻辑中论证的预设理论是可资借鉴的理论之一。

  • This paper analyzes Aristotelian Syllogism discusses the deference between Aristotelian Syllogism and traditional logic syllogism and several characteristics of Aristotelian Syllogism .

    分析了亚里士多德三段论,论述了亚里士多德三段论与 传统 逻辑三段论的区别及其自身的一些特点。

  • Results The full equality problem of evidence to conclusion in traditional logic is resolved .

    结果所采用的 模糊 推理方法解决了原系统中采用 传统 逻辑 推理 方法带来的子证据对于结论地位完全平等的问题。

  • He has broken the traditional logic system structure and established the modern logic research system .

    弗雷格打破了 传统 逻辑的体系结构,建立了现代逻辑研究体系,开创了对现代 逻辑的研究。

  • In addition the traditional logic of separation of the three powers under the functional constitution also present paradox .

    另外, 传统的功能性的宪法框架下的三权分立 逻辑亦呈现出悖论特征。

  • Traditional logic is facing challenges of both modern logic and itself .

    传统 逻辑不仅面临来自现代逻辑的挑战,同时也面临来自其自身的挑战。

  • Traditional logic thinks proposition A E I can be reversed while proposition O can not .

    传统 逻辑认为A、E、I命题都可以换位,而O命题不能换位。

  • However it is attested by history that the existence of traditional logic has its own reason and foundation .

    历史证明,形式 逻辑传统 逻辑)有其自身存在的理由、根据。

  • Traditional logic is a subject which has applied value .

    传统 逻辑是具有巨大应用价值的学科。