trade show

[treid ʃo][treid ʃəu]


  • An informal chat at a trade show is neither professional nor desirable .

    贸易 展览会上的非正式的聊天既不专业也不会令人满意。

  • Betty asks Joanna questions about setting up the H & T booth at a trade show .

    贝蒂向乔安娜询问起一些关于在 贸易 展会上设立H&T公司展位的问题。

  • The Bangkok trade show is offering really good deals on booth space .

    曼谷的 在摊位方面提供了不错的价格。

  • Sony plans to announce other free games at the E3 trade show in Los Angeles in June .

    索尼还计划在今年六月的洛杉矶E3 展会上继续推出其它免费游戏。

  • And of course its latest handsets and tablets that it is showing at the trade show .

    当然,华为也拿出了正在 上亮相的最新款手机和平板电脑。

  • Next year will see the premiere of the new trade show IndustrialGreenTec .


  • As experts in trade show design we understand the home market and customer 's requirement .

    作为 本土 展览 首屈一指的制作工厂,我们更加了解国内市场,了解客户的需求!

  • The association is best known for its annual convention and trade show in Toronto known as the PDAC ( formerly the P & D ) .

    联合会因每年在多伦多举行年会和 贸易 而最为闻名,简称PDAC和此前P&D。

  • That much was evident last month when the world 's leading sellers of electronic surveillance technology gathered in Prague at the ISS World trade show .

    这一点在上个月表现得非常明显。其时,世界顶尖的电子监控技术销售商云集布拉格,参加情报支持系统世界(ISSWorld) 贸易

  • Meet a few sources for coffee do some man-on-the-street interviews or go cover a trade show .

    喝点咖啡,在街上做一些随机的采访或者参加一个 贸易

  • Sophie and Andre are tracking down new suppliers for their company at a computer trade show in Shanghai .

    索菲和 安德列正在上海的一个计算机 展示会上为公司物色新供货商。

  • What if the customer is with me but we 're at a trade show or outdoor market ?

    如果客户是我的,但我们是在 贸易 展会或露天市场?

  • Before I returned to the trade show I stopped at a florist . I bought a rose and put it in the lapel of my jacket .

    在返回 交易 的路上,我在花店停了一下,买了朵玫瑰别在夹克的翻领上。

  • What 's your opinion on exhibitor visitor media and trade show this edition ?

    您对于本届 展会上的展商、观众、媒体及 展览硬件有何评价?

  • Ernst : Because the International Toy Fair is the world 's best trade show for the industry !

    由于纽伦堡玩具博览会是世界上最好的玩具行业 贸易

  • The Frankfurt Book Fair is an important international trade fair am also trade show for people working in book publishing .

    法兰克福书展对在图书出版 工作的人来说是一个重要的国际 展销会。

  • The US Department of Commerce affiliated International Trade Administration has organized US Virtual Trade Show or Electronics Show .

    美国商务部下属的国际贸易署组织了美国虚拟 贸易 展览或电子博览会。

  • At a trade show T-shirts ties baseball caps or a pin may be appropriate mementos .

    商业 展览上,赠送T恤衫、领带、棒球帽或者一个大头针最合适做纪念品了。

  • Computex for example is now the world 's second largest technology trade show .


  • The trade show newsletters give Lectra the opportunity to present the extent of its new solutions and technological innovations .

    贸易 展会给了力克展示其所有新技术和科技创新的机会。

  • Huawei once again brought one of the largest delegations to the Barcelona trade show .

    华为再一次派出了规模庞大的代表团,来参加此次在巴塞罗那举行的 行业 展会

  • This contest officially launched last week at the consumer electronics trade show ces .

    三录仪竞赛于上周在拉斯维加斯国际电子消费 (CES)上正式启动。

  • For years Apple announced major products at the Macworld trade show .

    苹果过去曾多次在IDGWorldExpo举办的Mac 世界(Macworld) 展销会上发布重磅产品。

  • Yesterday in2011 China ( Shenyang ) third animation video game trade show to see the image appear on the screen and video game consoles .

    昨日,在2011中国(沈阳)第三届动漫电玩 博览会上,能看到这些在荧幕上出现的形象和电玩电玩。

  • The facility and design of the trade show are great .


  • We are looking forward from seeing you again especially in the next event : French Wines Trade Show .

    我期待着下次和您们 相会,可能在我们的下个活动:法国产区联合葡萄酒。