traditional Chinese

[trəˈdɪʃənəl tʃaɪˈniz][trəˈdɪʃənəl tʃaɪˈni:z]


  • Culturally it popularized traditional Chinese culture and promoted the mutual understanding between China and the Southeast Asian countries .

    文化上,宣传了 中国 传统文化,增进了中国与东南亚各国的相互了解。

  • This is the website of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

    这是南京 中医药大学的网站。

  • But Eastern doctors have found hope for patients with CKD in traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) .

    但东方的医生已在 中医(TCM)中找到了CKD患者的福音。

  • Also in traditional Chinese medical science pumpkin is considered good for the stomach and spleen .

    另外, 中医认为,南瓜对胃部和脾脏也有好处。

  • She is especially good at traditional Chinese landscape painting but occasionally she does oils too .

    她擅长 山水画,偶尔也画画油画。

  • We should support the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the traditional medicine of ethnic minorities .

    扶持 中医药和民族医药事业发展。

  • The exhibition hall is decorated with many traditional Chinese paintings .

    展厅里张挂着许多 国画

  • Chemical drugs traditional Chinese medicine research and the declaration of new drugs .

    化学新药、 中药新药的研究和申报。

  • Xu Beihong created thousands of excellent traditional Chinese paintings oil paintings and sketches during his life .

    徐悲鸿一生创作了数千件 中国画、油画和素描作品。

  • In some cartoon movies traditional Chinese ink-wash painting has been reproduced on the screen .

    一些影片制作中采用了 中国水墨画艺术,使 中国 传统 水墨画在荧屏上得到了再生。

  • It 's a traditional Chinese painting .

    这是一幅 国画

  • According to traditional Chinese medicine one gets sick if his veins get blocked .


  • Illicium verum one of traditional Chinese medicine which contains special ingredients and a variety of pharmacological activity .

    八角是我国的 传统 中药,具有特殊的药用成分和多种药理活性。

  • The hospital of traditional Chinese medicine installed a computer to fill prescriptions .


  • Researching the shape and pattern of jade article is a way to learn traditional Chinese decorating art .

    研究玉器,尤其是分析其造型和纹饰的形式语言特点,是了解 中国 传统装饰艺术的路径之一。

  • As China 's national essence the traditional Chinese painting has the glorious history and tradition .

    作为中国的国粹, 中国画有着悠久的历史和传统。

  • But I can 't see there is any relation between air and traditional Chinese medicine .

    但是我不明白空气和 中医有什么关系。

  • Of course I am not saying that traditional Chinese society has been a paradise for women .

    当然,我并不是说, 传统 中国对妇女来说曾经是个天堂。

  • The medical infrared thermal imaging technology has important applications in both modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine .

    医用红外热像技术在现代医学和 中医学中都有着重要应用。

  • The painter mostly adopted realistic painting methods but also used some folk and traditional Chinese painting techniques .

    画家在进行严谨的写实描绘中,借鉴了民间美术和 传统 工笔重彩的表现手法。

  • The prospect and problems of speciation analysis of trace element in traditional Chinese medicine were also discussed .

    探讨了 中药中微量元素形态分析方法的前景及存在的问题。

  • Besides more and more people are inclined to pay attention to traditional Chinese literature and virtues .

    除此之外,越来越多的人倾向于注重 中国 传统文学和美德。

  • The China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine says its important to the development of the Chinese medical industry .

    中国 中药协会称,它对中药产业的发展很重要。

  • I is a company specialized in construction machinery sales and traditional Chinese painting .

    我公司是一家专门从事工程机械销售及 国画

  • Mother : It 's some books and traditional Chinese medicine sent to my son .

    方母:寄几本书和一些 中药,寄给我儿子。

  • Beijing has retained a lot of the color of traditional Chinese life .

    北京保留了许多 中国 传统生活的色彩。

  • The old man passed on his knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to the younger generation .


  • Zen occupies an important position in traditional Chinese culture and the introduction of dhyana has reinforced its metaphysical features .

    禅在 中国 传统文化中占有重要的地位,而禅宗的化出,加强了 中国文化的形上性格。

  • This is the traditional Chinese values and consumption habits .

    这实在是由 中国 传统观念和消费习惯造成的。

  • Traditional Chinese music contains many traditional cultures such as poetry ci and prose .
