trade-off analysis

[ˈtredˌɔf əˈnælɪsɪs][ˈtreɪdˌɔ:f əˈnæləsis]


  • Then in the subsequent second chapter describes a variety of SC-FDMA implementation method and the trade-off of resource allocation in LTE project . Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of both localized and distributed mode . Pave the way for the research of localized resource allocation in subsequent chapters .

    第二章中介绍了LTE项目中多种SC-FDMA实现方法和资源分配方式的 取舍分析了集中式(Localized)和分布式(Distributed)的优劣,为后续章节研究集中式资源分配的调度算法做好铺垫。

  • However certain regulatory requirements affecting the participating business functions led us to do an architectural trade-off analysis that ruled out the virtual-server option .

    但是,某些影响参与的业务职能部门的法规要求导致我们执行了一次架构 权衡 分析,排除了虚拟服务器选项。

  • Trade-Off Analysis for Vague Requirement with Inconsistency

    模糊不一致需求的 折衷 分析

  • This paper not only introduces the theory of extension method and matter-element but demonstrates trade-off analysis between efficiency and cost by means of extension theory .

    介绍可拓学及物元理论,提出用可拓工程方法对武器装备效能-费用进行 权衡 分析

  • Demonstration team should consist of qualified system analysts who know overall knowledge of equipment . Based on discussion of the trade-off analysis and the relationship between demonstration and decision it is proposed that one 's scientific analyzing ability should be enhanced in the process of comprehensive demonstration .

    论证队伍中应培养掌握总体知识的系统分析员等观点,最后对论证中的 权衡 分析以及论证与决策的关系进行了阐述,指出应提高论证综合过程中的科学思辨能力。

  • The Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method ( ATAM ) is a technique for evaluating software architecture the ATAM not only can evaluate specific architecture quality and attributes but also allows enginee-ring tradeoffs to be made among possibly conflicting system quality goals .

    软件结构 权衡 分析方法(ATAM)是一种评估软件结构的技术,它不仅用于软件系统的结构的特性评估,还能在有质量冲突体系中做出折衷。

  • Risk management and trade-off analysis .

    风险管理和 权衡 分析

  • After this research we determine characters of product-warranty system and study on policy of product warranty and develop the product warranty cost models and trade-off in many factors and make an analysis .

    在研究分析时首先应明确产品保证系统特性并研究适用的产品保证策略,其后根据产品保证成本模型,开展产品保证 时间 成本 分析工作。

  • Interspersed throughout this part of the corresponding rational theory of intellectual property rights as a theoretical guide draw a reasonable trade-off analysis of necessary component of regulation about applying to Doctrine of equivalent .

    整个部分始终穿插了相应的知识产权合理性理论作为理论指引, 分析 取舍得出了合理 构建等同原则适用制度的必要组成部分。