trace analysis

[tres əˈnælɪsɪs][treis əˈnæləsis]


  • When analyzing a transaction trace it is usually necessary to follow multiple threads which adds some complexity to the trace analysis .

    分析事务跟踪信息时,通常有必要分析多个线程,而这将增加 跟踪 分析的复杂性。

  • The principle of liquid membrane technology and its application in pharmaceutical chemical engineering extraction of rare metal trace analysis and treatment of waste water are discussed in detail .

    详细介绍了固定化细胞的制备方法、 载体 特性、反应特性,探讨了固定化技术在废水处理中的应用现状,并指出了固定化细胞技术的发展方向。

  • When carrying out trace analysis septum problems are especially troublesome .

    在进行 痕量 分析时,密封垫所引起的问题更加突出。

  • Progress in Research and Application of Trace Analysis Methods for Vanadium

    钒的 痕量 分析方法与应用的研究进展

  • Last proposed correct methods of detecting and deducting margin value and standards of evaluating trace analysis data .

    提出了检测和扣除空白值的正确方法及评价 痕量 分析数据的准则。

  • To provided the theoretical basis for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of pesticides and the trace analysis .

    为农药的定性与定量分析以及 痕量 分析提供了理论依据。

  • Study on Fractionation Effects in Superalloy Trace Analysis by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

    高温合金 痕量 分析中激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱的分馏效应机理研究

  • It is suitable for the trace analysis of volatile and semi volatile organic compounds in food environment and biologic samples .

    适用于食品、境、物样品中挥发性及半挥发性有机物的 痕量 分析

  • Trace analysis of tellurium with 32 references has been reviewed in this p a p er .

    本文对碲的 微量 分析研究进展进行综述,相关文献32篇。

  • Study on the Trace Analysis and Speciation Analysis of Metal Elements in Environmental and Biological System

    环境和生物体金属元素的 痕量 分析及形态分析研究

  • Trace Analysis of Propadiene and Propyne in Polymerization Grade Propylene by Gas Chromatography

    聚合级丙烯中 痕量丙二烯和丙炔的气相色谱 分析

  • Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for the Trace Analysis of Rare Earth Elements and Their Speciation ; Sythesis of Novel Sorbents and Applications in Separation and Preconcentration of Trace Ions

    等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)/ 痕量稀土成份及形态 分析研究新型吸附材料的合成及其对痕量金属离子的富集分离研究

  • Trace Analysis on Behavior of Accident Position for Meishan Multiple Arch Dam in 1962

    梅山连拱坝1962年事故部位性态的 跟踪 分析

  • Trace analysis microanalysis surface analysis are emphasized in this field .

    微量 分析、微区分析、表面分析是此领域中的重点。

  • As a trace analysis method it is infiltrated in diverse areas .

    作为一种 痕量 分析方法,它已经渗透到 分析化学的各个领域。

  • Imaginary seismogram is obtained by Hilbert transform and three instantaneous information is obtained by complex seismic trace analysis method in this paper .

    复地震 分析又称三瞬 分析,该分析方法可将反映地震信号局部变化情况的地震波的瞬时振幅、瞬时相位和瞬时频率等信息分离开。

  • We will also trace analysis rays to the detectors to obtain the irradiance distribution at various points in the optical system .

    我们还将 跟踪 分析射线探测器获得光学系统中的各点照度分布。

  • The Use of Criminal Psychological Trace Analysis in the Investigation of Serial Homicide Cases

    犯罪心理 痕迹 分析在系列杀人案件侦查中的运用

  • In the trace analysis detection limit isan important concept .

    痕量 分析中,检出限是一个重要的概念。

  • Nanoparticle-based Bio-barcode Method for Trace Analysis of Dioxin-like Chemicals

    纳米金生物条形码技术检测 痕量二恶英类化合物

  • Analytical method was developed for the trace analysis of taxanes in crude extraction and identification of the antitumor agent paclitaxel .

    建立了一套利用反相高效液相色谱和大气压化学电离质谱联用技术 分析红豆杉提取物中 微量紫杉烷类化合物的方法。

  • So it is a great significance to establish the trace analysis determination technology of melamine and heavy metal ions .

    因此,对三聚氰胺、重金属离子建立 痕量检测水平 分析有着很大的必要性和重要性。

  • The determination of P in water was improved . The results met the demands of trace analysis .

    对中国城镇供水协会推荐的水中总磷测定方法进行了改进,重现性、回收率及 质控 样品 测定结果均符合 微量 分析要求。

  • Trace Analysis on Bike Driving State in Traffic Accidents

    基于交通事故 痕迹的自行车行驶状态 分析

  • The columns with thin liquid-film and fit for gradient load with high efficiency suitable for trace analysis were prepared .

    并制备了适合于 痕量 分析的液膜和高效负荷梯度柱。

  • The trace analysis of arsenic in oil cracking gas phase products by cold atomic fluorescence method

    石油裂解气相产物中 痕量砷的冷原子荧光分析

  • Oscillographic chronopotentiometric determination is a kind of direct or indirect determination method for microanalysis or trace analysis based on the incision depth or peak height on oscillogram .

    示波测定就是利用示波图上切口深度或峰高进行微量乃至于 痕量 物质直接或间接测定的方法。

  • Homology Modeling and Evolution Trace Analysis of Human Adenovirus Type 3 Hexon

    人3型腺病毒六邻体蛋白同源建模及其进化 轨迹 分析

  • High Accuracy Chromatographic Signal Sampling Card for Trace Analysis

    用于 痕量 分析的高精度色谱数据采集卡

  • Preparation of Bensulfuron-methyl Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and Application in the Trace Analysis

    苄嘧磺隆分子印迹聚合物的合成及在 痕量 分析中的应用