track recovery

[træk rɪˈkʌvəri][træk riˈkʌvəri]


  • Mr Tsuga says Panasonic is already on track for a V-shaped recovery .

    津贺一宏表示,松下已经 上了V字型的 复苏 轨道

  • Leaders of the 27-nation bloc committed themselves to getting the real economy back on track by making the maximum possible use of the single market which is the engine for recovery according to a communiqu é .

    根据会议公报,27个成员国的领导人承诺,将尽可能地利用共同市场,推动实体经济重上 正轨。共同市场是 复苏的引擎。

  • Through the analysis of research I have drawn the following conclusions : 1 . The history of Fujian track and field : the afferent period gradually developing period glorious period the period at low ebb slow recovery times nowadays development period .

    通过分析研究得出以下结论:1.福建 田径经历了:传入时期,逐步发展时期,辉煌时期,低谷时期,缓慢 恢复时期,现今发展时期。

  • But he noted the negative impact was likely to be limited since Japan accounted for only 8 per cent of total Chinese exports the rest of the world was still on track for recovery and Japanese disruption was likely to prove only temporary .

    但他指出,负面影响可能将较为有限,因为日本在中国总出口中仅占8%,而全球其它地区仍处在 复苏 轨道上,日本的中断也很可能只是暂时的。

  • This paper combines the frequency track and phase track method uses the digital COSTAS loop to realize the carrier recovery .

    本文采用频偏估计和相位估计结合的方法,利用数字COSTAS环作为载波 跟踪环来实现载波 恢复

  • The paper sums up rehabilitating methods in track and field training and analyzes the athletes ' performances during fatigue during normal training after rehabilitation after recovery .

    介绍普通 高校 田径代表队训练中所采用的恢复手段和方法,并对运动员在疲劳时期的运动成绩、平时的训练成绩、 恢复后的运动成绩,及最好成绩作了对比分析。

  • Additionally Informix keeps track of the process for a successful recovery even if the system unexpectedly shuts down .

    另外,Informix持续 跟踪此过程以便成功实施 恢复,即便是系统意外关闭。

  • City track traffic high cost long recovery period profit to determine the characteristics of city rail transit countries generally face the shortage of funds and operating loss in two big difficult problems in the city track traffic construction peak of our country facing the same problems .

    城市 轨道交通造价高、 回收期长、盈利难等特点决定了各国城市轨道交通普遍面临资金短缺和运营亏损两大难题,处在城市轨道交通建设高峰期的我国同样面临相同的问题。

  • Today thanks to our concerted efforts we are happy to see that the worst time is now behind us and the world economy is back on the track of slow recovery .

    今天,我们高兴地看到,在国际社会的共同努力下,金融危机最坏时期已经过去,世界经济走上缓慢 复苏 进程

  • Nonetheless it does not change our view that growth is on track for strong recovery in the fourth quarter as it is mostly domestically driven .

    不过,这不会改变我们的看法,我们认为增长 在第四季度强劲 复苏,因为这种增长大部分是国内驱动的。

  • Although the global economic crisis is gradually out of the quagmire and the world economy back on track which is relatively reasonable growth the road of recovery is not smoothly sailing the situation is more complex than ever before .

    虽然全球经济危机目前正逐步走出泥潭,世界经济又回到了相对合理的增长 轨道之上,但是, 复苏的道路却并不一帆风顺,情况的复杂性超过了以往任何时候。

  • A Chinese economy that is on track of sustained and sound growth will inject fresh impetus to global economic recovery and make greater contribution to the common development and prosperity of the Asia Pacific .

    中国经济持续健康发展,将为全球经济 复苏 注入新的动力,为亚太地区共同发展繁荣作出更大贡献。

  • There are two ways for you to use DB2 to track changes and store them in another place for recovery

    您可以通过两种方式来使用DB2 跟踪更改,并将更改储存到其他地方以备 日后 恢复使用

  • In this paper the author analyses the cause of sports injury in the training of track and field and presents therapies and precautions so as to minimize the rate of injury and make a quick recovery .

    分析 田径教学、训练中运动损伤的原因,提出治疗方法及预防措施,其目的是使学生受伤率降到最低,受伤后尽快 恢复

  • As the final carrier of the research-research papers track and field project selection training recovery means the game provides theoretical support but also reflect the level of development of track and field research .

    而作为科研最终的载体&科研论文,能够为 田径运动项目的选材、训练、 恢复手段、比赛等提供理论支持,也能反应田径科研的发展水平。

  • The Apatite fission track analysis the deposition erosion process analysis and the cosmogenic nuclide analysis are introduced as the three new advancing methods on the recovery of the thickness of eroded strata in basin in this paper .

    主要介绍了磷灰石裂变 径迹分析法、沉积波动过程分析法和宇宙成因核素分析法等3种 恢复和计算地层剥蚀量的新方法。