trade agreement

[treid əˈɡrimənt][treid əˈɡri:mənt]


  • We have agreed upon the major points of the compensation trade agreement .

    我们双方已就补偿 贸易 协议的主要条款达成了 一致 意见

  • China and Australia have signed the long-awaited free trade agreement ( FTA ) in Canberra on Wednesday afternoon .

    中国和澳大利亚当地时间17日下午在堪培拉签订了期待已久的《中澳自由 贸易 协定

  • In2000 he negotiated a technological and trade agreement with some European countries .

    2000年他与欧洲几个国家商谈了技术和 贸易 协定

  • That is why President Bush says it is time for Congress to pass a free trade agreement with Colombia .

    因此,美国总统布什指出现在是国会应该通过和哥伦比亚的自由 贸易 协定的时候了。

  • The Japanese export slump comes as EU states consider negotiations with Tokyo on an EU-Japan trade agreement .

    在日本出口暴跌之际,欧盟各国正考虑与日本就签署欧盟-日本 贸易 协定举行谈判。

  • I have voted for every free trade agreement put in front of me .

    对于摆在我面前的每一项自由 贸易 协议,我都投了赞成票。

  • The North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) is an example of a preferential trading arrangement .

    北美自由 贸易 协议(NAFTA)是优惠贸易协议之一个例子。

  • During his visit he will conclude a new trade agreement with India .

    在他访问期间,他将和印度签署一个新的 贸易 协定

  • WTO membership is a prerequisite to a free trade agreement between Ukraine and the EU .

    获得世贸组织成员国身份,是乌克兰与欧盟签订自由 贸易 协定的先决条件。

  • China and the United States concluded entered into w_41 a bilateral trade agreement after long negotiations .

    中美两国通过长期谈判后订立了一项双边 贸易 协定

  • The minister signed a bilateral trade agreement .

    部长签署了一个 双边 协议

  • He negotiated a trade agreement with Brazil .

    他与巴西谈判订立了 贸易 协议

  • European Union foreign ministers say they will no longer block a trade agreement and closer ties with Serbia .

    欧盟外交部长称他们不再阻止与塞尔维亚的 贸易 协定以及更进一步关系的发展。

  • China and Australia have signed a landmark free trade agreement that follows about a decade of negotiations .

    中国和澳大利亚经过大约10年的谈判,签署了一项具有里程碑意义的自由 贸易 协定

  • GATT and GATS are the foundation in which the details concerning the free trade agreement are further developed .

    自由 贸易 协议的细则在关贸总协定和服务贸易总协定的基础上继续发展。

  • Britain and Australia made a bilateral trade agreement .

    英国与澳大利亚 签署了双边 贸易 协定

  • Britain concluded a trade agreement with China .

    英国和中国签署了 贸易 协定

  • Shall we first sign a barter trade agreement stipulating the general terms and conditions ?

    我们先签一个易货 贸易 协议,规定一般性条款,行吗?

  • The government signed a new international trade agreement .

    政府签定了一项新的国际 贸易 协定

  • The president also called on nations to redouble their efforts to negotiate an international trade agreement

    总统还呼吁各国就签订国际 贸易 协定加倍努力进行磋商。

  • They contracted a trade agreement with Japan .

    他们和日本订立了一项 贸易 协定

  • This past week I was proud to sign the Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement .

    过去的一周,我很自豪的签署了美国和多米尼加共和国自由 贸易 协议

  • It is first and foremost a trade agreement

    这首先是一个 贸易 协议

  • A trade agreement was signed today by the US and china .

    美国和中国今日签署了一项 贸易 协定

  • The trade agreement between the two countries will expire next year .

    这两国间的 贸易 协定明年期满。

  • The trade agreement will greatly benefit the developing countries .

    贸易 协定将大大有益于发展中国家。

  • Iceland is one of the few European countries able to sign a trade agreement with China .

    冰岛是欧洲少数几个能够自主与中国签署 贸易 协定的国家。

  • Russia has just drawn up a trade agreement with norway .

    俄国刚刚与挪威草拟了一份 贸易 合约