


  • The traction mechanism is composed of a connection support frame and a channel steel frame ;


  • We need to improve the driveability side of the engine and also the mechanical traction of the car .

    我们需要改进引擎的操控性能和赛车的机械 牵引

  • Traction gas spring also has a corresponding free-type self-locking type .


  • The development of the traction control system based on the rapid prototyping was introduced .

    摘要介绍了采用快速成型技术开发 牵引 控制系统的过程。

  • Ancillary buildings including traction substations and ventilation buildings .

    附属建筑物包括 牵引分站和通风建筑物。

  • The traction control system is also fully automatic .

    牵引 控制系统是也完全自动的。

  • Arthrosis traction at the knees .

    设计了膝关节 牵引功能。

  • Described are the mechatronic developments for railway vehicles of the future especially the suspension system traction system and braking system .

    全面介绍了机械电子技术在未来铁道车辆特别是悬挂系统、 牵引系统和制动系统中的应用和发展。

  • The significance of electrical protection and definite value of DC traction power supply system for metro is illustrated .

    阐明地铁直流 牵引供电系统电气保护设置与定值的重要性,着重论述地铁电气保护设置的主要原则。

  • I think the most important thing is that you need good traction .

    我认为最重要的是你需要好的 牵引

  • Research on Design and Fault Prevention of Grounding System in Traction Substation


  • The load characteristics of the traction power supply system are illustrated for the electrified railways .

    阐述了电气化铁路 牵引供电系统的负荷特性。

  • Analysis of Railway Signal System Electromagnetic Interference from Traction Power Supply System


  • The traction of a new aviation lubricating oil was measured on a self-made test rig .

    在自制的试验装置上测量了新型航空润滑油油膜 动力

  • Pictured is a1917 Case traction engine which was the world 's first tractor model .

    图为1917年为例 牵引引擎,这是世界上第一个拖拉机模型。

  • Power supply for4 railway traction substations has been resumed .

    恢复了4座铁路 牵引变电站的供电。

  • Research on Active Power Filter Used in Traction Power Supply System


  • Isabelle 's legs were in traction for about two and a half weeks .

    伊莎贝尔的腿做了两周半的 牵引 治疗

  • He 's in traction at the moment .

    目前他在 接受 牵引 治疗

  • In McLaren 's case it was more about a lack of traction overheating tyres and oversteer .

    迈凯轮的情况更多的是 牵引、轮胎过热和转向过度的问题。

  • Safety specs include ABS with EBD Traction Control System and Dynamic Stability Control .

    安全规格与开机片包括ABS, 牵引 控制系统和动态稳定控制系统。

  • And it is in this that traction control is of the greatest assistance to drivers .

    这是在这个 牵引 控制系统,是最大的援助司机。

  • The traction loads and station loads will be connected to different feeders .


  • Harmonic and Negative Sequence Analysis of Electric Railway Traction Transformer Access to Electric Power System

    电铁 牵引变电站接入电力系统谐波和负序分析

  • Study on Fault Diagnosis Technology and System of the Traction System of Metro Vehicles

    地铁车辆 牵引系统故障诊断技术及系统的研究

  • Power to both wheels in a lightweight yet strong frame design gave riders nimble and versatile traction off road .

    力量对两转动轻量级选手强的框架设计给了车手灵活和多才多艺的 牵引路。

  • Is there an alternative to traction for a broken leg ?

    对于腿部骨折有什么方法替代 牵引 治疗吗?

  • This paper introduces the test and speed regulating control for the traction experimental system of urban railway vehicle .

    介绍了城市轨道车辆 牵引试验系统的测试与调速控制。

  • The VSC system integrates traction control ( TRC ) to help limit rear wheel spin on slippery road surfaces .

    VSC系统整合 牵引 控制系统(TRC),在光滑路面上行驶时,有助于限制后轮打滑。

  • Induction and Comparative Study on the Test Methods of Traction Drive
