

n.导管,螺旋纹管气管,导管,螺旋纹管( trachea的名词复数 )

  • The spiracles are guarded by bristles which aid in filtering dust and other foreign matter from the air before it enters the tracheae .

    气门由 刚毛保护,这种叫毛在空气进入气门以前,帮助过滤空气中的灰尘和其他异物。

  • METHODS : Isolated guinea pig tracheae were used .

    方法:采用豚鼠 气管 离体 实验

  • After implanted in the SD rat 's body for 12 weeks the acellular tracheae matrix showed compatibility with surrounding tissue and maintained ideal architecture with out local inflammation .

    植入体内12周后与周围组织相容较好, 未见 明显 管腔 塌陷及炎性反应。

  • The tracheae inner surface was also observed by scanning electron microscope .

    扫描电镜下观察 气管 表面结构。

  • Structure of the tracheae intima of the black cutworm Agrotis Ypsilon

    小地老虎 气管内膜的构造

  • The tracheae of the larvae of Argidae ( Hymenoptera ) function as lungs .

    膜翅目叶蜂科幼虫的 气管具有肺功能。

  • Objective : To obtain the acellular matrix from tracheae of rabbits and Sprague-Dawley ( SD ) rats acted as tubular scaffold for salivary gland organoid tissue engineering study .

    目的:制作脱细胞 气管 基质,为组织工程化人工涎腺样组织的体外构建研究提供 天然 衍生 生物导管支架材料。

  • This article reported on the use value of chest coronary CT enhancement scanning in 17 cases . The results obtained in 16 of the cases were as good as those achieved by routine tomography . The scanning can fully show tracheae and the main bronchus .

    对17例胸部冠状面CT增强扫描的应用价值作了介绍,其中16例获得良好结果,与常规体层摄影相似,能 使 气管、主支气管完整地显示。

  • The parameters were obtained by fitting the experimental data to the computational results of the pressure-volume relation of tracheae .

    由拟合 气管p-V关系的实验数据和计算结果得到了 肌肉 材料参数。

  • Conclusion : Acellular tracheae ACT made by our laboratory could be used as scaffold in the study of tissue engineering artificial salivary gland organoid .

    结论:脱细胞 气管 基质 材料是一 细胞 生物 相容良好的支架材料,可用于组织工程化涎腺样组织体外构建的实验研究。

  • Effects of As_2O_3 MNNG and B ( a ) P on Epithelia of Human Fetal Tracheae and Rat Tracheae in Organ Culture

    As2O3、 MNNG和B(a)P对人胎儿及大鼠气管上皮的 致癌 病变作用

  • OBJECTIVE : To study the tachyphylaxis after pseudo ephedrine and ephedrine crossly used on isolated guinea pig tracheae .

    目的:研究交叉应用伪麻黄碱和麻黄碱后,豚鼠 气管 的快速耐受 作用