Shall I touch up your hair today ?
要不要今天给您 把头发修一修?
I must touch up the chipped paint on my car .
我必须 修补 一下我汽车上的油漆脱落处。
He remembers the time a customer brought in a 1960 's Japanese robot and asked Lee to touch up the paint .
他说他依然记得曾有一位客人带来一个1960年代的日本机器人请他 上漆。
I 'll call you as soon as I 'm ready for a touch up .
等我准备好 补妆时再叫你。
Still rumors that Apple plans to release a new device with a screen size between an iPad and an iPod touch have cropped up on occasion .
另外,还有关于苹果计划发布尺寸介于iPad平板电脑和 iPod音乐播放器之间的新设备的传言也零星 出现。
A Touch & up of Arts by birth Witchcraft
生育巫术对艺术的 点染
Could you touch up my eyes ?
你能 修饰 一下我的眼睛吗?
And famously Turner used the time not to touch up his work but often to paint entire canvases almost from scratch .
透纳出名的是,他不是用这个时间来 润色,而是经常几乎从头画起。
It makes the commodity value decide and surpass the relation among the department insides themselves as well as touch up the relation among the department and department .
广义价值论将分工与交换内生于价值决定过程中,使商品价值决定超出了部门内部,还 涉及 到 了部门之间的关系。
I would prefer they will make sample hub after this touch up .
我希望他们改进过以后能够做出轮 芯样品。
I 'm going to touch up those scratches with a bit of paint .
我要用点儿颜料 修补那些划痕。
He carries a multicolored cosmetics pouch so he can touch up in public bathrooms throughout the day .
他随身带着一个彩妆包,这样他可以 随时在公共卫生间里 补妆。
He is ready to go through her notes and touch them up here and there .
他准备看看她的稿子,帮助在这儿那儿 修改 提高 一下。
The de la Maza post on human touch sums up as follows
delaMaza发布的关于人类 接触的文章可以 总结为
This the reunion of a couple after they lose touch or break up .
“ 破镜重圆”这个成语比喻夫妻失散或分离后重新团聚。
CHIPPED PAINT : Remove chips and rust before you touch up with paint . Nicks and scratches spread eating up body ( trade-in value too ) .
落漆: 上漆前应除净漆屑和铁锈。裂痕与刮伤易延伸,侵蚀车身(也影响汽车折价)。
Unlike organic coatings small damage area need no touch up .
故此锌层不像其他有机涂层需要 修补。
The auther holds that it is creative work to revise touch up and make out the original manuscripts of writings of news and other contributions .
本文作者认为,对新闻作品原稿以及其他稿件的修改、 加工和制作过程,是一项创造性劳动;
He asked the teacher to touch up his picture .
他请老师把他的画 修改 提高 一下。
We going to make another appointment touch up the roots ja ?
我们另外约个时间,将头发根部 润色,是吧?
The writer was asked to touch up the story for publication .
他们请这位作家把写好的故事 润色 一下,以便出版。
Sight and sound and touch are bound up with our own bodies and cannot be made impersonal .
我们的视觉、听觉和 触觉是和身体连在 一起的,不可能不受个人感情的影响。
With Carlos Tevez back home in Argentina following a family bereavement and Wayne Rooney some way short of full fitness the Red Devils lacked a killer touch up front .
特维斯因为亲人去世回到阿根廷,鲁尼还没有完全恢复健康, 红魔 前场十分缺少攻击火力。
No one would want an author to walk away from authentic evidence to touch up or romanticize Mary Lincoln 's portrait .
谁也不会要求一位作家不顾确实可靠的证据,把 玛丽·林肯的形象加以 美化或使之富有浪漫传奇 色彩。
Touch up the paint before you try and sell the house .
在卖出之前,先给房子 补补油漆。
I 've had a few frustrating seasons but I always try my best to come back strongly and touch wood up to now I 've been fine .
我有几个赛季很 郁闷,但我一直试着有最好的表现,现在就很好。
As soon as they receive the texts they will touch up their pink lip gloss fling themselves into taxis and head to wherever the prince is .
一旦接到短信,她们 立刻涂 上唇彩,坐上出租车,奔向任何王子所在的场所。
She claimed that he had tried to touch her up .
她声称他企图 骚扰她。
The wood-work is done but there are a few places he has to touch up .
这件木制品已经做好,但还有几处需要 修饰 修饰。
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