transaction restart

[trænˈsækʃən riˈstɑrt][trænˈzækʃən ri:ˈstɑ:t]


  • We proposed an Alert-on-Update transaction restart mechanism . In this mechanism after the transaction commit it will release the occupied resource and alert the enemy transaction to restart and execute .

    本文提出了基于即时通知的 事务 重启机制,在事务完成提交或者放弃以后释放占有的资源并通知和它竞争同一资源的竞争事务重启。

  • Second a new method called dynamic adjustment of execution order which can reduce the number of transaction restarts and minimize the miss ratio of RTDBSs is proposed to resolve unnecessary restart problem .

    提出了动态调整执行顺序方法来避免不必要的 重启,减少重启 事务的个数,降低系统错失率。

  • The transaction co-ordinator will restart .

    这个 事务 处理协调器将 重新 启动

  • Transaction logging will of course improve reliability and restart time .

    当然, 事务日志能够提高可靠性和 缩短 重启时间。

  • If a change has occurred the transaction must restart with a new SELECT in order to retrieve the current data .

    如果发生了一处修改, 事务必须 重新 执行新的SELECT来检索当前数据。

  • If the transaction load was heavy at the time the partial site failure occurred it can take several minutes to restart the instances and the databases affected .

    如果在发生部分站点故障时 事务负载很重,要花几分钟才能重新 启动受影响的实例和数据库。