traditional commodities

[经] 传统商品

  • Tea is one of the important agricultural products and traditional export commodities in China .

    茶叶是中国的重要农产品之一,也是我国 传统 大宗出口 商品

  • However the traditional network selling enterprises or network selling platforms can only cover a small portion of products sold on the network . If the buyers want to buy satisfying commodities they have to browse a mass of websites .

    然而, 传统的网络销售企业或者平台仅能涵盖一小部分在网络上出售的产品,买家如果想要买到称心如意的 商品,需要浏览大量的网站。

  • A ruling strategy distinct from traditional societies adopted by the modern capitalist countries is to predominate people 's consciousness through marketing and commodities .

    现代资本主义社会采取了与 传统社会完全不同的统治策略:通过市场和 商品,控制人们的意识。

  • In this design direction of e-commerce shopping website in the traditional mode of integration and based on small commodities trading realizing the function of SMS messages automation of all marketing .

    在电子商务方向本设计在 传统网站购物模式的基础上融合和小额 商品短信交易功能,实现了全天候、自动化的短信营销。

  • In the traditional society Jiujiang was not only one of the local administrative centers in Jiangxi Province but also an important commodities exchange center of the ( Yangtze ) River basin .

    近代 开埠通商以前,九江不仅是江西的地方行政中心之一,同时也是长江流域重要的 货物调剂中心;

  • First of all it should be adjusted zealously commercial export structure spreaded further export for mechanism and electron quickened updating traditional commodities such as weave dress and light business araised rate to new high technology outputs and magnified agricultural produce export .

    首先要积极调整出口商品结构,进一步扩大机电产品出口,加快纺织、服装、轻工等 传统出口 商品升级换代,提高高新技术产品的出口比重,扩大农产品出口。

  • As the global trade in processed and perishable food grows faster than that for traditional commodities there appears every likelihood that standards rather than tariffs will be the greater barrier to such goods ' unimpeded journey around the world economy .

    随着经过加工和容易腐烂食品的全球贸易增长速度超过 传统 大宗 商品,标准而非关税似乎极有可能成为阻碍这些产品在全球经济中顺畅流动的更大壁垒。

  • In the future there are both traditional model of commodities interflow and new model of commodities interflow in our society .

    未来社会上会出现 传统 商贸流通模式和新型的商贸流通模式并存的局面。

  • The emerging of and the traditional methods for financing in the international commodity trading are briefly introduced with special references to the new methods for financing in the international trading of non ferrous metals commodities .

    简要概述了国际商品贸易融资的产生及其 传统的融资方法,特别介绍了有色金属 商品贸易的新的融资方法。

  • On the instead of new factors to traditional factors and starting point of three elements in the process of forming commodities we construct a basic model of horizontal industry .

    基于新生产要素对 传统 生产要素主导地位的替代,以 商品形成过程的三个元素为逻辑起点,我们建构了一个基本的横向产业模型。

  • Affected by traditional customs and international gold market sales of commodities as a store of value like gold silver and jewelry has increased markedly .

    传统习俗及国际黄金市场影响,金银珠宝类投资保值 商品销售保持高速增长。

  • Has changed the traditional pattern of circulation of commodities reducing the intermediate links producers and consumers can deal directly .

    改变了 传统 商品流通模式,减少了中间环节,生产者和消费者可以直接交易。

  • This traditional virtue plays a leading role on stabling the society and accelerating the circulation of commodities in the long feudal society . So far this virtue has a strategic significance on constructing the harmonious society and realizing the national rapid development .

    这一 美德在漫长的封建社会起到了稳固社会、加速 商品流通的作用;这一美德传承到今天,对我们构建和谐社会,实现民族腾飞具有重要的战略意义。

  • To date silk products have been China 's traditional export commodities to earn foreign exchange exported to more than 130 countries and regions so they have an important position in China 's foreign trade .

    到了近现代,丝绸更成为中国 传统的出口创汇 商品,出口至130多个国家和地区,在中国对外贸易中具有十分重要的地位。

  • They held steady their allocations to equities compared with bonds a traditional haven and slightly increased their bets on commodities and emerging market stocks both plays on an economic upturn .

    传统上被视作“避险天堂”的债券相比,他们在股票上的配置比例维持稳定,并略微增加了在 大宗 商品和新兴市场股票上的下注两者都处于经济上升周期。

  • The economic function of education providing high-quality labor force so as to enhance national economic competitiveness has put into shade the traditional social function of education and education has demonstrated more attributes of commodities .

    教育的经济功能,即为社会提供高素质劳动力从而提高国家经济竞争力,使 传统的教育的社会功能与之相比黯然失色,教育的 商品属性得到彰显。

  • Because of the backward technology and infrastructure of the interflow of commodities the shortage of management qualified personnel and the influence of traditional interflow of commodities system the development of our chain enterprise is seriously restricted .

    由于物流技术及物流基础设施落后,物流管理人才短缺。加之受 传统 物流体制的影响,严重制约了我国连锁企业的发展。

  • Compared with developing traditional commodities promoting the consumption level of information products and information service can better drive the national economic and cultivation development .

    传统 物质 商品相比,提升我国信息产品和信息服务的消费水平更能带动我国的经济发展,促进国民素质的提升。

  • Third a host of complex new financial products have been derived from traditional bonds equities commodities and foreign exchange .

    第三,大量复杂的新型金融产品从 传统债券、股票、 大宗 商品和外汇中衍生出来。

  • Traditional political economics holds it possible to compare the quantity of use value of different commodities since they insist on the attribute theory .

    传统政治经济学认为不同 物品使用价值量是不可比较的,这是由于他们坚持使用价值属性论,把使用价值与 物品属性等同起来。

  • But if wine prices closely track traditional commodities such as oil buying wine will not reduce overall risk .

    但若葡萄酒价格跟在原油等 传统 商品之后亦步亦趋,买入葡萄酒也无法低多少总风险。

  • From the social psychological level Chinese society who had a team spirit and rational traditional had moved an important step towards the personalized and emotional direction the emotional demand of consumer for commodities grew ever stronger .

    从社会心理层面而言,有着团体精神和理性 传统的中国社会已经朝着个性化、感性化的方向迈出了重要一步,消费者对 商品的感性需求越来越强烈。

  • Because of the particularity of geographic data GIP and their economic value quality are different from the traditional economic commodities .

    由于地理数据、地理信息产品及其生产有其特殊性,与 传统有形的经济 商品有极大的差异,因此表现在经济价值属性方面也有很大的不同。

  • Its rise has bid up the price of Africa 's traditional raw commodities and depressed the price of manufactured goods .

    中国的崛起抬高了非洲 传统材料 商品的价格,但是压低了制成品的价格。

  • Tea is a traditional drink in our country and it is also one of the important export commodities .

    茶是我国人民的一种 传统饮料,也是重要的出口 商品之一。

  • Traditional brand theory believes that quality features of commodities with strong concealment of quality should be collectively expressed and protected through brands .

    传统品牌理论认为质量隐蔽性严重的 商品需要利用品牌进行 产品质量特征的集中表达和保护。