trace function

[tres ˈfʌŋkʃən][treis ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • In recent years the trace function as a linear transform from an extension victor space to its basic victor space has been comprehensively employed to do researches concerning the algebra construction of finite field and the property of sequences .

    近年来, 函数作为一种从扩域向量空间到其基础域向量空间的线性变换,被广泛用于研究有限域的代数结构及序列密码的性质。

  • Coarse-grained trace is to follow down running trace of function sequence be monitored on function-level . It will record execution station of each function be monitored and calling sequence of functions be monitored when the functions execute .

    粗粒度跟踪是从 函数级层次跟踪被监测 函数序列的运行 轨迹,它记录了每一个被监测函数执行时的状态以及被监测函数的调用序列。

  • Effect of Fuzheng Jianpi Recipe on Content of Trace Element and Immune Function in Children with Spleen Deficiency Anorexia

    扶正健脾方对脾虚厌食症患儿 微量元素含量及免疫 功能的影响

  • Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and prospect of Fuzheng Jianpi Recipe ( FZJPR ) in treating children ′ s Spleen deficiency anorexia ( CSDA ) by means of observing its effect on trace element content and immune function .

    目的:评价扶正健脾方治疗脾虚厌食症患儿 微量元素含量、免疫 功能的变化、疗效及应用前景。

  • Further study on the relation between trace element and life function should be one of most important field for the development of cetacean nutritional chemistry and ecological toxicology .

    更深入地研究各组织、器官 微量元素与生命 机能的关系,应该是鲸类动物 微量 元素的营养化学和生态毒理学发展的重要方向之一。

  • Study on the relationship between trace elements and liver function HBeAg in patients with chronic active hepatitis B

    乙型慢性活动性肝炎血清 微量元素与 肝功和HBeAg关系的研究

  • The probe element represents any trace point in the function other than an entry or an exit trace point .

    probe元素代表 函数中的任意 跟踪点,除了入口和退出跟踪点。

  • The actual trace starts from the function being executed when the trace was started ; a program that has hung during execution should show you the function the program is waiting to complete .

    实际的 跟踪跟踪启动时执行的 函数开始;对于在执行期间挂起的程序,跟踪应该会显示程序正在等待的函数。

  • Zinc is an important trace element for organ function and its concentration is much higher in the brain .

    锌是人体内重要的 微量元素,在大脑组织 含量较高。

  • The utility model has the functions of switching operation electric potential operation data direct operation etc. and can realize trace function by externally connecting an integrated amplifier .

    它具有开关操作、电位操作和数据直接操作等功能,如外接一个综合放大器,可实现 跟踪 功能

  • When the job finished must turn off the trace log function .

    当备份任务结束后,要关闭该 跟踪日志 功能

  • The provider also has a special identifier the PID provider which is used to identify any running program and can be used to trace any function within a running program .

    提供者还有一个特殊的标识符,PID;这用来标识正在运行的任何程序,可以用它 跟踪正在运行的程序中的任何 函数

  • You can use db2trc to extensively trace function and data flows as well as for troubleshooting any problems that you are investigating .

    您可以使用db2trc广泛 跟踪 功能和数据流,并排除您正在调查的任何问题。

  • Study on Dietary Intake of Trace Elements and Cognitive Function in Some Sichuan Rural Elderly

    四川省部分农村老年人群膳食 微量元素摄入量与认知 能力 关系研究

  • On the basis of this experimental system four kinds of typical load characteristics were simulated . TRACE the online monitoring function in the BR Automation studio software was used to acquire the corresponding experimental curves .

    在此基础上,对恒转矩、风机泵类和恒功率3类典型负载特性及三角波负载特性进行了模拟,利用BRAutomationStudio编程软件的 TRACE在线监视 功能得到了相应的实验曲线。

  • Effect of Trace Element Se on Immune Function of Broiler

    微量元素硒对肉鸡免疫 功能的影响

  • Constructing Bent Sequences by Trace Function


  • In order to understand the relation between trace elements and immunological function in infant patients with pulmonitis contents of Zn Cu in hair and immunoglobin were determined for 96 cases of infant patients with pulmonitis and compared with 96 cases of healthy children .

    为了解肺炎患儿 微量元素与免疫 功能的关系,测定了96名肺炎患儿的发锌、铜和免疫球蛋白,并以96名健康儿为对照组。

  • The trace element has an important function for the growth of cultivated Rheum .

    微量元素对于种植青海大黄的生长发育有着重要 作用

  • Effects of trace elements on human normal immunity function are very important .

    微量元素对正常免疫 功能的维持具有重要作用。

  • Information contained in this output includes process thread and node number as well as trace point numbers function names trace record types and in some cases probe numbers .

    该输出中的信息包括进程、线程、节点号,以及 跟踪点号、 函数名、跟踪记录类型,在某些情况下还包括探测号。

  • Catalytic discoloring spectrophotometric determination of trace iron ⅲ with sensitized function of microemulsion

    微乳液增敏催化 褪色光度法测定 痕量铁的研究

  • A DB2 trace captures all traceable internal DB2 function calls and are an invaluable tool to investigate application problems involving DB2 .

    DB2 跟踪捕获所有可跟踪的内部DB2 函数调用,可以用来诊断涉及DB2的应用程序问题。

  • By initiating the values of vector description for a primitive element all finite field elements could be generated by continue cyclic shifting GMW sequences then could be generated by trace function calculation .

    通过预置本原元向量表达的初始值,不断的进行向量循环移位来生成有限域中的元素。生成有限域中所有元素后,即可按 函数计算出GMW序列。

  • The method creatively solved many difficult problems in the traditional design such as varying proportion of the valve rocker and displacement in higher pair constraint by using Create Trace Spline a function of ADAMS and adding assistant components .

    通过使用ADAMS的Create TraceSpline 功能和增加辅助构件的方法,解决配气凸轮设计中的变摇臂比和高副约束位移等问题;

  • You can then follow each step of the trace click on the Show function arguments and Show lexical variables links under any section of the trace to help debug the issue .

    然后,您可以按照 追踪的每一步骤,单击每一段追踪信息下方的Show functionarguments和Showlexicalvariables链接来帮助调试。

  • This same plug-in also supplies a trace route function that can tell you which queue managers a message flows through .

    这个插件也支持 跟踪路由 功能,可以告诉您消息经过了哪些队列管理器。

  • In order to study effects of trace element Se on immune function of broiler 21-day-old broilers were experimented and randomly divided into two groups .

    为了探讨 微量元素硒对肉鸡免疫 功能的影响,选用20只1日龄的三黄雏鸡随机分为两组,对其中一组进行了35天的饮水补硒的试验。

  • This paper generalizes this inequality to generalized trace function . proves inequality ( 2 ) .

    将这个不等式推广到了广义 函数的情形,证明了不等式(2)。