transaction services

[trænˈsækʃən /ˈsɜːvɪsis/][trænˈzækʃən /ˈsɜːvɪsis/]


  • A Transaction Model for Web Services : Architecture Algorithms and Transaction Compensation

    一个Web 服务 事务 处理模型:结构、算法和事务补偿

  • An increasing number of Chinese companies have been asking foreign trading partners to accept renminbi as payment said Carmen Ling Hong Kong head of global transaction services at Citi .

    花旗环球企业及 金融 交易 服务香港主管凌嘉敏(CarmenLing)介绍说,近期有越来越多中国企业要求外国贸易伙伴接受人民币支付。

  • At present the income of third-party payment comes mainly from costs of transaction services .

    目前,第三方支付的收入主要是 交易 服务费。

  • Other status data ( such as transaction rates for DataPower services ) are segmented by application domain and may be further segmented by XML-Manager or DataPower service .

    其他状态数据(如DataPower 服务 事务率)是按应用程序域划分的,并且可进一步通过XML-Manager或DataPower服务划分。

  • This system provides service management modules to define create remove and run services . This module also supports persistence management and transaction management for services .

    这个系统以服务为基础,提供了服务管理模块,对服务的定义,创建,注销和运行进行管理,并提供了对 服务持久化和 事务管理的支持。

  • The global transaction services unit which moves cash around the globe on behalf of companies and governments was also in line to receive more investment Citi said .

    花旗表示,代表企业和政府在全球范围内调拨现金的全球 交易 服务部门,也将获得更多投资。

  • It is for instance behind Citigroup in cash management and other transaction services for multinationals & a boring but lucrative business .

    跨国企业的现金管理和其它“ 交易 服务”看似单调但是利润丰厚,这类业务花旗集团就更胜小摩一筹。

  • To ensure an overall interoperable data transaction using Web services SOAP messages have to be taken into consideration as well .

    为了通过使用Web 服务确保数据 事务总体可互操作,还必须考虑SOAP消息。

  • We also provide distributed management for the transaction services being used by Spring Beans / applications .

    我们还提供了对SpringBeans和应用所使用的 事务 服务的分布式管理。

  • Ernst & Young is a global leader in professional services providing audit tax and transaction advisory services to our clients .

    安永是全球领先的专业 服务公司,提供审计、税务及 企业财务等服务。

  • Using 2 PC to Ensure Transaction of Web Services

    用两阶段提交 协议保证WEB 服务 事务

  • For an example of a poll of an application metric consider the dpStatusHTTPTransactions2Table table which contains the transaction rates for all services in a domain over various time intervals .

    以应用程序指标的轮询为例,考虑一下dpStatusHTTPTransactions2Table表,它包含一个域中各时间间隔的所有 服务 事务率。

  • This inter-operability of WS-AtomicTransaction across transaction services and programming languages was shown at a recent Web services demo hosted by IBM and Microsoft .

    在近来的一个由IBM和Microsoft主办的Web服务演示上,展示了WS-AtomicTransaction的这个跨 事务 服务和编程语言的互操作性。

  • The Spring AOP module provides transaction management services for objects in any Spring-based application .

    SpringAOP模块为基于Spring的应用程序中的对象提供了 事务管理 服务

  • The company is one of several expected to deliver secure transaction services on mobile devices in2011 according to a report in the January issue of EE Times Confidential .

    根据《电子工程专辑》美国版一月刊的机密报告显示,苹果公司是2011年在移动设备上提供安全的 交易 服务最受期待的厂商之一。

  • Thus the process description itself will not explicitly utilize the coordination and transaction services outlined within the specifications .

    因此,流程描述本身将不会显式利用规范中列出的协调和 事务 服务

  • We have explained the basic layout of how the coordination and transaction system in Web services work .

    我们已经解释了Web 服务中协调和 事务系统如何工作的基本情况。

  • On atomic transaction protocol of Web services based on polyadic π - calculus

    基于多元π演算的Web 服务原子 事务协议研究

  • A subsistence farmer may have overheads but he needs few transaction services .

    自给自足的农民可能也有经营成本,但他需要的 交易 服务很少。

  • For example if you had a human task followed by two service invocations you can use a single transaction for the two services .

    例如,如果您有一个包含两个服务调用的人员任务,您可以为这两个 服务使用一个 事务

  • He has been involved in several working groups charted to define a Transaction Protocol for Web Services including BTP WS-CAF and WS-TX.

    他是好几个工作组的成员,这些工作组试图为Web 服务定义一个 事务协议,比如BTP,WS-CAF和WS-TX。

  • E-commerce is a kind of mean the transaction of products or services is objective .

    电子商务是手段, 交易的产品或者 服务是目的。

  • The Research and Application on Transaction Processing in Web Services

    Web Services 事务性研究和运用

  • The transaction in web services may go through a few hours or several enterprises and it has great difference with that in the traditional transaction processing systems .

    事务在Web 服务中可能跨几个小时,跨多个企业,与传统事务处理系统有很大的差别。

  • TransactionService : Defines transaction context within services allowing for clean data operations when multiple tasks are operating at the same time .

    TransactionService:在 服务中定义 事务上下文,允许在同时操作多项任务时清除数据操作。

  • The resources that I 've listed below should give you enough of a background into the work that is being done with reliable messaging conditional messaging and transaction support in Web services .

    下面我所列出的参考资料将给您研究Web 服务中可靠的的消息传递、有条件的消息传递以及 事务支持提供充足的背景资料。

  • The hottest area of expansion is also tellingly the dullest : transaction services .

    最适宜扩张的领域也包括了 交易 服务,很有效但是最沉闷无趣。

  • JTA is the J2EE solution to transaction services .

    JTA是 事务 服务的J2EE解决方案。

  • Transaction for Web Services is one of the key technologies to provide the ability of coordinating short-lived and long-lived transactions .

    Web 服务 事务 处理必须提供协调短 事务和长事务的能力。

  • Transaction services provide error recovery for both short running and long running processes .

    事务 服务为短期运行和长期运行过程提供错误恢复。