


  • Theoretical Study on Reaction Mechanism of Traceless Staudinger Ligation

    施陶 丁格连接反应机理的理论研究

  • The pre-moistened cloths can be applied for both lenses and camera bodies and are non-smearing and residue free . ANALYSIS OF TRACELESS INFLAMMABLE RESIDUE IN EVIDENCE SAMPLES REMAINED AT FIRE SCENE (ⅱ);

    湿巾可适用于镜头和照相机身的清洁,无擦拭痕迹和残留物。 火场残留 痕迹燃烧物的物证分析(Ⅱ)

  • Like a drop of water from the point of a needle disappearing into the ocean my days are dripping into the stream of time soundless traceless .

    我的日子 缓缓汇入了时间的河流,就像针尖上的一滴水消失在 无垠的大海, 无声无息无影无踪

  • A new-designed traceless clamping system is introduced in this article .

    介绍了自行设计、研制的一种 装夹系统。

  • Analysis of traceless inflammable residue in evidence samples remained at fire scene (ⅱ);

    火场残留 痕迹燃烧物的物证分析(Ⅱ)

  • The traceless Staudinger ligation of azides and phosphines is an effective method to produce an amide bond .

    叠氮化合物和膦硫酯的 施陶 丁格连接反应是一种有效生成酰胺键的方法。

  • The electronic cash is anonymous and traceless .

    发行的电子现金具有匿名 跟踪

  • The general static plane-symmetric metric yielded by static plane-symmetric scalar fields with traceless energy-momentum tensor has been found . The conformal property symmetries and singularities are investigated .

    求出了具有 能量动量张量的静态平面对称标量场产生的静态平面对称度规的通解,并讨论了这种度规的共形性质,对称性和奇异性等。