tractive force

[ˈtræktɪv fɔrs][ˈtræktiv fɔ:s]


  • A Mathematical Model for Study the Tractive Force of Screws on Saturated Clay Soil

    螺旋 滚筒在粘土上 推进 的研究

  • Objective : To experimentally study the effect of cervical traction with different tractive force to the intracervical nucleus pulposus pressure .

    目的:探讨不同 牵引 对颈椎髓核内压力的影响。

  • The engine of the vehicle or an additional electric motor could be used as a source of external tractive force .

    可用车辆发动机或一个附加电机作为一外加 牵引 力矩源。

  • Tow-to-sliver break spinning engine tractive force

    丝束牵切成条纺纱法发动机 牵引 机车 牵引

  • A Study of Tractive Force Brane Power and Adhesive Force

    牵引 、制动力和粘着力浅析关于触头推斥电动力

  • For highly cohesive sediment the critical tractive force becomes less significant .

    对于高粘性泥沙,临界 推移 就成为不重要的。

  • With the development of heavy load and high speed trains longitudinal tractive force and impact load acting on the diesel locomotives increase a lot .

    随着我国列车在重载、高速方向不断 取得 突破,内燃机车车辆的纵向 牵引 及承受的冲击载荷也大幅度增加。

  • The Way to Raise Tractive Force of Heavy Haul Trains from the Viewpoint of Wheel-Rail Adhesion

    从轮轨粘着原理谈提高重载列车 牵引 的途径

  • To achieve better orthopedic effect it was better to increase the value of tractive force .

    临床上 选择 值时,为达到更好的 上颌牵引矫形治疗效果,可增加 牵引

  • Tractive Force on Guang Shen Qulasi High Speed Line

    广深准高速铁路 牵引 动力的若干问题

  • In order to study the appraising indices of the construction machinery efficiency the largest tractive force the largest tractive power and the power per machine weight are taken as the united appraising indices of the machine 's technical efficiency and economic results .

    为了研究和确定工程机械效益评价指标,评析了机器的最大 牵引 、最大牵引功率和单位机重功率等指标,确定了技术经济综合效益评价指标作为评价机器技术经济水平的优化指标。

  • Transmission is one of the key parts of automobile driving system . Its main function is to change torque and rotational speed from engine and to meet the requirements of tractive force .

    变速箱是汽车传动系中最主要的部件之一,它的主要功用是改变发动机的扭矩和转速,使之适应 车辆 瞬态 牵引 要求。

  • Performance analysis are based on tractive efficiency drawbar force tractor power slippage rolling resistance ploughing power and pure productivity rotary cultivating power and pure productivity ;

    根据所 测定 牵引效率、牵引 、牵引功率、滑转率、滚动阻力、犁耕功率及其纯生产率,旋耕功率及其纯生产率进行了性能分析;

  • Tractive force chart Road vehicles & Semi trailer fifth wheel mounting

    牵引 力图-汽车的 GB/T13880-1992半挂 牵引牵引座的安装

  • The problems of how to raise tractive force of heavy haul trains are comprehensively discussed particularly from the viewpoint of wheel-rail adhesion .

    本文着重从轮轨粘着方面,对怎样提高重载列车 牵引 问题作了综合探讨。

  • The definition of the train simulation system is presented . The mathematic model of train running state which describes the relationships among distance speed acceleration and time is given by calculating the tractive force the running resistance and the braking resistance .

    介绍了列车仿真系统的定义,通过计算机车 牵引 、列车运行阻力及列车的制动阻力得出了列车运行中距离、速度、加速度与时间的关系,即列车运行状态的数学模型。

  • It is shown by simulation and analysis that the dynamic load transfer from acceleration can be effectively reduced with the active suspension and it is a good way to reduce decreasing of tractive force for a front-wheel-drive vehicle .

    模拟分析表明,利用主动悬架系统可以有效地降低 前轴 驱动汽车由于质量转移而引起的车轮动载荷的改变,是解决加速过程中驱动 下降的一个比较有效的方法。

  • Interative algorithm is used to calculate the tire deformation and sinkage tractive force rolling resistance torque tractive coefficient tractive efficiency under different soft terrains .

    采用迭代算法,对弹性轮胎在不同松软地表上的轮胎变形、下陷,轮胎的 牵引 、滚动阻力、扭矩、牵引因数、牵引效率进行了计算。

  • The power of culture appears as bondage comprehension regulation and tractive force .

    文化 主要表现为粘合力、理解力、规范 牵引

  • In order to resolve the problem of a front-wheel-drive vehicle that load transfer from acceleration results in decreasing of the tractive force the solution to apply the active suspension to reduce dynamic load transfer is presented and the control system is designed .

    针对前轴驱动汽车加速过程中质量转移而使最大 驱动 下降的问题,提出了利用主动悬架系统减小汽车车轮动态载荷对其进行改善的方法,并进行了控制系统的设计。

  • Dynamometer for measuring compression of tractive force

    功率计,测量 牵引 压力用

  • The distribution of erosion and deposition at a cross-section is determined by the effective tractive force criterion .

    冲淤沿断面的横向分布是根据有效 曳力的原则分配的。

  • Conclusion : When the tractive force is 1 / 7 of patient 's weight the therapeutic effect is the best and the improvement of blood supply of basilar vertebra artery is the most apparent .

    结论: 伸力在体重的1/7时,临床疗效最好且椎基底动脉供血情况改善最明显。

  • Tractive force design of tracked robot based on skip-steering model

    基于滑动操作模型的履带机器人 驱动 设计

  • Through the drive axle housing the tractive force 、 braking force and lateral force act on the wheel transfer to the suspension system 、 frame or carriage .

    作用在驱动车轮上的 牵引 、制动力和侧向力, 也是经过桥壳传到悬挂及车架或者车厢上。

  • A New Equipment for Measuring the Braking Torque of Farm Vehicle A Study of Tractive Force Brane Power and Adhesive Force

    一种新型便携式农用车车轮制动力测量仪研制 牵引 、制动力和粘着力浅析

  • The horizontal and vertical forces of multiwheels torque on driving axle and tractive force are all measured by this equipment .

    实测了在多轮脚作用下土壤对轮脚的垂直反力和水平反力以及驱动轮 牵引 和施加在轮轴上的扭矩;

  • Flexible lining shall be designed according to the method of allowable tractive force .

    应根据允许 引力方法设计柔性衬里。

  • Many formulas appeared in literature since DuBoys ( 1879 ) presented his tractive force relation .

    自杜波阿(1879)提出他的 拖曳 关系式以来,文献中已经出现了许多公式。