trace flow

[tres flo][treis fləu]


  • Determination of Trace Phenols in Water by Flow Injection Analysis with Resin Preconcentration

    在线树脂富集 流动注射法测定水中 痕量

  • AAS Determination of Trace Selenium with Flow Injection Hydride Generation and On-line Reduction

    痕量硒的 流动注射、在线还原、氢化物发生原子吸收测定法

  • This procedure analyzes the trace collected so far and produces a readable trace flow report .

    该过程分析到目前为止收集到的跟踪,并产生一个可读的 跟踪 报告。

  • ~ ( 123 ) I-IMP was used to trace cerebral blood flow ( CBF ) .

    用~(123)I-IMP 示踪血流

  • Determination of trace antimony in copper alloys by flow injection on-line ion-exchange separation and enrichment-hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry

    流动注射在线离子交换分离富集-氢化物发生原子荧光光谱法测定铜合金中 痕量

  • At first applications are more difficult to debug because the extra binding layer makes it harder to trace the flow of data between controls and domain objects .

    首先,应用程序更难调试,因为附加的绑定层使 追踪控件与域对象之间的数据 流变得更难。

  • Trace simulation of Stokes flow in rectangular cavities

    矩形腔内Stokes 流动混合过程 追踪模拟

  • Aerodynamic parameters of the two cascades are measured by a five-hole probe at different positions and ink trace flow visualization is conducted on blade surfaces .

    在不同位置采用五孔探针测量了两种叶栅的气动参数并在叶片表面做了 墨迹 流动显示。

  • It is common practice with many message developers to add traces nodes in the line of execution of message flows in order to be able to trace message processing within the message flow .

    为了能够 跟踪消息流中的消息处理,许多消息开发人员的常用做法是在消息 执行线中添加跟踪节点。

  • Determination of trace arsenic by flow injection-hydride generation-ICP-AES

    流动注射-氢化物发生-ICP-AES法检测 痕量的砷

  • Trace marker of hot fluid flow and their geological implications a case study of Yinggehai Basin

    流体 活动 示踪标志及其地质意义&以莺歌海盆地为例

  • Trace markers of thermal fluid flow in ying & qiong basin and their directional significance of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation

    莺&琼盆地热 流体 活动 示踪标志及其油气运聚指向意义

  • The mass balance experiment shows that it is feasible to recover trace metals by cross flow ultrafiltration experiment .

    利用质量平衡实验验证了切向 超滤实验对 痕量金属回收的可行性;

  • Also we discuss on how to keep the trace of system executing flow using the Nucleus OS as an example .

    同时,还结合Nucleus操作系统分析了如何实现对系统执行 流程 跟踪

  • InfoSphere Warehouse forwards error messages that occur in your annotator code to the trace of the executed analytic flow .

    InfoSphereWarehouse将在注释器代码中发生的错误消息转发到执行分析 跟踪中。

  • In order to improve the precision and practicability of dynamic verification for Java mobile code the exception handling procedure is analyzed and an approach is presented to trace and record the information flow caused by the exception handling in Java bytecode .

    为提高Java移动代码动态安全验证的准确性和实用性,通过分析Java字节码中异常处理的方式与流程,提出了 追踪、记录异常处理中信息 的方法。

  • Determination of Trace Thiourea by Flow Injection Spectrophotometry

    流动注射光度分析法测定 痕量硫脲

  • Rapid Alkaline Degradation Determination of Trace Chlorotetracycline by Flow Injection Fluorimetry

    流动注射碱性降解荧光法快速测定 微量金霉素

  • You can use the trace engine to produce data flow and historical data for any type of problem either in the Java runtime itself or in the application code being run on it .

    可以使用 跟踪引擎为Java运行时本身或其中运行的应用程序代码中的任何问题生成数据 或历史数据。

  • The following tracing mechanism helps you to trace the complete flow of control and data .

    以下跟踪机制有助于您 跟踪完整的控制和数据 流程

  • All patients were re-examed by color Doppler scan 3 months postoperatively to be identified the trace or blood flow of external jugular vein .

    术后3月用彩色 多普勒检测颈外静脉 踪迹

  • On-line Column Preconcentration and Determination of Trace Elements by Flow Injection-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry

    流动注射在线柱预富集-电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱测定 痕量金属元素

  • Aimed at solving the problem that determination of germanium in standard of China has shortcoming a analytical method for the determination of trace germanium in coal by flow injection-ion exchange separation - 4 spectrophotometry was studied .

    针对国家标准测定煤中锗存在的缺点,研究了 流动注射-离子交换分离-二溴邻硝基苯基荧光酮光度法测定煤中 含量的分析方法。

  • Determination of trace antimony in water samples by flow injection / coupled chemiluminescence reaction

    流动注射无机偶合化学发光测定水样中 痕量

  • A updated method with high sensitivity system of Cd (ⅱ) - potassium iodide-ethyl violet was established which can determine trace cadmium in seawater by flow injection analysis . And the optimum condition was got .

    建立了在Cd(Ⅱ)-碘化钾-乙基紫高灵敏度显色体系下,采用 流动注射分析技术测定海水中 痕量镉的新方法,并确定了该方法的最佳条件。

  • There is clear evidence that link travel time estimation based on data-fusion is more precise than that based on single detector . Furthermore data fusion model can better trace the change in traffic flow state and possess the advantages of the estimation model based on probe vehicle data .

    研究表明,基于数据融合的路段行程时间估计要优于单检测器估计精度,能够更好地 跟踪交通 状态变化引起的行程时间波动。

  • The Determination of Trace Iodide by Reverse Flow Injection Catalytic-Kinetic Spectrophotometry

    用反相 流动注射催化动力学光度法测定 微量 元素

  • It was advanced that trace moisture absorption could change the flow types and give the lubrication to the samples .

    并提出 微量吸湿改变其 流动类型和产生润滑作用的观点。

  • This can be compared with the trace from the first example message flow ( WholeFile . msgflow ) .

    可以将此 跟踪输出与第一个示例消息 WholeFile.msgflow)产生的跟踪做一下比较。

  • Determination of Trace Amounts of Copper by Flow Injection Vapor Generation AAS

    流动注射蒸气发生原子吸收光谱测定 痕量