trans effect


  • Objective : To observe the clinical effect of compound qingdai tablets all-trans retinoic acid ( ATRA ) and chemotherapy for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia ( APL ) of complete remission .

    目的:观察复方 青黛片、全反式维A酸( All transretinoicacid,ATRA)与化疗 交替治疗缓解后急性早幼粒细胞白血病(acutePromyelocyticleukemia,APL)临床 疗效

  • Results Calf lens epithelial cells trans infected by adenoviral vector containing HSV tk gene were significantly inhibited in vitro by GCV treatment . And the phenomenon of bystander effect was confirmed . By comparison there was no obvious toxin on the cells infected by empty adenoviral vector .

    结果GCV在体外对感染 ADV/HSVtK的牛晶状体上皮细胞有明显的杀伤 作用,且具有旁观者 效应,而对转染了ADV/Empty的细胞则无显著的毒性。

  • Products which occur in the condensation of cellulose with trans aconitic acid were tested and analysed for the extent to which the effect of UV radiation and bleaching agents affected the degree of whiteness and product distribution .

    对纤维素和 丙烯三甲酸缩聚产物进行测试和分析来判断紫外线辐射和漂白剂对白度和产物分布的 影响程度。

  • The novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is moving readers ' hearts of different countries at different ages with its brand - new idea of love value extraordinary amorous experiences and strong female senses so that it has resulted in the trans - century effect .

    夏洛蒂·勃朗特的小说《简·爱》以其崭新的爱情价值理念、异乎寻常的爱情经历和强烈的女性意识,打动了不同国度、不同时代读者的心,因而产生了 世纪的 效应

  • The greatest feature of the trans effect of the subthreshold region of the body the charge carriers from the silicon membrane in vivo transport play a silicon membrane in vivo characteristics of high carrier mobility .

    此器件最大的特点在亚阈值区的体 效应,此时载流子从硅膜体内运输,发挥了硅膜体内载流子迁移率高的特点。

  • This action alone virtually eliminated trans fatty acids and had no effect on quality cost or availability of foods .

    这项规定实质上降低了食品中 脂肪酸的含量而对食品的质量、成本或功效性有 影响