




  • We heard the tramp of marching soldiers .

    我们听见行进中的士兵 发出 沉重 脚步

  • He missed the train and had to tramp it .

    他误了火车,只好 步行

  • At last the tramp faltered out his story .

    流浪 终于吞吞吐吐地讲出自己的故事。

  • I met a tramp and gave him some money on my way home .

    我回家的路上碰到一个 流浪 ,给了他一些钱。

  • They put on their coats and tramped through the falling snow

    他们穿上外套, 拖着 沉重 步子 行走 飞雪中。

  • The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburge with shampoo .

    有轨电车的 脚步声淹没了带有香波的火腿汉堡。

  • He recently decapitated a tramp on the London Underground .

    他最近在伦敦地铁里将一个 流浪 的头砍了下来。

  • The car broke down and we had to tramp all the way home .

    汽车抛了锚,我们 只得一路走回家去。

  • We tramp another Furlong or so and he says that Mrs. A. is a charming woman .

    我们 走了一段路,他说a太太是一个有魅力的女人。

  • It 's gonna be just like lady and the tramp .

    仅仅就象女士和 流浪

  • The tramp was arraigned on a charge of stealing .

    流浪 被指控有盗窃嫌疑而受到传讯。

  • I shall be looking like a tramp by the time I get there .

    到了我到达那里的时候,我的样子会像个 流浪

  • The tramp 's bed was a park bench .

    公园里的长凳就是这个 流浪 的床。

  • The tramp told a cock and bull story about finding the money hidden in a bottle behind a tree in the park .

    流浪 了一个荒诞的故事,说他在公园的一棵树的后面发现了藏在瓶子里面的钱。

  • You silly boy ; why did you tramp about so long in the cold ?

    你这个傻孩子,为什么大冷天 这么大老远的

  • The tramp revile the man who drive him off .

    流浪 辱骂那位赶他走开的人。

  • the tramp of heavy boots .

    厚靴 发出 重重 脚步

  • He took out his wallet and gave five pounds to the tramp .

    他拿出钱包,给了 流浪 5英镑。

  • She spent all day yesterday tramping the streets gathering evidence .

    她昨天一整天都在街上 四处 奔走,搜集证据。

  • If you get on this tramp you will have a cardiovasectomy .

    你要是 上去,你肯定会犯心脏病的。

  • A tramp may ask you for money but he will never ask you to feel sorry for him .

    一个 流浪 也许会向你要钱,但他永远不会要求你对他感到抱歉。

  • Tramp tramp tramp columns of soldiers marched by in perfect step .

    一队队战士 欻地走过去,非常整齐。

  • The tramp produced a stump of candle from his deep pockets .

    流浪 从深口袋里掏出了一截蜡烛。

  • He heard the slow heavy tramp of feet on the stairs .

    他听到楼梯上传来缓慢沉重的 脚步

  • He packed some food for the tramp and giving him a shilling set him on his way .

    他给那个 流浪 一些吃的,一个先令,然后送走了他。

  • The tramp begged food .

    流浪 乞讨食物。

  • He deposed that he had seen a tramp prowling round the farm .

    他证实他看见一个 流浪 在农庄周围徘徊。

  • He is a tramp in shabby old clothes .

    他是个衣衫褴褛的 流浪