trace primitive

[tres ˈprɪmɪtɪv][treis ˈprimitiv]

[医] 原痕(胚)

  • Trace Representation of Primitive σ - LFSR Sequences and Its Application

    本原σ-LFSR序列的 表示及其应用

  • Study carefully its origin can roughly trace back to primitive human era . But the concept of informal group is put forward by modern management educational circles correspondent to formal group .

    究其起源,大致可 追溯原始人类的时代,而非正式群体这一概念却是现代管理学界相对应于正式群体提出来的。

  • It is the origin of all kinds of human spiritual activities such as the religion sacrifices literature art etc. which can trace back to primitive myth .

    它是人类各种精神活动的起源,如宗教、祭祀、文学、艺术等,都可以 追溯远古神话。

  • It 's possible to trace the roots of fan psychology to a primitive time when warriors fighting to protect their tribes were the true representatives of their race .

    这种球迷心理的根源也许可以 追溯原始时期,那时,为保护部落而战的武士是其种族的真正的代表。

  • Geochemical features of REEs and trace elements reveal that the basalts were formed during the initial stage of rifting and the primitive magmas might be derived from upper mantle and the porphyritic crystals might be crystallized in a crustal magma chamber 16.5 km beneath the earth surface .

    稀土元素和 微量元素的地球化学特征表明岩石为裂谷初期玄武岩。 初步推断 原始岩浆来源于上地幔,斑晶可能于16.5km深处的次生壳层岩浆房结晶。

  • Its first sprout can trace back to the altar and the temple of the gods in primitive society .

    它最初的萌芽可以 追溯原始社会时期的祭坛、神庙。

  • Fine-grained trace in the Integration Test Client will allow you to see the inputs and outputs to each XSL Transformation primitive in the mediation flow .

    IntegrationTestClient中的细粒度的 跟踪将允许您查看中介流中每个XSLTransformation 原语的输入和输出。