tracking servo

[ˈtrækɪŋ ˈsɚvo][ˈtrækiŋ ˈsə:vəu]


  • Frequency characteristic test and model identification for O-E tracking servo system

    光电 跟踪 伺服系统的频率特性测试与模型辨识

  • Considering the features of stabilized platform on the ground and onboard ships a new type of precise tracking servo control system was designed for both ocean and land use .

    针对陆地和船体上稳定平台的特点,设计并研制了一种新型精密海陆 伺服 跟踪控制系统。

  • This paper introduced the production of error signal principle and specification of DVD player tracking servo researched the parameters adjustment completely with the purpose application in the commercializing of DVD product .

    本文介绍了DVD播放器 循迹 伺服的误差信号产生, 控制原理及特性要求,以实际应用为目的全面探索了循迹 伺服的参数调整方法,据此使DVD播放器产品达到了商品化。

  • The high ability of opto-electronic tracking servo system to tracking and acquiring fast moving targets is required along with the rapid enhancement of target speed and acceleration .

    随着被测目标速度和加速度的提高,对光电 跟踪 伺服系统的快速捕获能力也提出了越来越高的要求。

  • The Features Analyses and Structure Design of the Tracking Servo System for Optical Disk Drives

    光盘机两级道 跟踪 伺服系统的特性分析和结构设计

  • This paper studies the ship-carried photoelectric tracking servo control system algorithms and software design .

    本文主要研究的是,舰载光电 跟踪 伺服控制系统的算法和软件设计。

  • Analysis of crosstalk between radial tilt error and tracking error in tracking servo of high density digital versatile disk

    高密度光盘循 伺服中盘片径向倾斜的影响分析

  • The two different processes are respectively : reverse process with time delay tracking servo of DVD system .

    这两类过程是:时滞反向响应过程和DVD循 伺服系统。

  • Moreover the apparatus and method continuously apply the same tracking servo operation to an entire area of the same high-density read-only optical disc or rewritable optical disc .

    另外,该设备和方法连续应用相同的 跟踪 伺服操作到相同的高密度只读光盘或可重写光盘的整个区域。

  • In order to improve tracking precision of traditional PID control system without system dynamic performance degradation a high-order control method is brought forward to design the II-order tracking servo system for the theodolite .

    为了在不影响系统动态特性的基础上提高传统PID控制的跟踪精度,提出采用高型控制方法设计Ⅱ型经纬仪 跟踪 伺服系统。

  • So the scale gene self-tuning two-dimensional fuzzy controller is applied to opto-electronic tracking servo system .

    本文设计了一种比例因子自调整二维模糊控制器加入到光电 跟踪 伺服系统中。

  • The key factor of improving the ability of opto-electronic tracking servo system to fast acquisition is to reduce adjust time and overshoot .

    快速 捕获能力提高的关键就是减小调节时间和降低超调。

  • A dynamic III type control method to improve the tracking precision for the optoelectronic tracking servo system

    一种提高 跟踪精度的动态积分控制方法

  • Full Digital Antenna Tracking Servo System Based on Embedded Computer PC / 104

    基于PC/104嵌入式计算机控制的全数字高精度天线 跟踪 伺服系统

  • According to the characteristics of the theodolite tracking servo system a high-degree-mode dynamic control method is adopted to adjust the dynamic tracking and it decides the addition and reduction of integral according to whether the product of error and error ratio is positive or negative .

    根据经纬仪 跟踪 伺服系统的特点,采用动态高型控制方法进行动态跟踪调节,通过计算某时刻误差和误差变化率乘积的正负来确定积分环节的增减。

  • And then electro-optical tracking servo control system structure tracking manners described in detail given the composition of the various links of the system mathematical model .

    然后对光电 跟踪 伺服控制系统的结构、跟踪方式进行详细介绍,给出了系统组成中各个环节的数学模型。

  • Characteristics of sampled format optical disk are analysed briefly the influence of different wobble flags on the tracking error signal is discussed and a wobble flag structure capable of obtaining the maximum tracking servo signal gain is put forward .

    本文简要分析了采样伺服光盘的特点,讨论了不同摆结构对径向误差信号的影响,从而提出了能获得最大 跟踪 伺服信号增益的摆结构。

  • Reflectance is important parameters in optical disc quality control . Radial variation of reflectance influences stability of tracking servo during disc playback .

    反射率是评价光盘质量的重要性能参数,严重影响可写光盘的 伺服、读取性能。

  • Tracking Servo plays a great role in DVD player reading data from the optical discs steady and accurately .

    循迹 伺服对于DVD播放器稳定准确从光盘上读出起着重要作用。

  • Research on Tracking Servo System of Airborne Electro-optical Stabilized Platform

    机载光电稳定平台 跟踪 伺服系统研究

  • The principle constitution design characteristic and realization of full digital antenna tracking servo system based on embedded computer PC / 104 are analyzed in the thesis .

    介绍了基于PC/104嵌入式计算机控制的全数字天线 跟踪 伺服系统,详细分析了系统的原理、构成、设计特点和功能实现。

  • Research interests include nonlinear control adaptive control visual tracking and servo magnetic levitated system control mechatronics robotics theory and applications automation scheduling of production system home automation and e-commerce .

    敝人研究领域包括非线性控制、适应控制、影像 追踪 伺服、磁浮系统控制、机电整合、机器人理论与应用、生产系统自动化与排程,家庭自动化、与电子商务。

  • O-E tracking servo system simulation platform for the development and application of

    光电 跟踪 伺服系统仿真平台开发与应用

  • Simulation of Fuzzy PID Controls in Light Source Tracking Servo - system

    光源 跟踪 伺服系统模糊PID制的仿真研究

  • At present there are many ways to improve the precision of the photoelectric tracking servo system such as the classical control theory and the modern control theory .

    目前提高光电 跟踪 伺服系统精度的办法很多,有古典控制理论,也有现代控制理论。

  • DVD Tracking Servo Research

    DVD播放 循迹 伺服研究

  • Development and Test of a Tracking Servo System

    跟踪 伺服系统的工程研制及检测

  • A Research on the Tracking Servo System of Moving Satellite Signal

    移动卫星信号 跟踪 伺服系统的研究

  • This thesis mainly studies the ultra-low speed tracking and servo system : system composition servo motor design steering control electronics and control software design .

    本文主要研究了超低速 跟踪 伺服系统的组成方案、伺服电机的选型设计、系统硬件控制电路设计和系统控制软件设计。

  • The paper analyzes the principle of components of magneto optical disk driver focusing and tracking servo system then designs and realizes a DSP based digital servo control system .

    分析了磁光盘驱动器聚焦与 数字 伺服系统各组成部分的原理,并设计和实现了一套基于DSP的数字伺服控制系统。