


  • The secondary changes of the bladder such as cystic trabeculation and diverticulum were also demonstrated .

    膀胱 的继发改变有膀胱 形成 真性 假性憩室。

  • Result : After all animals were treated for3 month Trabeculation of bone around the implants of immediate implantion and delayed implantion was similar .

    结果:3个月后,实验组与对照组种植体周围骨 形成及纤维组织 增生相近。

  • A morphometric study of ventricular trabeculation in chick embryo

    鸡胚心室 形成的形态计量研究

  • This led to obstruction with bladder hypertrophy as evidenced by the prominent trabeculation of the bladder wall seen here from the mucosal surface .

    膀胱壁粘膜表面明显的 形成 可以看出阻塞使膀胱肥大。

  • Obstruction from nodular prostatic hyperplasia has led to prominent trabeculation seen on the mucosal surface of this bladder with hypertrophy .

    结节性前列腺增生引起的阻塞 显著的 形成在过度增生的膀胱粘膜表面见到。

  • Coarse trabeculation ; an automated method for the two-dimensional analysis of bone structure in trabecular bone

    显著的骨 梁粗疏;骨小梁二维结构的自动分析