trade year

[treid jɪr][treid jə:]


  • With the increasing of trade surplus year by year the dollar has turned main currency which input into China .

    中美之间 逐年增长的 贸易顺差,使得美元成为国际流动性输入我国的主要币种。

  • We had a very favourable international trade balance last year .

    我国 去年有很大的国际 贸易顺差。

  • Like many other industries however wedding photographers were hit hard by the global economic downturn with most businesses losing as much as half their trade last year .

    不过,与许多其它行业一样,婚纱摄影受到了全球经济衰退的沉重打击 去年,大部分公司失去了多达一半的 业务

  • Fujian to vigorously promote Fujian-Taiwan economic and trade cooperation this year Norfolk Island Television Service : f.1987 .

    福建 今年将大力推进闽台 经贸合作诺福克岛电视台:1987年建立。

  • American unfavourable balance of trade increase year by year But it is not so serious as Americans declared .

    近年来美国 贸易逆差 逐年扩大。但 贸易逆差问题远不象美国所说的那么严重。

  • Because of the increasingly frequent economic and trade exchanges of three countries trade increment year by year and industry highly complementary the establishment of a China-Japan-South Korea Free Trade Zone has feasibility .

    中日韩三国经贸往来日益频繁、 贸易逐年增加、产业具高度互补性,建立中日韩自由贸易区具有可行性。

  • As the animal welfare legislations are not perfect China a country that produces the most animals in the world has always been the most losing country in international trade every year .

    由于动物福利立法不健全,作为世界上最大的动物生产大国,我国 每年遭受的国际 贸易损失始终位于全球第一。

  • You can see that by the sort of products shipped through the East China Sea in ever-greater quantities from Japan ever since China led a recovery in world trade last year .

    自从 去年 开始中国引领世界 贸易复苏之后,大家可以看到较之以前更大量的产品穿过中国东海,从日本船运出去。

  • Losses in trade this year were negligible .

    今年 交易损失无足轻重。

  • Four Factors to impact China Foreign Trade this Year

    四大因素影响 今年 外贸

  • Although the information advantage of informed traders is only revealed in the B period in every trade year and it only includes a probable estimation of the future inherent value of stocks this information advantage is enough to let those investors get higher proceeds than others .

    尽管知情交易者的信息优势只体现在每个 交易 年度中的B时期,而且也只是关于未来股票内在价值的一个概率性信息,但这仍足以让其获得超过其他投资者的收益。

  • The scholars have studied deeply on the country fair and village fair trade for ten year .

    近十 来,学者们对乡村集市及集市 贸易进行了进一步的研究。

  • It estimated the extent of growth in global trade this year to be 8.6 % dropping to 6.2 % next year .

    预计 今年全球 贸易增长幅度为百分之八点六,明年降为百分之六点二。

  • For2005 china 's trade volume with these countries and regions was us $ 344.5 billion accounting for one forth of china 's total trade for that year .

    2005年,中国与这些国家和地区的贸易量是 3445亿美元,占中国 贸易总额的四分之一。

  • The country holds an economic and trade exhibition every year .

    这个国家 每年举行一次 经贸展览会。

  • At the same time world trade situation is also getting better according to data released by the World Trade Organization in 2010 the first half of global trade last year grew 25 % .

    与此同时,世界贸易形势也开始变好,根据世界贸易组织公布的数据,2010年上半年全球 贸易去年 同期增长了25%。

  • A WTO report repeated its forecast of a 10 per cent drop in world trade volumes this year the biggest fall in 60 years .

    世贸组织在一份报告中再次预测: 今年全球 贸易量将下降10%。这是60年来的最大降幅。

  • Economically the two countries have carried out pragmatic cooperation and witnessed bilateral trade volume increasing year by year

    在经济上,两国开展了务实合作,双边 贸易年年递增

  • The trade deficit this year reached $ 5 billion .

    今年 贸易逆差达到了50亿美元。

  • After Vietnam joined the World Trade Organization last year foreign investment flooded in-topping $ 20 billion last year .

    在去年加入了世界 贸易组织后,越南吸引了大量外国投资。越南 去年的外来投资金额创下最高记录,达到200亿美元。

  • British officials are facilitating two uk-angola trade missions this year up from one last year and they anticipate three in 2008 .

    今年,英国官员促成了两个英国-安哥拉 贸易代表团(比去年增加了一个),他们预计到2008年将达到3个。

  • Fujian to vigorously promote Fujian-Taiwan economic and trade cooperation this year .

    福建 今年将大力推进闽台 经贸合作。

  • It is of strategic importance to reduce the deficit in foreign trade year by year .

    逐年减少 外贸逆差是个战略性问题。

  • He is seconded to the department of trade for two year .

    他借调到 贸易部工作 两年

  • A quarter of GNP was derived from foreign trade last year compared to 10 % in 1980 .

    去年有四分之一的国民生产总值来自对外 贸易,而1980年 对外 贸易才占10%。

  • Online shopping the most elemental consumption way under the electronic commerce ground has been accepted by more and more consumers and the volume of trade increases year after year .

    网上购物作为电子商务环境下最基本的消费方式,已被越来越多的消费者所接受, 交易逐年增长。

  • Our actual volume of trade each year is much bigger than that of the previous year .

    我们 每年实际完成的 贸易量都远远超过上一年的。

  • The International Monetary Fund also forecasts a decline in the volume of world trade this year .

    国际货币基金组织(imf)同样预测,全球 贸易总量 今年将出现下降。

  • Farmers usually lack the abilities of collecting and analyzing market information and are short in effective organization guide which leads to the increase of trade cost year by year .

    分散农户在农产品交易过程中由于市场信息搜集分析方面的能力较差且缺乏有效的组织引导,导致农户因市场问题引起的 交易成本 逐年上升。

  • Beijing and Taipei concluded a major free trade agreement last year that lowered tariffs on hundreds of items giving a major boost to cross-Strait trade .

    北京和台北 去年签署了一个重大的自由 贸易协议,降低了数百种商品的关税,从而大大的推动了两岸贸易。