abbr.tape 带telephonetelephony 电话terminal processor 终端处理机teleprocessing 远程(信息)处理

  • For example an MQT can be created on one or more tables that uses MDC and TP .

    例如,可以在一个或多个使用MDC和 TP的表上创建MQT。

  • Consequently TP supports attaching and detaching a data partition from the TP table .

    因此, TP支持为TP表附加和卸除数据分区。

  • Removal Efficiency of TP and COD of Waters by Caisson Microecology Control System

    沉床微生态控制体对水体 TP及COD的去除率研究

  • TP will only benefit those queries that include the table partitioning key column .


  • The TP in the wastewater samples from sewage treatment plant was determined by household electric pressure cooker digestion method .

    采用家用电压力锅消解污水处理厂水样,测定 总磷

  • Conclusion : The use of TP chemotherapy combined with thermotherapy can increase effect in the treatment of advanced NSCLC .

    结论: TP方案局部热疗联合可提高单纯化疗治疗中晚期非小细胞肺癌的疗效。

  • Determining the distribution key for DPF is not affected by whether or not MDC and TP are also being used .

    是否使用MDC和 TP对于决定DPF的分布键没有影响。

  • TP supports partitioning a table into data partitions along a single dimension .


  • The preferred ion precipitation technology for extracting tea polyphenols ( TP ) was investigated and the ingredients of the product were analyzed with high performance liquid Chromatography .

    探讨了离子沉淀法提取茶 多酚的最佳工艺条件,并运用高效液相色谱对茶多酚产品进行了成分分析。

  • My son and I are going on a trip tp Beijing .

    我儿子和我将去北京旅行。 珍妮 丹尼可以一起去吗?

  • Simultaneous HPLC determination of the main active ingredients EGCG and ECG of TP in rat plasma

    HPLC法同时测定大鼠血浆 中茶 多酚主要活性成分EGCG和ECG

  • Meanwhile efforts should be made to improve the removal of TN and TP .

    但总氮和 总磷的去除效果还有待进一步提高。

  • We are truly sorry tp inform you about the results of your test .

    我们真的非常 遗憾地通知你的测验结果。

  • The MDC granularity can be finer-grain than the TP data partition size .

    MDC的粒度可以比 TP数据库分区更细一些。

  • The same DPF remedies apply regardless of whether TP is also used .

    不管有没有同时使用 TP,DPF之前的补救方法仍然适用。

  • Each TP partition is a separate database object ( unlike other tables which are a single database object ) .

    每个 TP分区是一个单独的数据库对象(不同于其他作为单个数据库对象的表)。

  • The paper shows the application of TP and PLC in agricultural products Automated High-rise Storage Control sys-tem .

    本文介绍了基于触摸 和PLC的农产品自动化立体仓库控制系统。

  • The impact of environmental factors on cod tn tp release from sediment

    环境因子对底泥释放COD、TN和 TP的影响研究

  • For example an MQT can be partitioned using MDC or TP .

    例如,可以使用MDC或 TP对MQT分区。

  • The results showed that the removal rate of TN and TP increase with the increase of wastewater concentration .

    结果表明,TN、 TP的去除率随污水浓度升高而升高,水培液中TN、 TP浓度随污水浓度升高而降低。

  • TP reagent had significant influence on detecting magnesium because it contented the high concentration of cupric sulfate .

    可能 TP试剂因含高浓度硫酸铜,对镁测定有正干扰。

  • You 'd think that by now I 'd learn how tp budget my time better .

    你们一定以为我现在应该 学会更好地分配时间了。

  • Therefore we currently maintain'Neutral'rating with TP of HK $ 9.76 .

    因此,我们维持中国铝业( 02600HK)“中性”评级和9.76港元目标价。

  • Quality control of Tremella polysaccharides ( TP ) has been studied with high-performance gel permeation chromatography ( HPGPC ) .

    目的采用高效凝胶渗透色谱法( HPGPC)对银耳多糖质量控制进行了方法学研究。

  • Experimental Study on TP and Heavy Metals of Waste Leachate Adsorbed by Fly Ash

    粉煤灰吸附垃圾渗沥液中 TP和重金属的试验研究

  • Referring the sewage quality that inlet to the lake the removal rate of COD TN TP NH3-N was determined and the seasonal alternation effect on purifying was analyzed .

    实验参照排入西安市兴庆湖的混合污水水质,测定了化学需氧量、总氮、 总磷、氨氮的去除率,并分析了季节变化对净化效果的影响。

  • TP cannot be used to rectify a poor MDC design .


  • The recent development and modification methods of the bismaleimide resin toughened with thermoplastic resin were reviewed in this paper .

    综述了热塑性树脂( TP)对 双马来酰亚胺树脂(BMI)的改性方法及研究进展。

  • The growth of influent C / N and C / P inhibited the proliferation of the activated sludge by decreasing the influent TN and TP concentration and thereby inhibited the phosphorus release and uptake rates .

    C/N和C/P的增长使系统进水TN、 TP浓度降低,对活性污泥的增殖有抑制作用,进而使厌氧释磷速率和好氧吸磷速率降低。